Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - the pic(s) which are close to my heart

1. 4 Nov 2010 23:10


I'd like to start this topic fot those pics that have not received much appreciation, votes or aknowledgement, yet are close to the heart of its author. Top 5 shows the most popular pics, and comments are a beautiful way to share interest, emotions and thoughts; yet sometimes there are pics that are simply beloved for the soul of people who create them.

I don't want to make a place for grievances or return matches, but it would be interesting to share some unnoticed pics and explain why they are important for their autors.

I'll begin with this one, wich I love much bc of its semplicity, for the tender feeling and for the beautiful Sinatra's song (see the link in the comments):

2. 5 Nov 2010 00:17


I was just thinking about this! Great topic!
I'd love to get close looks into the authors' feelings and discover them here what I've missed.
Thank you Clo for starting this!
And thank you for bringing your 'like the tide'. I was not here at the time but love it so much.

3. 5 Nov 2010 01:08


thanks Hanging! I want to add that the most rated pics are welcomed too, if they are pics the author is expecially fonded to.

4. 5 Nov 2010 04:29


Many of you know that I lost my mother to Breast Cancer just over a year ago now... Durring the time leading up to, and following her death, I drew a few pics just for her. I posted them to share with others that helped me durring my greif & to remind people of the importance of protecting their life & the life of those they love.



5. 5 Nov 2010 04:31


interesting.... yes some of our pics go unnoticed. This happened to yours Clorophilla, I just didn't pay attention to it.
When I drew this pic, at the very beginning, I thought it had a certain beauty but it didn't get any votes or comments. I still think it's not so bad. Gothic is so difficult for me! And I'll tell you a secret..... the new theme, Lunarctics seems of great potential.... but it's still something to be discovered by me..... I STILL CAN'T GET TO DO ANYTHING DIGNIFIED WITH IT. What about you?

6. 5 Nov 2010 04:32


Oh, Matthew, how good that you expressed all you did!!!

7. 5 Nov 2010 06:14


Yes, may be as gothic is difficult x me too, I also tend to pass beyond gothic pics (expecially abstract ones). Your pic is easier to undestand for me now, after I did the Playback. I discovered PB after a while I was on TD, and found that several pics could be better understood with it.

8. 5 Nov 2010 06:17


about new theme... I too feel I have a lot to discover about it. It seems to me "too much" detailed, but I think that L. theme in this is similar to Animals. Just we have to experiment...

9. 7 Nov 2010 13:36


A while back I made this picture of the statues on Easter Island, and I remembered a famous picture advertisement featuring a crying Indian, and knowing that the environment was destroyed by people decided to draw a weeping statue. The islands Polynesia'n name is Rapa Nui.

10. 9 Nov 2010 05:09


It was raining outdoor when I made this one, and so was my feeling at this moment...

Another one like this in the past, when I didn't known that I'll loss my hubby

11. 9 Nov 2010 05:13


Also because of close-up and portraits are hard to me. Thank you clorophilla for this interesting topic...

12. 9 Nov 2010 09:08


Clo, this will be one of the best gallery at TD.
I'm so touched by posted pics already.
Thank you again for starting this.

13. 21 Nov 2010 14:19


14. 21 Nov 2010 14:20


15. 21 Nov 2010 23:54


Cathy, it would be nice and interesting if you want to add some comment for explaining why these pictures are so close to your heart!

16. 25 Nov 2010 16:50


okay the first one was before i knew about the back grounds so i worked VERY hard on it.

the 2nd remiend me of a sky blue pink (from a book called chikerella)

the 3rd was my first with back grounds.

and the 4th was a tricky one

and the 5th, i had to share i've been trying to make a rose and a raindrop my sign