Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Downvoting

1. 27 Sep 2010 11:26


Today, I saw a pic by hjjr called Voodoo. It's excellent and I voted it with my traditional 5 and I saw it already had 2 stars although it had just appeared in the gallery. Seeing that, I decided to mark it as a favorite.
I encourage everybody who feels like this to favorite the pics that we know are VERY GOOD if we see they have been downvoted. This could be like a boomerang to the "downvoter". I know not everybody would agree but..................................Let me know how you feel about this.

2. 27 Sep 2010 11:26


Sorry I think now the pic is called Electric Gypsy.

3. 27 Sep 2010 11:34


I don't understand what is meant by "downvoter" could you please explain?

I have voted on a pic before without leaving a comment... is that

4. 27 Sep 2010 11:53


As far as I understand it, downvoting is giving a 1 (one) to a picture that deserves a VERY GOOD even if it's not one you adore. By giving it a one , the "downvoter" tries to keep it out of the Top 5.

5. 27 Sep 2010 12:23


I agree with you completely we ought all vote (5)...or NOT at all.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to bring to the TD creators the voting scale be altered to voting only kept to a positive experience?

Citing..."If you can't say something nice..shhh say nothing"

The way I see it, not allowing negativity of juvenile actions to interfere with future judging of pics would only be a positive move for TD.

6. 7 Oct 2010 00:26


My feelings are well known, many pictures have been held back with extremely low votes. I understand that the freedom to vote honestly might be beneficial but when that vote is misused for whatever leaves the artist wondering if this is the right forum. I enjoy producing pictures, but I get a lot of joy from reading positive comments and votes. If a picture is not your "cup of tea" then don't vote or comment. An honest opinion is positive even if it is critical of the work, because from that we learn, and appreciate the honesty. A vote born from maybe jealousy or mischief is not appreciated or welcome.

7. 9 Oct 2010 01:50


I thought,awhile back, that I had read somewhere in the forum someone took claim to down voting as some kind of joke. A "catch me if you can" type of scenario. Anyone recall this?

8. 9 Oct 2010 04:17


hiya, bhughes..

Yes, this 'down voting' appeared ages ago (around about December 2008 ?), and those of us that were on TD at the time tried to get ThinkDraw to change the way that pictures, and the Top 5, etc., were rated.

ThinkDraw improved their selection process for Top 5 quite a lot, but apparently didn't want to change the way that ratings are valued or calculated - which continues to leave it free for a misfit to 'downvote' a pic intentionally, or for newbies to downrate a picture unintentionally.

My personal belief has always been that anyone can rate a picture from 1 to 5 - and the total rating for that picture should be a straight accumulation of all the ratings. In this scenario, there can be NO 'downvoting', as every rating is positive - and the pic with the highest ratings will always do best !

Anyone else want to support this KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) concept ?

9. 9 Oct 2010 05:27


This has to be one of the most positive communities there is, on or off the screen. I feel very naive as I hadn't realised there were people spoiling it, except once when there was an obvious adult masquerading as a child using humour unsuitable for the age he(I think) was pretending to be. Now you explain it, a single grade of vote seems appropriate as the lower ones are hardly used anyway. To an extent the spirit appears to be to vote on someone's effort, although quite rightly, the outstanding pictures are the winners. It is a great pleasure to me to look through the showcases at the wonderful pictures, and also the gallery where there are more to be found with underlying messages.

10. 9 Oct 2010 08:27


KISS could be but also YES or nothing, that is 5 or nothing.

11. 9 Oct 2010 08:33


I'm with you on this, marg. Hopefully it would kill off the issue for good.

If I understand you right: a drawing attracts three votes of 5, giving a running total 'score' of 15 ... then, if someone else gives it a 1, for whatever reason, they have simply added to the running total, rather than subtracted, as is currently the case.

It seems a good idea, especially as the down-voting caper seems to persist.

12. 9 Oct 2010 11:31


I never really knew how the votes were tallied. I do vote 5 when I like a pic. The" keeping it simple " sounds like it might correct the down voting prob. did not know that a 1 vote is actually deducted. So what would a" favorite" vote count. Maybe 10 points? I am going to research some possibilities. The range of art on T.D. differs from cute to pretty much pro. in which case the KISS idea seems like it would work. Like myself , I might draw a good one one day and a baaaaaad one the next. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.Right? I am glad there is not a thumbs down vote. LOL. ( I guess that could be mistaken as down voting)

13. 9 Oct 2010 12:53


It's not so much that a 1 vote is deducted but more that the total is averaged. So if I have a pic that has one 5 vote and nothing else then the average is worth 5, but if you have a picture with 25 votes of 5 and one vote of 1 then the average is 4.8. So my pic has way fewer votes and clearly isn't as spectacular as yours but it has a higher average. That's what has bothered people in the past.
How the Favorites are figured into the equation I'm not sure but they are and that seems to make the system work quite well. I'd actually rather they didn't tell us how they tally things because it really does seem to work now and if the pranksters knew how it worked they would inevitably find a way to abuse it.
I'm with you bhughes, I'm glad there is no thumbs down vote. It sure would be nice if there was just a simple thumbs up vote though instead of the 1-5 system.

14. 9 Oct 2010 13:33


wow that does kinda suck. so it is the tally of votes that determine the "TOP FIVE?" Either way I love this site and am happy.

15. 10 Oct 2010 16:07


Glad to hear you Play it Again, Marg! I totally agree - very useful approach.

I know the "favorites" play into it somehow, but have no grasp on the process.

16. 19 Oct 2010 13:02


Perhaps if every vote was logged with the identity of the voter, then people will become more honest in there opinions, remove the anonymity and the problem will go away.

17. 19 Oct 2010 14:12


Wow....two good solutions: KISS (lol, Marg...nice concept) and removing anonymity. Not sure, if the second one would benefit all users, since we should be entitled to have a different opinion without being pointed at, but KISS...who can resist such a positive concept?
Well, seriously thinking...I support the idea 100%. Even when you give a low voting, something must've caught your attention about that pic!

18. 19 Oct 2010 16:44


I totally agree, Marg: the % rating is just not useful. I vote for the KISS system!

19. 19 Oct 2010 18:31


Yep, I'm with Marg on that too (maybe fourth???), KISS voting... love the name too!

20. 26 Oct 2010 06:44


when I joined to TD I think that one star main not bad 5 stars main excellent work but i vote for 5 stars for all pic I like we must explain that for the new & i suggest that 2 rates only one i like this pic and the other i don't like it if any pic take 10 don't like it must remove from the gallery