Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge LXVIII "Embellish"

1. 21 Sep 2010 15:11


If you find a little feather…

I hope this works. And I hope Denee doesn’t mind that I used her drawing.
I, and I think many others, had so much fun with Qsilv’s challenge The Moving Line Moves On, and taking inspiration from clorophilla’s completing the legs of hanging’s Coq, my challenge to you will be to take any picture from the gallery and add to it in your own drawing. It works best to line the drawings up vertically, but they can be put side by side if you like. Also, if you want to use one of your own drawings to embellish, that will be fine too. Here is my example. I know you can do much better. Good luck to you. Sorry, but I will be out of town all next week, so the challenge will end on September 30 at midnight and baton will be passed sometime the next day.
Thanks again 56rosie.

2. 22 Sep 2010 00:09


I love the idea of this challenge! But, I am at a loss of how to line up the pics as you are suggesting.

I like seeing "continuance" of a pic in this fashion but, am still too new at this TD to understand how to view the existing image while working on creating a new one.

Any tips would be SO appreciated!!

3. 22 Sep 2010 02:10

56rosie here goes...HOPE THIS WORKS!! I would like to call this picture duo as my entry: "Moon and Stars"

4. 22 Sep 2010 02:28


Oh, excellent. You don't need any help from me. Good job! I will be happy to help if anyone has problems though. I said that it would work putting pictures side by side, but I don't think that will work at all, unless someone knows better and has a suggestion on how to do it. Thanks 56rosie and keep them coming!

5. 22 Sep 2010 02:38


Oh, I am not the best at the process of drawing the pic as you can see from my result. I meant that I could help post it.

What I do when drawing it is to print the first drawing and just eye the continuation.

Polenta has a suggestion from the Moving Lines Forum that I will post here. I have not tried this, but anxious to do so.

Polenta - If I understand well your question Normal, the fact is, you may open many drawing windows on your desktop, and work on all them; then when you have finished all, you can save them sequencly, so probabily you'll achieve to have them successively-numbered.
The multiple-windows drawing is very useful whan you are drawing composite pics, bc you may dimension the windows and scroll the pic lining it at the edge, and in this way you can line the bordering pics

6. 22 Sep 2010 02:42


well done rosie! You can find all the tips in the topic XLIII -

anyway, it's a matter of using multiple windows, dimensioning them and scrolling for lining the edge of the pic to the edge of the frame.

For me (internet explorer) it work well if you want to proceed bottom-up, b/c the active window has the tool bar on the top and so it's difficult to connect top-down. For horizontal lining, the only way for me is to print and cut and using the cutted paper of the pic on the screen...

I hope I'd successed to explaine a bit.

Great idea Mdawrcn! It's looks to have a lot of fun!!

and we have also the new shocase now, wow!!!

7. 22 Sep 2010 02:59


Oh dear, I am so sorry, I was just coming back to correct my mistake. The directions were given by clorophilla and not polenta. Please forgive my mistake and thanks for your suggestions clorophilla.

8. 22 Sep 2010 04:50


no matter rosie

9. 22 Sep 2010 04:58



10. 22 Sep 2010 06:34


here I am!
hooking up Gimzer's staircase:

11. 22 Sep 2010 06:44


Wow - sooo cool. I love it! Thank you.

12. 22 Sep 2010 11:18


My little man

13. 22 Sep 2010 11:42


He's a beauty, mdawrcn!

14. 22 Sep 2010 13:32


we should all put on a head on mdawcrn's little girl!

15. 22 Sep 2010 13:55


That is soooo great! I am having such a good laugh. I love it. Good job clorophilla!

16. 23 Sep 2010 00:42


It's too fun!
this challenge gives also the chance to go through the gallery and re-discover beautiful old pics!

this is mine + Jshundo

17. 23 Sep 2010 02:39


Hmmm.. Great hair color or Fashion Faux Pas?

body by: Mdawrcn

18. 23 Sep 2010 02:42


Clorophilla you are absolutely right. Mdawrcn this challenge is GREAT FUN! And yes, gives reason to browse once again through the gallery!

19. 23 Sep 2010 04:13


For Hazer "Should I wear this one, Dear?"

I'm assuming that this is her wish?

20. 23 Sep 2010 04:27


Some wonderful additions to my challenge. Clorophilla and 56rosie, I am so glad you are having a good time with this. There are so many great drawings in the gallery, and it was sort of my intention to bring pics "back to life" that haven't been seen for a while or reveal some that may never have been seen by some.

56rosie and clorophilla, I love what you did with my ladies torso, but I hadn't envisioned her as being quite so, how shall I say this, "homely."

And clorophilla, I love the poring wine. Very creative.

Great job on the your lady, Hazer!