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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

9981. 1 Feb 2012 04:30


Baldur had really tried to make a run to the 10,000 maek last night but sleepiness kicked in.

Hazer, I hope you have the best of luck with your knee surgery. A usable, painfree knee joint is a wondrous thing.

9982. 1 Feb 2012 04:32


maek - e + r = mark
Unintentional bad spelling is my curse, when will Baldur ever learn to proofread BEFORE posting his messages?

9983. 1 Feb 2012 04:52


Alexander Selkirk is rescued, 4 years after being shipwrecked. He became the inspiration for Daniel DeFoe's 'Robinson Crusoe' (1709)
The Mayon volcano erupts killing 1200 (1814)
'A to Ant' of the Oxford English Dictionary is published (1884)
Clark Gable is born (1901)
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police begin their duties (1920)
The Greensboro Sit-Ins commence (1960)
Fleetwood Lindley dies (1963)
The Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates on re-entry, killing its crew of 7 (2003)
Janet Jackson has her wardrobe 'malfunction' (2004)

Happy Imbolc

9984. 1 Feb 2012 11:45


Thanks for the Imbolc wishes! That's when I start to think about dismantling the Tree of Light, which is about the dark of the year rather than Christmas. Sometimes it stays until Valentine's Day. This was the white/silver/clear glass year, as opposed to the gold and red one.

9985. 1 Feb 2012 12:01


Eagerly anticipating the upcoming 10,000th post and wondering if Channel Baldur will then self-destruct in a Y2K-like blast of digibites or whatever. Though the actual Y2K was the biggest non-event ever, so perhaps we will just keep on keeping on... right up until the Mayan apocalypse anyway.

9986. 1 Feb 2012 12:47


Now, couldnt resist to make the entry no. 9990, Just have to say, dragon makes me laughing with the "biggest non-event ever. I experienced all the stupid "flurry" they made, mainly in the international companyies Iven been working for at that times. There have been some "clever" IT-executives, claiming a much too high buget for this purpose, because they supposed no one else would be able to make a control. Sometimes, I had the pleisure to do this. Very funny!

9987. 1 Feb 2012 12:49


I must remember to list the Apocalypse in my almost daily events.
It seems odd that any chat thread can have so many posts.
Almosy 1/3 of all posts on ThinkDraw have been on Radio Baldur.
Funny that I labeled it such since it's always referred to as 'Channel Baldur'.

9988. 1 Feb 2012 12:52


Yes, Y2K was completely blown out of proportion, as are most things in modern culture.
What I also find humorous is the media frenzy which constantly surrounds the Kardashians. Does anybody really care?
Baldur cannot understand it at all.

9989. 1 Feb 2012 12:58


Baldur went to a witch store today, appropriately enough considering it is imbolc.
I was hoping to get some sandalwood oil but they didn't have any.
Instead I purchased a beautiful abalone shell.

The sandalwood oil is combined with a little bit of orange oil and just a touch of attar of roses and used as a very subtle air freshener here at Boughbreak.
I put just the tiniest drop of the combined oils on a cotton ball and hide it in one of my brass vases on the mantel.

9990. 1 Feb 2012 13:00


At the other end of the house a slightly different combination is used.
There is a small shallow bowl filled with coarse salt crystals and a handful of allspice berries. To this Baldur adds a drop of Sandalwood oil from time to time.

9991. 1 Feb 2012 13:02


There are some scents that I cannot abide. Lavendar is one of them.
Generally spice and woodsy scents are ok.
I once combined sandalwood and balsam oil, thinking it would be wonderful.
For some reason it was a terrible combination.
Live and learn.

9992. 1 Feb 2012 13:07


I find incense too heavy and powerful, so now I go with scented oils.
At the holidays, pomanders made of oranges studded with whole cloves are a great decoration that add wonderful fragrance.
When studding the oranges it's best to pierce the skin with something sharp like a nail before trying to press in the cloves. Otherwise your fingers take most of the brunt and also get pierced.

9993. 1 Feb 2012 13:11


I have sometimes kept pomanders for several years. They shrivel up, become fragile and lose most of their scent but with care they don't fall apart.
Right now there is just one from this past holiday season sitting in the foyer.
Sometimes I give them away if they are admired by guests. It's easy enough to make more.

9994. 1 Feb 2012 13:13


Does anybody else do any other variations of pomanders/air fresheners, sachets or potpourri?

We like using candles here at Boughbreak, but generally they are unscented.

9995. 1 Feb 2012 13:14


Sometimes the best air fresher is a batch of homemade cookies.... who can resist that?

9996. 1 Feb 2012 13:14



9997. 1 Feb 2012 13:14


Well we did it, and the world hasn't ended.

9998. 1 Feb 2012 13:40


Congratulations Baldur! You have made it all possible. Informative, entertaining, and au courant. I can't imagine TD without Radio Baldur.

9999. 1 Feb 2012 13:43


Congratulations! Have read the last entries. Dont know all the names of the spices, some Ive found in the dict. I have some favourite scents, depends on what is "needed". They all have a special effect. One of the finest is "neroli" it is a real medicine for the soul.

10000. 1 Feb 2012 13:44


Thank you, thank you (with appropriate humble bowing) but it could never have happened without the best interactive audience in the world, oh and matthew