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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

9961. 30 Jan 2012 13:20


I'm just back now from a day spent with family.
My Uncle John passed away at the end of last week and the funeral was today.
Somehow spending a whole day being polite and pleasant is more difficult than a day of yardwork. I am exhausted.

9962. 30 Jan 2012 13:43


Happy Birthday to brigsis!

9963. 31 Jan 2012 09:13


Guy Fawkes is executed (1606)
The 13th Ammendment, abolishing slavery in the US is enacted by Congress (1865)
Tallulah Bankhead is born (1902)
Carol Channing is born (1921)
Scotch Tape is first sold (1930)
Ham the Chimpanzee is launched into space (1961)

Happy Gorilla Suit Day

9964. 31 Jan 2012 09:28


I almost hate to ask, but did Ham the Chimpanzee return to Earth?

9965. 31 Jan 2012 09:54


You asked.......

9966. 31 Jan 2012 13:20


Another warm January day in Primrose. It got close to 50F.
That is just so wrong. It should be 10F with a thick snow cover.

9967. 31 Jan 2012 13:22


In case anyone notices such things Radio Baldur is getting very close to the 10.000 comments mark.
Who would have thought that this was possible with a thread that started with an egg salad recipe and matthew pole dancing.
I'm proud that we have never lost our standards.

9968. 31 Jan 2012 13:25


Is it even possible to pass 10,000 comments on a forum? Are there limits?
Whatever happened to Channel Goldie? or the effort by jaybuddy?

9969. 31 Jan 2012 13:27


Baldur, the issue here is that you seem to think that every little thought that enters your head might be interesting to everyone else.
Can you imaging how annoying it would be if everyone did the same?
It would be like.. Twitter.

9970. 31 Jan 2012 13:28


Ah, Auntie B, I was wondering where you wandered off to.
You missed Uncle John's funeral yesterday.

9971. 31 Jan 2012 13:33


I sent flowers.
Did you see them? It was supposed to be a van Goghesque arrangement of sunflowers.. a jab at your sister Ovadora who most likely took the family van Gogh from your grandmother's house at her funeral all those years back.
No, Auntie B couldn't be there in person, as much fun as the family drama would be.
I have been in Italy trying to get restitution for my wet and ruined clothing from that cruise line.

9972. 31 Jan 2012 13:46


You didn't tell me you were on that ship!
Are you alright? What happened?

9973. 31 Jan 2012 13:47


Heavens, I should not be surprised in the least.

9974. 31 Jan 2012 13:58


It's a very long and complicated story. I should not have been there at all and was not officially a guest of the cruise line.

A certain officer of the vessel invited me, we can call him 'Rodrigo'. Let it suffice to say that we did not hit it off. Auntie B needed to get off that vessel and far away, quickly.

I knew that Boris was somewhere nearby with his yacht and called him. He was quite happy to do the gentlemanly thing and rescue me from my predicament.
He pulled his vessel (the 'Beau Regarde' actually) up and a charming crewman of the cruise ship helped me with a rope ladder. Off I went, trusting my host to forward my clothing and luggage to Rome.
Well it never got to that.
Rodrigo flew into a fit of rage when he found I'd left. He boarded one of the lifeboats and set off in pursuit. The rest is history.

I can say that when I debarked, the ship was still upright and in good repair.

9975. 31 Jan 2012 15:07


I assumed we would all be meeting tonight at midnight to watch the ball drop on the post 9999 & ring in 10000...

Perhaps I will be all alone... Is it too late to reserve Times Square???

9976. 31 Jan 2012 15:22


We should be able to get those last few entries in before midnight. Who brought the champagne?

9977. 31 Jan 2012 17:03


I can't have champagne, thanks, I am queasy from the orange cream vodka and seltzer I have had, and trying to catch up on all latest from TD, FB, Twitter, etc. blah, blah blah. Happy 10,000 Baldur!!!

9978. 31 Jan 2012 17:04


And on page 500 to boot!

9979. 31 Jan 2012 20:08


Guess I was off by a day... or a few time zones at least... I could throw in a quick dance while we wait...

9980. 31 Jan 2012 21:08


I regret to say I won't be around for the festivities. But I will be thinking of you all and send my early congratulations from my hospital bed. I'm guessing 10000 will be reached before the weekend, what with only 18 more posts to be made.
I should be back home by Saturday, sporting my new knee, and look forward to reading the entries. Matthew, I'm getting a mental picture and, once the Oxycontin kicks in, who knows what that will morph into as I stare at IV poles.
See ya later!