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9921. 26 Jan 2012 12:33



9922. 27 Jan 2012 06:47


The walls of Constantinople come crumbling down (447)
Guy Fawkes and conspirators are convicted of the Gunpowder Plot (1606)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is born (1756)
Lewis Carrroll is born (1832)
The National Geographic Society is founded (1888)
Giuseppe Verdi dies (1901)
Nellie Bly dies (1922)
Michael Jackson's hair catches fire (1984)
Andre' the Giant dies (1993)

9923. 27 Jan 2012 06:52


Now here is the odd news story of the day.
This has adult themes, but came from an Australian News-Service. adger-den-in-wales/story-e6frev20-1226137951576?sv=6ce1c683b07d6aa0231e390df00a0567

9924. 27 Jan 2012 13:01


I've missed a few days, but I vote for "Ontario-ohs."

9925. 27 Jan 2012 13:36


Very interesting story, especially the phrase "Authorities haven't ruled out suicide" I'm guessing that even in Wales climbing into a badger's den isn't a very common method of offing ones-self.

9926. 27 Jan 2012 13:37


Love Ontario-ohs, sounds like a chocolatey breakfast cereal!

9927. 27 Jan 2012 15:11


Could a full-sized person fit into a badger's den?
There are so many questions that this raises.

9928. 27 Jan 2012 15:55


Yeah, I'm not sure at all how to comment on that story. Stranger than fiction.

9929. 28 Jan 2012 03:55


Charlemagne dies (742)
King Henry VII is born (1457)
King Henry VIII dies (1547)
The word 'serendipity' is invented by Horace Walpole (1754)
'Pride and Prejudice' is published (1813)
Antarctica is discovered by modern civilization (1820)
Colette is born (1873)
The world's largest snowflakes are reporrted at Fort Keogh, Montana, measuring 15" wide and 8" thick (1887)
The birdman of Aclatraz (Robert Stroud) is born (1890)
John Banner is born (1910)
San Francisco starts running its streetcars (1917)
A snowstorn collapses the roof of the Knickerbocker Theater in Washington DC, 98 are killed (1922)
Elvis Presley first appears on TV (1956)
Lego bricks are patented (1958)
John Banner dies (1973)
The Great Lakes Blizzard of 1997 drops 10 feet of snow (in one day!) on much of upstate New York
'We Are the World' is recorded by 'USA for Africa' (1985)
Space Shuttle challenfer breaks apart briefly after liftoff killing the entire crew (1986)

9930. 28 Jan 2012 04:16


9931. 28 Jan 2012 04:40


Ontariottos ..... sounds more "pluralistic"

9932. 28 Jan 2012 04:52


One of my favourites (out of my collection)

Kuh fällt aus 60 Metern auf Auto: US-Ehepaar unverletzt

Ein amerikanisches Ehepaar hat einen ungewöhnlichen Unfall mit einer Kuh unverletzt überstanden. Wie die Zeitung "Wenatchee World" gestern berichtete, war das rund 270 Kilogramm schwere Tier im US-Staat Washington an einem Steilhang abgestürzt und aus 60 Metern Höhe auf den fahrenden Minivan des Ehepaares gefallen.

Er habe einen lauten Knall gehört aber zunächst nicht glauben wollen, dass es eine Kuh war, sagte Autofahrer Charles Everson der Zeitung. An Autohaube und Windschutzscheibe entstand größerer Sachschaden.

Während das Ehepaar mit dem Schrecken davon kam, nahm der Vorfall für die Kuh ein tödliches Ende. Das Tier musste eingeschläfert werden. "Nur einige Zentimeter weiter und das Paar in dem Auto wäre getötet worden", sagte Feuerwehrchef Arnold Baker über den Unfall. Das Ehepaar sei nur "haarscharf davongekommen 7.11.2007

9933. 28 Jan 2012 05:16


Very interesting, I had not read that article about the falling cow. There is just so much information out there that many things get missed.

9934. 28 Jan 2012 05:17


Baldur also always enjoys reading the Darwin Awards, thank you for adding the links sandm.

9935. 28 Jan 2012 05:24


This is been a very warm and strange Winter in Primrose. Today the temperature is expected to reach 50F, about 35 degrees warmer than average. Already it is quite beautiful outside.
Some of my snowdrops have started to bloom.

9936. 28 Jan 2012 13:10


Baldur had the best mashed butternut squash last night.
Robert and I had gone to our usual Friday night restaurant where he invariably orders seafood, and I have a vegetarian-friendly pizza.
When they give Robert a vegetable he passes the dish over to me, he eats fewer vegetables than the fussiest toddler.
Anyway the squash was wonderful and very lightly seasoned.
Generally at home it is prepared by peeling, cubing, tossing it with olive oil, herbs, garlic, salt and pepper, followed by a slow roasting so that everything browns nicely.
Too many times I've eaten horribly prepared whipped squash, so it's been avoided until now.
As I type this the squash is in my steamer basket, and is just about ready to mash.

9937. 28 Jan 2012 13:47


...and it is wonderful.
Tonight Robert is having beef stew, my dinner is a stew of Winter vegetables...onions, turnip, carrots, potatoes, Brussels sprouts and peas. plus the mashed butternut squash on the side.

9938. 28 Jan 2012 14:10


Hmm! Sounds really delicious. I had a similar "stew", made of vegetable just available at home in the fridge. And I composed: Broccoli, yellow carrots (turnips), parsnips (rasped), Chinese cabbage, Ginger, pasta orecchiette (small round noodles - cooked seperately), then all mixed together. Made with a Chines touch by cooking the vegetable in (2 spoons of) soja-sauce).

9939. 28 Jan 2012 19:04


'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe is published (1845)
W. C. Fields is born (1880)
German Zeppelins bomb Paris for the first time (1916)
Oprah Winfrey is born (1954)
The 'Mantra-Rock Dance' takes place in San Francisco (1967)
Adam Lambert is born (1982)
La Fenice is destroyed by fire (1996)
George W. Bush coins the term 'Axis of Evil' in his State of the Union Address (2002)

9940. 28 Jan 2012 19:04


Baldur loves orecchiette.