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9881. 20 Jan 2012 04:26


George Burns is born (1896)
Clarice Cliff is born (1899)
The American Civil Liberties Union is founded (1920)
Ronald Reagan is inaugurated pesident of the USoA, 20 minutes later Iran releases the 52 American hostages they held for 444 days (1981)
Audrey Hepburn dies (1993)

9882. 20 Jan 2012 14:32


an awesome video I wanted to share

9883. 20 Jan 2012 17:34


This evening on Radio Baldur I present something that differs from our usual Musical Moment. Here is a Poetic Passage.

Edgar Allan Poe wrote quite a bit of poetry in between the short stories that we are all familiar with. Two poems bear the title 'To Helen'.
This piece is the second 'To Helen' written in 1848 and sent to Sarah Helen Whitman, a Providence woman who was to become his fiance'.

I saw thee once- once only- years ago:
I must not say how many- but not many.
It was a July midnight; and from out
A full-orbed moon, that, like thine own soul, soaring,
Sought a precipitate pathway up through heaven,
There fell a silvery-silken veil of light,
With quietude, and sultriness, and slumber,
Upon the upturned faces of a thousand
Roses that grew in an enchanted garden,
Where no wind dared to stir, unless on tiptoe-
Fell on the upturn'd faces of these roses
That gave out, in return for the love-light,
Their odorous souls in an ecstatic death-
Fell on the upturn'd faces of these roses
That smiled and died in this parterre, enchanted
By thee, and by the poetry of thy presence.
Clad all in white, upon a violet bank
I saw thee half reclining; while the moon
Fell on the upturn'd faces of the roses,
And on thine own, upturn'd- alas, in sorrow!

Was it not Fate, that, on this July midnight-
Was it not Fate, (whose name is also Sorrow,)
That bade me pause before that garden-gate,
To breathe the incense of those slumbering roses?
No footstep stirred: the hated world an slept,
Save only thee and me. (Oh, Heaven!- oh, God!
How my heart beats in coupling those two words!)
Save only thee and me. I paused- I looked-
And in an instant all things disappeared.
(Ah, bear in mind this garden was enchanted!)

The pearly lustre of the moon went out:
The mossy banks and the meandering paths,
The happy flowers and the repining trees,
Were seen no more: the very roses' odors
Died in the arms of the adoring airs.
All- all expired save thee- save less than thou:
Save only the divine light in thine eyes-
Save but the soul in thine uplifted eyes.
I saw but them- they were the world to me!
I saw but them- saw only them for hours,
Saw only them until the moon went down.
What wild heart-histories seemed to he enwritten
Upon those crystalline, celestial spheres!
How dark a woe, yet how sublime a hope!
How silently serene a sea of pride!
How daring an ambition; yet how deep-
How fathomless a capacity for love!

But now, at length, dear Dian sank from sight,
Into a western couch of thunder-cloud;
And thou, a ghost, amid the entombing trees
Didst glide away. Only thine eyes remained;
They would not go- they never yet have gone;
Lighting my lonely pathway home that night,
They have not left me (as my hopes have) since;
They follow me, they lead me through the years.
They are my ministers- yet I their slave.
Their office is to illumine and enkindle-
My duty, to be saved by their bright light,
And purified in their electric fire,
And sanctified in their elysian fire.
They fill my soul with Beauty (which is Hope),
And are far up in Heaven- the stars I kneel to
In the sad, silent watches of my night;
While even in the meridian glare of day
I see them still- two sweetly scintillant
Venuses, unextinguished by the sun!

9884. 20 Jan 2012 17:36


bluemoon, I was quite amazed by the video of the gorilla encounter.
How frightening yet magical it must have been to be in the midst of that family.

9885. 21 Jan 2012 03:47


Happy Birthday to Gingerninja.

9886. 21 Jan 2012 04:07


Umberto Nobile is born (1885)
Christan Dior is born (1905)
Vladimir Lenin dies (1924)
Wolfman Jack is born (1938)
George Orwell dies (1950)
Cecil B. DeMille dies (1959)
Jimmy Carter issues a pardon to nearly every draft evader from the American-Viet Nam War (1977)
Peggy Lee dies (2002)

Happy National Hug Day

9887. 22 Jan 2012 03:58


Grigori Rasputin is born (1869)
Queen Victoria dies (1901)
Edward VII is declared king (1901)
Graham Kerr is born (1934)
Jeff Smith is born (1939)

9888. 22 Jan 2012 12:54


A delightful video advertising the joys of Alberta - in honor of at least two of our TD family:

I sent it on to the grandgirl because of mustangs, skiers & sled dogs!

9889. 22 Jan 2012 12:58


Dadgummit! Doesn't work. Maybe the zero is an O. Who knows?

9890. 22 Jan 2012 13:00


I give up. Too bad - it was very pretty and fast-paced.

9891. 22 Jan 2012 21:40


I tried unsuccessfully to find that ad Normal. It would have been fun to watch!

9892. 22 Jan 2012 22:11


Normal were you looking at the "Remember to Breathe" ads? If so, this one might work.

9893. 23 Jan 2012 03:20


That was amazing,and the mountains reminded me of Austria.

9894. 23 Jan 2012 03:48


The beginning of the Kali Yuga Epoch (3102 BC)
Shaanxi Province China gets rocked by the deadliest earthquake recorded, as many as 830,000 die (1556)
173 Native Americans, mostly women and children are massacred by US Cavalrymen (1870)
Gustave Dore' dies (1883)
Elva Zona Heaster is murdered, a ghost helps secure her husband's conviction (1897)
Django Reinhardt is born (1910)
Anna Pavlova dies (1931)
Speaking before the US Congress Charles Lindbergh recommends the negotiation of a neutrality pact with Adolf Hitler (1941)
Captain Chesley Sullenberger is born (1951)
The USS Pueblo is seized by North Korea (1968)
Salvador Dali' dies (1981)
Bob Keeshan dies (2004)
Johnny Carson dies (2005)

Happy Bounty Day

9895. 23 Jan 2012 03:50


Bounty Day is only celebrated on the Pitcairn Island, but if you do live there we here at Radio Baldur wish you a great holiday.

9896. 23 Jan 2012 04:02


Today is also Rutger Hauer's birthday (1944).
Baldur is not a Rutger Hauer fan, but I must say I'd always assumed him to be my age or slightly younger. Not older.
Very odd.

'All Baldur, All the Time'

9897. 23 Jan 2012 08:48


Today is also Chinese New Year, Happy Year of Me!

9898. 23 Jan 2012 08:51


I must say I enjoyed that Alberta ad. I've lived in Alberta for better than 30 years and I've never done most of the things they were doing in the ad (aside from horseback riding and canoeing) but I am truly proud to live in such a beautiful province and you really can see mountain vistas like that in a great many places here.

9899. 23 Jan 2012 09:13


When I ve been in Canada, I bought a book "Year of the Land", a very big album of the best landscape photographies Ive ever seen. I lost it somehow during relocation probably.

9900. 23 Jan 2012 13:56


Happy Chinese New Year everyone.