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9861. 15 Jan 2012 04:24


Elizabeth is crowned queen of England (1559)
The British Museum opens (1759)
The Coca-Cola Company is incorporated (1889)
Matthew Brady dies (1896)
The Boston Molasses Disaster! 21 dead 150 injured (1919)
Martin Luther King Jr. is born (1929)
The first Superbowl is played, Packers 35-Chiefs 10 (1967)
Ray Bolger dies (1987)
Wikipedia premieres online (2001)
US Airways Flight 1549 safely makes an emergency landing on the Hudson River (2009)

9862. 15 Jan 2012 11:48


A flagship day! & Channel Baldur approaches 10,000!

9863. 16 Jan 2012 03:51


Yes lynnspotter, we will be there soon.
I wonder if there is a point where the Forum automatically cuts off.. a limit on the number of entries.

9864. 16 Jan 2012 04:19


The Medici family officially become the bankers of the papacy (1412)
The new Russian Tsar is Ivan the Terrible (1547)
Ethel Merman is born (1908)
The magnetic South Pole is found by Ernest Shackleton (1909)
Prohibition is ratified in the US (1919)
Carole Lombard dies in a plane crash (1942)
Arturo Toscanini dies (1957)

9865. 16 Jan 2012 11:36


Also a special Happy Birthday the Frank Zamboni (1901)

9866. 17 Jan 2012 04:16


Benjamin Franklin is born (1706)
Al Capone is born (1899)
Betty White is born (1922) making her older than Popeye the Sailor Man
Eartha Kitt is born (1927)
Popeye the Sailor Man first appears in a comic strip (1929)
Louis Comfort Tiffany dies (1933)
More than $2 million is stolen in The Great Brinks Robbery (1950)
Kid Rock is born (1971)
Zooey Deschanel is born (1980)
Operation Dessert Storm begins (1991)

9867. 17 Jan 2012 17:01


Here are the events for January 18th just a little early.
Baldur is going to honor the blackout to protest SOPA and PIPA by not posting on Radio Baldur tomorrow.
The channel however remains open to others comments.

The beginning of 'First Fleet' of convicts arrives at Botany Bay (1788)
Cary Grant is born (1904)
An aircraft is landed on a ship for the first time (1911)
Danny Kaye is born (1913)
A 611 gram meteorite strikes a house in Missouri (1916)
Bob Bell is born (1922)
Rudyard Kipling dies (1936)
The Metropolitan Opera House in NYC hosts its first Jazz concert (1944)
Philippe Starck is born (1949) !!!!!!
Curly Howard dies (1952)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Boston Strangler is convicted (1967)
Brahma Baba leaves his mortal coil (1969)
The bacterium responsible for Legionnaires' Disease is identified (1977)
Julius Peppers is born (1980)
A possible meteor's descent as a fireball is witnessed in the sky for close to a minute in Cando, Spain (1994)
The Tagish Lake meteorite strikes (2000)

9868. 17 Jan 2012 17:34


Let me sneak in another musical moment. I am loving listening to Zooey Deschanel's singing voice.
It's a shame that many of the gems online are not on disc.
Maybe someday..

9869. 18 Jan 2012 07:04


Thanks Baldur I enjoyed that video and some others too. She is good!

9870. 18 Jan 2012 08:44


Very nice, lots of talent from the guitar player too.

9871. 18 Jan 2012 08:49


Let me put a question out to the listeners of Channel Baldur. I had an argument yesterday with a client who was incensed when she found out that we charge a dispensing fee on all our prescriptions. She seemed to think that we were trying to pull one over on her. She got even angrier when I told her that all pharmacies charge dispensing fees. My question for you guys is this, isn't it common knowledge that dispensing fees are charged? She seemed to think that no one knows about this but everyone I know already know this even when they aren't in a medical or pharmacy related profession. Help me out here, is it really unknown to the general public?

9872. 18 Jan 2012 09:08


This fee may be "generally known," but not to me. If it exists with any of my Rx, it is definitely hidden.

9873. 18 Jan 2012 11:30


I am not aware of a dispensing fee for prescriptions either.

9874. 18 Jan 2012 16:57


The dispensing fee is always shown separately on the receipt, where I live, but perhaps, in the US, it is lumped in with the cost of the meds. ? If Dragon's irate customer is from foreign parts, she may not be used to it. I don't remember a time when there wasn't a dispensing fee.

9875. 19 Jan 2012 02:33


Baldur was not aware of it, but the fact that it exists certainly doesn't surprise me.

9876. 19 Jan 2012 02:39


In UK we pay a fixed charge for each item on the prescription.
There are a few exceptions such as people over 60 years, people with terminal or incurable illnesses ... to these people, prescriptions are entirely free of charge.

9877. 19 Jan 2012 03:08


James Watt is born (1743)
John Wilkes is tossed from the House of Commons for seditious libel (1764)
Edgar Allen Poe is born (1809)
Paul Cezanne is born (1839)
Antarctica is circumnavigated by Captain Charles Wilkes, the USofA claims Wilkes Land (1840)
Edison begins his illumination of the world with an electric light system employing overhead wires in Roselle, New Jersey (1883)
The neon discharge tube for use in advertising is patented by Claude Georges (1915)
German Zeppelins are used for aerial bombardment of a British civilian target for the first time (1915)
Janis Joplin is born (1943)
Dolly Parton is born (1946)
On 'I Love Lucy' as Lucy gives birth to little Ricky, 68% of the TVs in the USofA are watching anxiously (1953)
Junior Seau is born (1969)
Ham the Chimpanzee dies (1983)
Hedy Lamarr dies (2000)

9878. 19 Jan 2012 09:54


I'm in Canada too Lizzi, but here in Alberta I'm sure I've never seen the charge billed seperately. Our computer system doesn't even have a setting for it. Guess the charge is less well known than I thought.

9879. 19 Jan 2012 13:46


Can't remember if this has been on Channel Baldur before or not. I n honour of Betty White's birthday yesterday here's a little something from a great many years ago.

9880. 20 Jan 2012 04:09


...and those actually look like fig leaves.