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9821. 7 Jan 2012 10:56


That video has been blocked on copyright grounds. Now I'm even more curious.

9822. 7 Jan 2012 19:51


hmm. it works for me- i just clicked it to make sure. Perhaps it's because you are in the UK instead of the US? It's the Addam's Family theme song-

9823. 7 Jan 2012 23:23


It's blocked for me too! (I'm in Italy)

9824. 7 Jan 2012 23:24


Anyway, I know the Addam Family, we saw it since I'm a little girl!

9825. 8 Jan 2012 05:59


Marco Polo dies (1324)
Galileo dies (1642)
A major earthquake hits Tabriz, Iran killing an estimated 80,000 (1780)
For the only time in history the US national debt is $0 (1835)
Gypsy Rose Lee is born (1911)
Elvis Presley is born (1935)
David Bowie is born (1947)
The Mona Lisa is exhibited in the US for the first time (1963)
A farmer reports a UFO sighting in Trans-en-Provence, France, which is considered the most completely and carefully documented sighting of all time (1981)
Yvonne De Carlo dies (2007)
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is shot in an assasination attempt (2011)

9826. 9 Jan 2012 03:32


Believed locally to be the cause of the Black Death the Jewish population of Basel is rounded up and incinerated (1349)
Richard Nixon is born (1913)
Joan Baez is born (1941)
The Black Dahlia is last seen alive (1947)

Happy Feast of the Most Holy Black Nazarene

9827. 9 Jan 2012 04:11


Baldur woke up today completely congested. What a fun Monday!

9828. 9 Jan 2012 18:38


Here's a site that may interest some of you.

I completed the test ( it cost $15.00) and felt it was money well spent. It is a personality test based on Hippocrates theory that there are four kinds of people in the world.

Try it if you like. I found that it pretty much nailed my personality as well as a couple of my friends that tried it. We had fun doing it and thought it would even be useful to use on a resume and if nothing else it helps your family and friends understand what makes you act the way you do!

9829. 10 Jan 2012 05:13


Baldur was once walking down Newbury Street in Boston and approached a notorious interesction. Each and every time I'd been there I had been accosted by clipboard-wielding people taking surveys. They would have one person on each of the 4 corners almost every single day. How annoying.
Usually it worked well enough to simply say no thank you as you zipped past, but sometimes one ran into a stubborn surveyor who was determined to pester every person possible.
This particular day the young man came up and trotted alongside me with his pen at the ready. Baldur never stopped walking but he continued apace blathering about his research institute.
Then he asked if I could spare just one moment of my time to take a simple personality test.
Baldur turned to him and with a very serious expression said: 'I'm sorry, I have no personality.'
That shook him off and afforded me my escape.

9830. 10 Jan 2012 05:52


'Common Sense' is published by Thomas Paine (1776)
Carolus Linnaeus dies (1778)
Napoleon divorces Josephine (1810)
Ray Bolger is born (1904)
Buffalo Bill Cody dies (1917)
The film 'Metropolis' is released (1927)
Jim Croce was born (1943)
Rod Stewart was born (1945)
Coco Chanel dies (1971)
Paul Lynde dies (1982)

9831. 10 Jan 2012 07:35


Oh my, baldur. What I thought was an innocent offer put out by Laugh Your Way America has instead managed to put you in touch with some inner rage..which I quite understand because that's kind of how I feel about phone solicitors.
Happily in this case no one is chasing you down and forcing you to respond.
Perhaps a nice hot cup of lemon ginger tea and listening to the you tube link that login posted in Doldrums will restore some serenity.

9832. 10 Jan 2012 10:27


I can't say that I've ever had any survey takers accost me in person but I do hate the phone ones. They always say it'll just take about 5 minutes and half an hour later they're still asking you questions. Had 1 at work once that kept asking me questions about our computer system that I had no way of knowing. I told him I was getting busy at work (not a lie, lots of people were coming in needing my help) and he kept saying "no no no, I only have a couple more questions, I have to finish the survey" I had to hang up on him in the end. I'm guessing he got paid by the number of surveys he completes. We have a new method for phone solicitors who won't take no for an answer, we ask if we can put them on hold for a moment then we just leave them stewing until they hang up.

9833. 10 Jan 2012 10:41


The "Do Not Call List" is not foolproof. The odd one still gets through, but I tell them (nicely) that I am on it, and to lose my number. Courtesy seems to work but they are like ants at a picnic...for every one you swat, there are 20 more to take its place.;)

9834. 10 Jan 2012 10:56


I already know this test. Must be the DIGS, basesd on 4 "types". Not so bad, there are a lot of others. (Much D=dominant, and S=stetig I guess , depending on.. . who did it. )

But there is another aspect behind personality, and its the question WHY we are here on earth. As it is the "planet for learning" each of us is confronting some issues and task (s)he has chosen. There are very interesting answers given. Its based on the birthdate. Year, month, day. No time. It isnt a horoscope and it doesnt tell HOW the person manages the duties - as there is no forecast possible! - but it tells about the objectives and difficulties one has to face. If there is anybody interested, .... It is not a personal matter, as "only" a date is "analysed".

9835. 10 Jan 2012 11:41


Unfortunately businesses can't apply for the Do Not Call list here in Alberta though they can ask individual telemarketers to put them on their list when they call.

9836. 10 Jan 2012 12:58


Hazer, that episode happened many years ago and no longer troubles me, but Baldur does indeed find it amusing

9837. 10 Jan 2012 13:02


The telephones at Boughbreak have been on the 'do not call list' from the beginning. I report violations frequently. The annoying calls that finally cease are replaced by newer ones.
There seems to be no real answer.
Of course I do have the answer that will never be implemented....
A button on each telephone that will send a sufficient electric charge to melt the circuitry of the callers

9838. 10 Jan 2012 19:32


Baldur, spouse gets a ton of those calls. His standard answer is, "He isn't home. He's out of the country and won't be back for several months. Can I take a message?" Of course, this does not seem to have slowed down the number of these calls. They must wait two months and call again. Tee hee.

Hazer, I tried that personality test and it was enjoyable, not to mention extremely accurate. And, you shared it at a good time! Just the other day my friend, a body-work therapist, was saying that although she feels she has a lot to offer clients, sometimes she wished she had more, specifically a way to help people focus *more* on their gifts than the reverse. Seems like this test, or one like it, could help. I'll pass it on. Thanks for sharing!

9839. 11 Jan 2012 04:09


Mohammed conquers Mecca with an army of 10.000 (630)
Mount Etna erupts, a powerful earthquake destroys parts of Malta and Sicily (1693)
Insulin is first used to treat diabetes on a human (1922)
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is created (1927)
The first recorded snowfall is registered in Los Angeles, California (1949)

9840. 11 Jan 2012 04:15


..and a very special Happy Birthday to Felix Silla (b. 1937) who among many other things famously portrayed Cousin Itt on the original 'Addams Family' television series.