Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

9801. 30 Dec 2011 09:43


Baldur just tried to buy dried dill weed at the market.
I use it to make 'Green Goddess' dip and salad dressing.
I was horrified that a small jar costs $7.79. That is beyond highway robbery.
At the same market they were selling a goodsized bunch of fresh dill for $1.69. I'll freeze what I cannot use.

THe dried product can be purchased much cheaper online, but I need it tomorrow.

9802. 30 Dec 2011 16:05


What's with all the spam in the other forums lately?
.......Especially spam that needs proofreading to the point that it makes no sense

9803. 31 Dec 2011 03:44


Windows are bricked up all over England as a new Window Tax is enacted (1695)
Henri Matisse is born (1869)
Incandescent lighting is first demonstrated by Thomas Edison (1879)
The first New Years Eve celebration occurs in what is now Times Square (1907)
Sir Anthony Hopkins is born (1937)
Sir Ben Kingsley is born (1943)
Donna Summer is born (1948)
General Motors hits a new US level by making more than $1 billion (USD) in a year (1955)
The farthing coin is retired in the UK (1960)
The ATT Bell system is broken up in the US (1983)
Boris Yeltsin resigns as president of Russia (1999)
Panama takes control of the Panama Canal (1999)
Happy first day of Hogmanay
Happy New Year's Eve

9804. 1 Jan 2012 07:47


There is only one radio station to which I would welcome the new year on... Is this not the year of the Dragon??? I am sure one of your listeners would know...

Happy New Year folks...

9805. 1 Jan 2012 14:30


....and an official Happy New Year's from the folk(s) here at Radio Baldur.

I have finally ushered the last guest out the door, we had quite the crowded party here overnight. Broke new records for the number of people we have hosted here at Boughbreak.

9806. 2 Jan 2012 11:27


It is indeed the Year of the Dragon this year but it doesn't start until the 23rd of January (an early one this year, Chinese New Year is usually in Feb). I will forego the mandatory worship of all things Dragon and allow you mortals to continue on living in your usual manner (but in 2024 I will be expecting lots of tributes and sacrifices).

9807. 3 Jan 2012 04:10


Cicero is born (106BC)
Leo da Vinci tests a flying machine (it didn't fly) (1431)
Martin Luther is excommunicated by Pope Leo X (1521)
Josiah Wedgwood dies (1795)
J.R.R. Tolkien is born (1892)
Maxene Andrews is born (1916)
Mussolini become dictator of Italy (1925)
Dabney Coleman is born (1932)
Stephen Stills is born (1945)
The US severs diplomatic relations with Cuba (1961)
Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro (1962)
Apple Computer is incorporated (1977)
Eli Manning is born (1981)
South African citizenship is granted to more than 7 million people from the Apartheid Townships (1994)

9808. 3 Jan 2012 07:34


..and Happy Birthday to jshundo

9809. 3 Jan 2012 18:34


Had to share this, it makes me laugh every time I see it.

9810. 4 Jan 2012 03:41


Well maybe it wasn't his friend LOL.

9811. 4 Jan 2012 04:02


Wat Tyler is born (1341)
Whitehall burns (1698)
Jacob Grimm is born (1785)
Louis Braille is born (1809)
General Tom Thumb (Charles Sherwood Stratton) is born (1838)
The first successful appendectomy is performed (1885)
Cornelius Vanderbilt dies (1877)
Thomas Edison electrocutes an elephant named Topsy as a public demonstration and earned his place in Hell (1903)
Don Shula is born (1930)
A mega ice storm wreaks havoc in Eastern Canada and the US (1998)
Jesse Ventura is sworn in as governor of Minnesota (1999)
NASA's 'Spirit' landrover lands on Mars (2004)
The Burj Khalifa opens (2010)
Mohamed Bouazizi dies (2011)

9812. 4 Jan 2012 07:08


I am shocked and appalled at Thomas Edison. No pun intended.

Check out this website. What fun.

9813. 4 Jan 2012 09:42


What a lot of fun that was mdawrcn! Thanks for sharing that.

I'm also rather appalled at Thomas Edison. Even considering that it was before they started really thinking about cruelty to animals that seems truly horrible.

9814. 4 Jan 2012 17:22


Thanks to Mcdrawn and Dragon for those 2 links to fun and games. And, congratulations to all Top 5 winners for December! What a lot of great pictures!

9815. 5 Jan 2012 03:50


For those of you who do not read the other Forums let me anounce this here. ThinkDraw is giving us a new drawing theme to start the New Year.
We are asked to vote between 3 choices of Facebook.
Here is the link:

9816. 5 Jan 2012 04:07


Edward the Confessor dies (1066)
Alfred Dreyfus is sentenced to life imprisonment on Devil's Island (1895)
Jeanne Dixon is born (1904)
Construction begins on the Golden Gate Bridge (1933)
Amelia Earhart is declared dead (1939)
George Washington Carver dies (1943)
Carrie Ann Inaba is born (1968)
Sonny Bono dies (1998)

Happy Twelfth Night

9817. 6 Jan 2012 03:32


#9819 of - f + n = on

9818. 6 Jan 2012 04:10


Joan of Arc is born (1412)
Ferdinand and Isabella complete their reconquista by retaking Granada (1492)
Henry VIII weds Anne of Cleves (1540)
Gustave Dore' is born (1832)
Major storm strikes Ireland destroying or severely damaging 20% of the homes in Dublin (1839)
Louise Braille dies (1852)
Khalil Gibran is born (1883)
The theory of Continental Drift is presented by Alfred Wegener (1912)
Theodore Roosevelt dies (1919)
Sun Myung Moon is born (1920)
Mother Teresa arrives in Calcutta (1929)
E.L. Doctorow is born (1931)
Moondog Spot is born (1952)
Asante' Samuel is born (1981)
Nancy Kerrigan gets clubbed at the US Figure Skating Championship (1994)

Happy Little Christmas
Happy beginning of Carnival

9819. 7 Jan 2012 03:56


Catherine of Aragon dies (1536)
The new Russian Tsar is Boris Godunov (1598)
Jamestown, Virginia is destroyed by fire (1608)
Butterfly McQueen is born (1911)
Charles Addams is born (1912)
The State Assembly of New York refuses to seat 5 Socialists who had been elected as assemblymen (1920)
TransAtlantic telephone service is established between New York and London (1927)
Nikola Tesla dies (1943)
Pilot Thomas Mantell of the Kentucky Air National Guard crashes while in pursuit of a UFO (1948)
The United States' development of the hydrogen bomb is anounced (1952)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency launches its first deep space probe (1985)
Emperor Hirohito dies (1989)

Merry Christmas (both The Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches)
Happy Distaff Day
and blessed Festival of the Seven Herbs

9820. 7 Jan 2012 07:31


Google is Honoring Charles Addams today- 100th birthday for the Addams Family Creator.

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Addams Family