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9781. 28 Dec 2011 04:25


How about a musical moment to get the morning going?

9782. 28 Dec 2011 04:42


Dvin, Armenia is destroyed by an earthquake, 30,000 perish (893)
Antipope Clement VIII dies (1446)
Galileo first observes the planet Neptune (1612)
Xrays are discovered (1895)
75,000 are killed when an earthquake hits Messina Italy (1908)
San Francisco rolls out it's streetcars (1912)
Nichelle Nichols is born (1932)
Adam Vinatieri is born (1972)
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, killing 13 (1989)
Happy Feast of the Holy Innocents

9783. 28 Dec 2011 09:58


Goodness, I can't believe I haven't checked in on Channel Baldur since before Christmas!
I quite enjoyed the musical moments. I didn't realize that Zooey Deschanel was a singer, I've seen her in several things as an actress but never singing. That was nice.

9784. 28 Dec 2011 10:01


In remembrance of Eartha Kitt (who I see passed away on Christmas day a few years ago) here's one of my favorite Christmas songs. Hope you don't mind that it's a little late for Christmas.

9785. 28 Dec 2011 14:41


A nice look back at Eartha. What a bod!

9786. 28 Dec 2011 15:16


Baldur always loved Eartha, and she was the slipperiest Catwoman.

9787. 29 Dec 2011 03:39


Thomas Becket is assasinated (1170)
Madame de Pompadour is born (1721)
The USA assumes control all lands East of the Missisippi from the Cherokees (1835)
Two viewpoints of the same event: the USA annexes the Mexican state of Texas and the formerly independent Republic of Texas is admitted as the 28th state (1845)
The first YMCA in the USA opens in Boston (1851)
The Wounded Knee Massacre, 200 Oglala Lakota are killed (1890)
Christina Rossetti dies (1894)
Mary Tyler Moore is born (1936)
The Second Great Fire of London, 200 killed (1940)
Yvonne Elliman is born (1951)
Hong Kong begins killing all of it's 1.5 million chickens to prevent the spread of a deadly influenza strain (1997)

9788. 29 Dec 2011 10:21


Baldur is happy that there is someone else up here with a sense of humor.
New Englanders, when they indeed have such a thing it is of the dry variety.
In nearby Woonsocket there has been some construction in an area that has crumbling old industrial buildings. A smallish building is being renovated as a pub. This prepwork for this project involved carving a parking lot out of a maze of foundation remains. The buildings have long since been razed, there are just odd spurs of cement and stone walls sitting haphazardly.
Some years ago a local gang spraypainted their name on one of these. This is nothing fancy, but it is humorous to see as one drives past.
Somehow this little bit of wall escaped the wrecking ball. Hopefully it will stay there even after the rest of the project is complete
In big black letters it reads:


(stay in school kids)

9789. 29 Dec 2011 11:52


:) Funny story Baldur! Proof in the painting. Wonder from where the saying "the proof is in the pudding" comes. Will look it up.

9790. 29 Dec 2011 12:09


I wonder where that came from too.

9791. 29 Dec 2011 12:25


Today Baldur spent a lot of time in the kitchen, getting ready for our New Year's Eve Party.
I boiled 28 eggs to make my deviled eggs. The goal is to have 48 egg halves when complete. The excess is necessary to allow for testing and bad peeling. Some boiled eggs are just impossible to peel no matter how many foolproof tips and tricks one follows.

More cookies were made. Once again it was coconut-lemon bars, mincemeat streusel squares and chocolate peanut butter bars.
I must make a note to myself to remove all 3 recipes from the rotation next holiday season. Otherwise things become too predictable.
Absent this year are the Pecan Bars with Brown Sugar Meringue.
They will re-appear next Christmas.
Just coming out of the oven right now is a new recipe for Boughbreak, a Moist Applesauce Cake.
Tonight I am off to visit my god-daughter and her brother, bearing Christmas gifts. Their house is rife with allergies.
No tree-nuts, peanuts. cherries or plums. Heavens!
Apples are safe, as are wheat products, eggs and spices.
The recipe seems very nice though the cooking time is way off. It should have been done baking in 45 minutes, it took closer to an hour and 45 minutes.
I suspected as much when preparing the batter as it was quite heavy with both applesauce and diced raw apple. Switching from a 9" by 13"baking pan to a 10" diameter springform pan didn't help either.

9792. 29 Dec 2011 12:42


From several sources - "The proof is in the pudding" is a corruption of the adage,
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating,"
which basically means that the quality of something is uncertain until it has been tested directly.

Baldur have you posted your deviled egg recipe here? I make them quite often for gatherings. I would like to see how you make them and yes. I have had many conversations about tips for peeling the eggs and have wondered why some will not peel.

9793. 29 Dec 2011 12:57


Apparently the freshness of the egg is the biggest concern. Very fresh eggs do not peel, older eggs fare better.
Sometimes I will buy my eggs a week in advance if I know I am deviling them, but even then what if the eggs were raced from the hen to the store?

9794. 29 Dec 2011 13:11


I do not belief I have posted my recipe so I will do it presently.

Take a dozen cold, hard cooked and peeled eggs (note how I skirted the peeling issue).
Cut each egg in half the long way and remove to yolks to a food processor or a smallish mixing bowl. Place the egg whites cut size up on a plate.
To the yolks add a good dollop of prepared horseradish sauce, a nice sprinkling of powdered English mustard, a dash of ground cayenne pepper and a splash of hot sauce.
Process the mixture or mash it together with a wooden spoon.
Now add Mayonaisse a little bit at a time (start with about a tablespoonful) and process or stir it in.
You do not want too much Mayonaisse or the filling will be loose, too little and it will be dry.
Taste a tiny bit of the mixture and adjust the seasonings.
Baldur does not add salt or black pepper but you certainly may.
Scrape the yolk mixture into a quart-sized ziploc bag, Press out much of the air and seal it.
With scissors cut off one corner of the bag and using this like a pastry bag pipe the yolk mixture back into the hollows of the egg whites.
Because of what you have added you will have almost twice the quantity you had started with so you should now have a nice little mound of whipped yolk in each egg half.
Sprinkle paprika decoratively over the eggs and transfer them to a serving platter.
Keep them covered loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerated until ready to serve them.

9795. 29 Dec 2011 14:49


I've heard that adding a few tablespoons of Vinegar to the water can help to keep the egg whites from sticking to the shells when peeling- I've never tried it.
This year for thanksgiving i boiled 48 eggs for deviled eggs- which is nothing compared to the 108 i had to do last year.- thankfully I am only responsible for eggs at our family gatherings

My deviled egg recipe is ridiculously simple and yet i never have left overs.

boil, peel and halve your eggs
transfer the yolks to a bowl-mix in Miracle Whip- however much to make the consistency smooth /not so much to make it loose or slimy(about equal parts yolk to miracle whip)
mix in salt and pepper to taste(i add quite alot of pepper)
pipe or dollop into egg white hollows
sprinkle with paprika (They taste better if you allow the flavors to meld overnight) Serve.

9796. 30 Dec 2011 03:51


I once had unbelievably terrible deviled eggs at a cookout.
My best guess is that there was a soft whipped-type margarine mixed in with the yolks...very little as the mixture was quite dry and would crumble and fall out as you tried to eat it.
There was not a trace of seasoning either.
Maybe the yolks were just mashed and put back in the shells.
Even just a pinch of salt would have helped tremendously.

9797. 30 Dec 2011 04:12


Thanks for the recipes. I usually use wet mustard (dijon) and mayonnaise, salt and pepper, and cayenne. Never tried horseradish. That sounds good and I will try it.

I also have heard about vinegar in the water and have tried it, but can't seem to remember to do it every time. Another way to solve the peeling problem is to buy the eggs already boiled from the grocery store. I have done this when I was camping and didn't have an ideal place to cook. They tasted fine to me, but they do use a preservative that I don't really like the thought of eating.

Happiest of New Years to Baldur and all of his listeners!

9798. 30 Dec 2011 04:18


A lifesized Iguanadon is the site of a dinner party held in South London (1853)
Rudyard Kipling is born (1865)
Fire breaks out at the Iroquois Theater in Chicago, 600 are killed (1903)
The U.S.S.R. is formed (1922)
Bo Diddley is born (1928)
Michael Nesmith is born (1942)
Davey Jones is born (1945)
'Kiss Me Kate' premieres and goes on to win the first Tony Award for best musical (1948)
Nacho Vidal is born (1973)
Richard Rodgers dies (1979)
Ling-Ling dies (1992)
Diplomatic relations are opened between Israel and Vatican City (1993)
194 are killed in a fire at the Republica Cromagnon nightclub in Buenos Aires (2004)
Artie Shaw dies (2004)
Saddam Hussein dies (2006)
Happy Freedom Day to our Scientologist listeners

9799. 30 Dec 2011 09:11


Wow, 2 out of the 4 Monkees born on the same day. That's kinda weird.

9800. 30 Dec 2011 09:39


Aint it strange?

'All Baldur, All the Time'