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9721. 13 Dec 2011 09:12


Played at the proper rate for me, and is definitly one of the best of those ads.

9722. 13 Dec 2011 10:26


Oddly when I had first seen it on television, while still in black and white it did not have that grainy vintage film quality.
You would swear this came from a movie out of the 1930s.... but a rather irreverent one.

9723. 13 Dec 2011 10:27


Today Baldur finished purchasing the gifts that he must ship cross country. They will all go out in the morning.
I am gift wrapping while listening to Susan Boyle CDs.

9724. 13 Dec 2011 10:29


This year the gifts are being wrapped promptly, as soon as they get home.
It isn't that difficult as I am not buying the quantity of things that I once did.
Some were even purchased AND wrapped in September.

9725. 13 Dec 2011 10:31


Tomorrow afternoon the Christmas tree will be decorated, the Kissing ball will get hung and much of the decorating save the hanging of fresh greens that by necessity must wait, will be finished.

All Baldur, All the Time

9726. 14 Dec 2011 03:41


A sea wall in the Netherlands collapses, killing more than 50,000 (1287)
Vlad the Impaler died, Did he die or did he really DIE? (1476)
Nostradamus is born (1503)
Roald Amundsen's team because the first men to reach the South Pole in recorded history (1911)
A Soviet Antarctic expedition reaches the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility (1958)
Baldwin Hills Reservoir bursts in Los Angeles killing 5 (1963)
Flash floods in Vargas, Venezuela caused by torrential rains kill tens of thousands (1999)
Happy Monkey Day!

9727. 15 Dec 2011 04:20


Johannes Vermeer dies (1675)
'Gone With the Wind' premieres in Atlanta, Georgia (1939)
Fats Waller dies (1943)
Glenn Miller is assumed dead (1944)
Walt Disney dies (1966)
Mo Vaughn is born (1967)
The Soviets land Venera 7 on Venus, the fiest successful soft landing on another planet in recorded history (1970)
The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its official list of psychiatric disorders (1973)
Happy Esperanto Day

9728. 15 Dec 2011 14:00


Is there a cat psychiatrist in the house?
Chloe has the oddest habit, one I'd not seen before.
She jumps through doorways.
The cat will be walking nice and slowly towards the door but when it gets to the point where she is crossing the threshhold she will leap over it.
It will also happen when Chloe is going from one floor surface to another such as hardwood to carpet or grass to sidewalk.
Has anyone else seen a cat do this before?

9729. 16 Dec 2011 04:08


Mount Fuji has its most recent eruption (1707)
Patriots disguised as Mohawks dump an English tea shipment into Boston Harbor (1773)
Jane Austen is born (1775)
Sir Noel Coward is born (1899)
Billy Gibbons is born (1949)
Colonel Sanders dies (1980)
Seizures are induced in 685 children with the airing of a Pokemon episode in Japan (1997)
Lillian Disney (Walt's widow) dies (1997)
Roy E. Disney (Walt's nephew) dies (2009)

9730. 16 Dec 2011 04:12


Here is today's musical moment, perfect for the holiday season.

9731. 16 Dec 2011 08:33


Just found the perfect gift for marius:

9732. 16 Dec 2011 08:38


That was a fun version Baldur, I quite enjoyed the guy in the mddle doing the cymbals!

9733. 16 Dec 2011 08:45


As to Baldur's cat question, I know of a cat who is afraid of doorways (perfectly fine once on the other side but terrified of the doorway itself) but this is a cat with a heap of neurosis. He did improve on some behaviour modifying drugs but I'm not sure if that's what your looking to do with Chloe. Does she have other nervous habits too?
We also had a cat once who shook his paws whenever he got a cold breeze across him but I think this was just a stimulus/response kind of thing. He used to go out in the snow and, of course, shook his paws as soon as they touched the snow, that progressed into shaking his paws as soon as the door opened and the cold air hit him even though he hadn't touched the snow yet. Not sure if this is similar to Chloe's habit.

9734. 17 Dec 2011 03:10


Chloe doesn't seem nervous about doorways at all, but she adds the little jump into her gait at just the precise moment each time. Very odd.

9735. 17 Dec 2011 03:32


Henry VIII is excommunicated from the Catholic church (1538)
The Aztec calendar stone is discovered (1790)
Simon Bolivar dies (1830)
General Ulysses S. Grant orders the expulsion of all Jews from Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi ..did they ever mention that to you in history class?(1862)
Arthur Fiedler is born (1894)
The US Air Force closes Project Blue Book, its study of UFOs (1969)
Grover Washington Jr. dies (1999)
SpaceShipOne makes its first supersonic flight (2003)
Saturnalia begins today
and coincidentally
Happy International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

9736. 17 Dec 2011 07:59


(Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition)

9737. 17 Dec 2011 08:13


Yes I hear surprise is their main weapon, surprise and fear, surprise, fear and a fanatical devotion to the Pope...

9738. 17 Dec 2011 10:21


I like the daily peek into the past, Baldur. It's so interesting as it puts everything into context.
I wonder if Chloe is afraid of a door slamming unexpectedly on her tail?

9739. 18 Dec 2011 04:51


Happy Birthday to Grahame

9740. 18 Dec 2011 04:54


Thank you Lizzi.
Chloe however also does her little trademark leap even when there is no door to close on her. The entrance to both the kitchen and living room from the hall have no doors. Plus we see the jump when the carpet ends in the hall and the tile begins.