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9681. 5 Dec 2011 12:10


+s -he +o
So that should have read:
In Portugal King Manuel I issues a decree to expel heretics.....

9682. 6 Dec 2011 02:49


Autocorrect is evil, but Baldur first of all imagines that it can be fixed if one proofreads before hitting the send button.
if I am correct doesn't it pull words up that have appeared frequently in your messages before?
For example if I started typing in 'BAL..' it would finish the word as 'BALDUR' and not create a new one such as 'BALLYKISSANGEL' which to my knowledge is a word I've never in my life typed before.
This implies that those nasty phrases sent in those texts should be re-evaluated as those people have used similar vocabulary before.

9683. 6 Dec 2011 03:16


James Joyce's novel 'Ulysses' is ruled upon by a USD federal judge, it is NOT obscene (1933)
Dubrovnic is bombarded by the Yugoslav People's Army (1991)
The Babri Mosque, believed to have been built over the birthplace of Rama, is demolished, at least 1500 are killed in the ensuing riots (1992)

9684. 6 Dec 2011 09:54


Autocorrect does indeed have very compilcated algorithm (or whatever) that monitor your typing habits and tries to anticipate what word you were thinking of. I will say though, that it has its own notions too. I found it telling about society in general that when I typed STA it auto-finishes with StarBucks, a word I had never typed before (but, strangely, was the word I needed). I do try to always proofread before hitting send but there have been occasions that I've missed something. No matter what I've been trying to type I've never gotten an autocorrect to Penis or Vagina though, which seems very common on that website. Perhaps I just don't type enough anatomically correct texts.

9685. 6 Dec 2011 11:17


It is raining today so Baldur has spent the afternoon polishing his brasses.
There is quite a bit of brass at Boughbreak and with the holidays coming up fast I like the place to look its best.
Odd how brass tarnish varies from piece to piece. Some objects which looked quite dark will buff up to a brilliant golden gleam with little effort.
Other pieces don't look too bad, but even after serious buffing never achieve the same lustre.

9686. 6 Dec 2011 11:19


Since these are generally pieces made in the MidEast, years and years ago the metal must vary in composition.
Some look more like bronze than brass.

9687. 6 Dec 2011 15:41

Christmas past.

9688. 6 Dec 2011 18:36


Now that was charming Lizzi, thank you.

9689. 6 Dec 2011 18:39


Here is another Christmas blast from the past.
This drawing is an oddity being one of the few times Dr. Bear was portrayed without his trusty flashlight.

9690. 6 Dec 2011 18:43


This might be my favorite Dr. Bear picture of the lot...... also without his flashlight

9691. 6 Dec 2011 18:47


Eventually Baldur made sure to add the flashlight to each panel that contained Dr. Bear. In some cases it is just barely visible.
Ursula, his costar is often shown with her classic Red-Gummy Nurse cap.
In her case however the cap was not a constant, she tossed it aside frequently enough.

9692. 6 Dec 2011 19:07


Here is a new one...

9693. 7 Dec 2011 04:56


Cicero is assasinated (Baldur hates listening to speeches so he can totally understand) (43BC)
Louis Prima is born (1910)
Instant Replay is first used, It happens during an Army-Navy game and is devised by St. Tony Verna. Civilization begins at this point (1963)
The 'Blue Marble' is photographed (1972)

9694. 8 Dec 2011 03:54


Madame du Barry is guillotined (1793)
John Lennon is murdered (1980)

9695. 8 Dec 2011 06:15


Baldur, I'm enjoying your "today in history" entries. Am going to pay attention to "shake-em up day" from now on.

Dragon, thanks for sharing the Canadian Log Driver's Waltz. What a hoot, a lot of my friends enjoyed seeing that too. Also, spouse made the pumpkin pie cheesecake for Thanksgiving and it was delicious. Our neighbor really liked it too.

And finally - you asked about waffle recipes. Here's one we like. It makes more than we can eat at one time but they freeze very well. To defrost, put them in the toaster at low setting. Then toast one more time, at low setting, to crisp. Easy breakfast on the run.

Belgian Waffles

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons confectioner’s sugar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 cups milk
3 eggs, separated
2 teaspoons of vanilla
Pinch of salt
Fruit of your choice
Whipped cream

Combine the flour, baking powder, confectioner’s sugar, oil, milk and egg yolks. Beat the egg whites in separate bowl until they stand in soft peaks and fold gently into the batter, adding vanilla and salt at this time. (Do not over-mix.)

Using a 4-ounce ladle, pour the mixture into a hot waffle iron and bake for about 4 to 5 minutes (until steam stops coming out of waffle iron). Repeat with the remaining batter. Top with the fruit, whipped cream and serve hot.

Makes about 14 waffles.

9696. 8 Dec 2011 06:19


Aso, for you cheese cake lovers, I posted a recipe for Orange Zest and Grand Marnier cheesecake. People really, really, like this cheesecake and we get requests to bring it to parties and such. Personally, I'm not such a fan of orange flavoring but this cheesecake is the exception.

9697. 8 Dec 2011 06:20


Yeah, yeah ... not tracking today. The cheesecake recipe is on the recipe channel.

9698. 8 Dec 2011 09:12


Thanks for the waffle recipe marius. It already looks more interesting than the bland one we made. Perhaps it will be a waffle weekend.
Funny that you mentioned the Cheesecake/Pumpkin pie recipe, I was just going to ask Baldur how it went over at his Thanksgiving, we're hosting Christmas for our parents next weekend and I'm thinking of making it. Glad to hear you guys enjoyed it.

For anyone paying attention (and I'm sure there's not many) to my ongoing difficulties with our phone service provider I'll give you an update. We've given Telus the boot. They finally sent someone out to our place for installation but they didn't bother to tell us he was coming and he phoned the wrong number when he got here so no one was home. 5 1/2 weeks of waiting was beyond enough so bye bye Telus, hello Shaw. Hope they show up for they're appointments.

9699. 8 Dec 2011 14:26


Your experience with Telus sounds rather typical. When we first moved here in 2001 we had to convince them that our house location actually did exist, and had for at least 30 years prior to us moving in. Customer service was definitely lacking so I hope you have better luck with Shaw!

9700. 9 Dec 2011 03:39


Baldur indeed made the pumpkin pie layered with toffee cheesecake and it was wonderful. All of my guests here at Boughbreak enjoyed it.
Having said that everyone should be aware that I never leave recipes alone, and constantly tweak them.
The next time it is made I will change a few things.
First, I will use brown sugar instead of white in the pumpkin pie layer.
Secondly, I may use cream cheese in the pumpkin pie layer in place of the heavy cream. This will make the two layers relate to each other better and make the pumpkin even more decadent
Thirdly,I will use a smaller pan. Using a 9" springform pan gave me a very large but shallow dessert. Next time it will be my 8" pan.

It also seemed to me that the recipe called for an awful lot of graham crackers crumbs . Had I used them all the crust would have been more than 1/2" thick. In the future I will use half the amount of crumb mixture, and may try using gingersnap crumbs intead.