Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

9661. 2 Dec 2011 00:36


Well then, we need an in depth reporter on the scene...

9662. 2 Dec 2011 03:34


No doubt there will be a volunteer....

9663. 2 Dec 2011 03:36


Dragon, the music was loverly.
Baldur did however busy himself with other visuals.

9664. 2 Dec 2011 03:50


the Marquis de Sade perishes (1814)
Charles Ringling is born (1863)
John Ringling dies (1936)

9665. 2 Dec 2011 08:15


Dragon is currently sitting on hold with Telus (who provide internet/phone/cable- though not to us aparently) to try to get some anwers as to why we simply connot get someone to come out and install our service. Today will make the 3rd time they haven't bothered to show up for the scheduled install appointment with no good reason. So we've been in the house for over a month now with no phone/internet or cable. We're using our cell phones for all our calls (might be an expensive month eh?) and the unsecured internet connection we've been using is sketchy at best. Anyway, I felt a need to vent and I definitly needed something to pick me up so I thought the other Radio Baldur listeners might enjoy this little bit of sillyness.

9666. 2 Dec 2011 08:41


Here's something else that brings a smile to my face, any Canadians out there are sure to recognize this one. (Any Canadians of my age anyway)

9667. 2 Dec 2011 11:01


Dragon, I too have spent way too much time on the phone with Telus. The only way I had any meaningful/useful result was by escalating my call to the higher level customer service people. When not getting anywhere I requested to "escalate this call" and voila. Still not total resolution but some improvement.

9668. 2 Dec 2011 12:44


Thanks for the advice linmar. My call was indeed escalated, we'll see if it goes anywhere now. I told them if the installation wasn't done on Monday then we will cancel our contract. I'm waiting for a call from them now but I can't say as I have much faith in them.

9669. 2 Dec 2011 15:46


Best of luck Dragon.
That first link no longer works, the second link was marvelously bizarre.
The animation got me by surprise, it looked like it was going to be a documentary.

9670. 3 Dec 2011 04:10


Saint Francis Xavier dies (1552)
Ozzy Osbourne is born (1948)
Bob Marley survives an assasination attempt (1976)
The first text message is sent from a personal computer (1992)
Today is also the International Day of the Basque Language

9671. 3 Dec 2011 18:11


That was what was known as a National Film Board Vignette. They used to play them regularly on the CBC when I was growing up. Back then having really good cable meant you got all 12 channels (though one of them was the french channel and one of them was a channel that was kind of an on screen teletype of the weather and recent news so they didn't really count). I'm pretty sure everyone I knew growing up new that song and the animation that went with it very well. It was kind of like our version of those Schoolhouse Rock cartoons except in ours you didn't have to learn stuff. Gotta love those 80's TV moments.

9672. 4 Dec 2011 01:19


Hi everybody. Found this forum here already weaks ago but couldnt follow your discussion. Thx to colorphilla for her advise! Now I know, that I can open a new topic and I`ll do this soon (and thx to pollyesther).
What I`d like to know: This Channel Baldur here, as far as I could understand, is an open channel? ... Have just read here about customer service problems. Had a lot of these, concerning my internet access, in the last days, very funny, but now solved.. i hope so.

9673. 4 Dec 2011 03:34


Welcome sandm. Every thread in the Forum is an open channel, including this one.
Channel Baldur bears my name because I was the person to begin this thread. I like to think of this as my personal radio station.
You are welcome to post comments here.

Everyone does not read Channel Baldur. Well at least Baldur does not believe everyone does. If you are hoping for a discussion on a single topic and want a lot of responses it is sometimes best to start a new thread.
By doing so you get a better cross section of the ThinkDraw community.

9674. 4 Dec 2011 03:56


Omar Khayyam dies (1123)
The British Governor outlaws the practic of suttee in India, the locals are not amused (1829)
The Mary Celeste is found adrift (1872)
Fatty Arbuckle's first manslaughter trial ends with a hung jury (1921)
Max Baer Jr., is born (1937)
Bert Lahr dies (1967)

9675. 4 Dec 2011 07:29


Thx Baldur!
Linmar, could you come to a solution with Telus? I`m presently considerating to change my internet-provider. Would be much work for me in any case.

9676. 4 Dec 2011 12:54


only partial resolution to cell issue - i don't have their internet but sounds like it may be frustrating too by Dragon's post. if proceeding with any provider, be sure to understand the ins and outs of their billing system.

9677. 4 Dec 2011 17:39


I suggest not using Telus simply because I've never been happy with their service and am still waiting for them to show up to hook up the service they were supposed to hook up a month ago. I couldn't tell you who's better but if they aren't here on Tues like they've promised to be we'll be giving Shaw a try.

9678. 5 Dec 2011 03:13


Happy Birthday to GOLDIEGIRL8 and copycat goldiegirl7

9679. 5 Dec 2011 03:51


Pope Innocent VIII issues a papal bull that results in one of histories most oppressive witchhunts , this one in Germany (1484)
Christopher Columbus sets foot on Hispaniola, there goes the neighborhood (1492)
In Portugal King Manuel I issue a decree the expel heretics from his country (1496)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died (and begins decomposing) (1791)
Christina Rossetti is born (1830)
Walt Disney is born (1901)
Claude Monet dies (1926)
Little Richard is born (1932)
Prohibition ends in the USofA (1933)
Five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers are swallowed by the Bermuda Triangle (1945)
The Great Smog descends on London, killing at least 12,000 (1952)

Happy St. Nicholas Eve and in Austria, Krampus

9680. 5 Dec 2011 09:07


I must post this because I laughed so hard I almost stopped breathing while reading it. Beware there are naughty words and adult content.