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9641. 27 Nov 2011 02:59


We did have 2" of snow in midOctober and about 4" more just 3 weeks ago, both storms caused lots of damage as the trees were not denuded of leaves yet. That snow has since melted and now we just have a mess of leaves and fallen tree limbs.

9642. 27 Nov 2011 03:16


Buffalo Bob Smith is born (1917)
The first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is held (1924)
Harvey Milk is assasinated (1978)

9643. 27 Nov 2011 07:23


So this morning we decided to dig out the waffle maker and actually use it. My hubby has had it since long before we met but it has never been used while we've been together. Consequently we didn't have a waffle batter recipe and had to go online to find one. We picked one called Classic Waffles and they browned up beautifully and smelled quite lovely. They weren't terribly flavourful though. They kind of ended up just being syrup flavoured. So I wondered if any of those wonderful cooks who subscribe to Baldur Radio have a good waffle recipe?
Ideally, we'd love to try making Liege Waffles but they require special pearl sugar and we haven't gotten around to looking for it. I'm not even sure if it would be at the regular grocery store or if we'd have to find a specialty one.
Anyway, any good waffle batter recipes would be greatly appreciated.

9644. 27 Nov 2011 16:10


you gotta see this... 9874_n.jpg

9645. 27 Nov 2011 16:11


ok.... try this... 6&type=1&theater

9646. 28 Nov 2011 03:14


How nice to hear from you matthew, come back and chat some more.

Has anyone had any luck opening those two links? I admit that my computer won't allow me to see the content.

9647. 28 Nov 2011 03:38


Frank Dyryea wins the first automobile race in the US, travelling 54 miles in only 10 hours (1895)
Berry Gordy Jr is born (1929)
The Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston kills 491 (1942)
A sightseeing flight crashes into Mount Erebus, an active volcano in Antartica, killing 257 (1979)

9648. 28 Nov 2011 05:23


Same for me Baldur.

9649. 28 Nov 2011 09:10


I can't get those links either. Btw, Baldur, your news of old news is quite interesting. I like reading these tidbits of history.

9650. 28 Nov 2011 13:03


I can't open those either.

I'm amazed at Baldur's last entry on things that happened this day in history. 257 people on a sightseeing flight! That was a full flight.

9651. 28 Nov 2011 13:08


If the 2nd link doesn't work, you are either not clo's friend or don't facebook... to bad, it is quite a feat...

9652. 28 Nov 2011 13:09


and I am waiting in the shadows for Baldur's next vacation so that I may once again take over the airwaves...

9653. 28 Nov 2011 17:27


Thank you Lizzi.
Baldur culls his stories from the rather extensive listings for each day on Wikipedia. If I notice a trend for a particular day I will follow it, hence earthquake day, or murder day.
It's fun research.

9654. 28 Nov 2011 17:29


matthew, Baldur is indeed on Facebook.
.....and for some odd reason it has recommended you as a friend more than once.
I cannot imagine how it has linked us

9655. 29 Nov 2011 03:42


133 Africans are dumped off the overcrowded British slave ship 'Zong' in order to claim their insurance value (1781)
Natalie Wood similarly perished (1981)
George Harrison dies but was not thrown from a boat (2001)

9656. 30 Nov 2011 04:04


Oscar Wilde dies (1900)
Lucy marries Desi (1940)
A meteor falls through a roof in Sylacauga, Alabama, striking a napping woman (1954)
Ken Jennings loses on 'Jeopardy' after winning a record $2,520,7000 (2004)

9657. 1 Dec 2011 03:18


Woody Allen is born (1935)
Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to give up her seat on the bus (1955)
The AIDS virus is officially recognized (1981)

9658. 1 Dec 2011 07:55


How is the AIDS virus recognized exactly??? Was a scientist walking down the street one day, saw it & said "whas~sup"? Was a sketch artist drawing it & noticed "hey, you look a little bit like Martha Stewart"? Do tell...

9659. 1 Dec 2011 08:50


I only report it.

9660. 1 Dec 2011 11:05


Here's a song in the true spirit of Christmas. Ignore the image they used (or enjoy it!) anyway it has nothing to do with song itself.