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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

9621. 23 Nov 2011 03:28


Well I agree marius, having the stomach flu is nasty business, and for 5 days, heavens.
Glad you're feeling better.

9622. 23 Nov 2011 03:36


Oskar the kitten is adorable, it's amazing how cats can compensate for blindess.
Our ancient cat Heidi has been blind for some 3 years now, she is a good 17 years old. She manages quite well in getting around and had finally called a truce with the 3 newer feline residents of Boughbreak.
The only problems that erupt now is when one is sleeping in the hallway and she unknowingly walks into them.

9623. 23 Nov 2011 03:45


Back to the dismal Little Drummer Boy. The whole sound annoys me. As if the original and best known version by the Harry Simeone Chorale isn't bad enough we have the equally dreadful Bing Crosby-David Bowie duet to share some of the glory.
Now Baldur loves the voices of both singers, but does get tired of hearing people wax poetic about their version of this song.
Back when there was a Mrs. Baldur she would blather on and on about it.
A bad song is a bad song in my mind, gussying it up will never help.
Here we have David Bowie singing a totally different song, interspersed and overlapping through Bing Crosby. Without hearing it the concept seemed good to me, maybe the second song would help conceal the annoyity of the first one,
No. It amplified it.
Someone should digitally separate them and release David Bowie's part separately, it doesn't seem bad, but it was sullied by all the 'bump-a-dump-dun's.

9624. 23 Nov 2011 04:05


Billy the Kid is born (1859)
Harpo Marx is born (1888)
Boris Karloff is born (1889)
The first jukebox debuts (1889)
Doctor Who first appears on BBC (1963)
Rachel Whiteread is anounced as both the best and worst British artist of the year by 2 different groups. Being best nets her a £20,000 prize, but being worst nets her £40,000 (1993)

9625. 23 Nov 2011 13:53


Wow, almost 50 years and Doctor Who is still going strong. Sigh, I miss cable, I haven't had any Doctor Who for 2 months now. Curse you Telus!
That seemed random if you didn't know that when we moved at the beginning of the month we were supposed to have our cable, internet and phone all hooked up with the special deal through Telus. Naturally they haven't shown up for any of the appointments we've made with them and they just keep saying inanities to placate us. Meanwhile we're using our cell phones for all our calls including long distance and we're logged on to somebody's unsecured (and unreliable) internet to try to get online. Again, sigh.

9626. 24 Nov 2011 02:29


First to all my listeners in the USofA a very Happy Thanksgiving.
At some point in your day while being thankful for what has been given you remember that this land was a paradise to it's previous inhabitants and it was wrenched away from them.
Sometimes we forget that we all have the capacity to undo paradise.

9627. 24 Nov 2011 02:49


'On the Origin of Species' by Charles Darwin is published (1859)
Scott Joplin is born (1868)
D.B. Cooper bails out (1971)
A partial skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis is found in Ethiopia and nicknamed after the Beatles' song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' (1974)
Freddie Mercury dies (1991)

9628. 24 Nov 2011 10:37


Goldie is born (2000)
Channel Goldie returns (Thanksgiving 2011)

Baldur!! Your favorite radio show is back!! Channel Goldie returns with a brand new survey!! On W4653! YAY

9629. 24 Nov 2011 18:12


a new survey? let me go check it out

9630. 25 Nov 2011 14:03


Welcome back Goldie, good to see you here again.

Thought I'd make note of something I saw today that made me happy. After years of controversy the gov't has finally stopped production at the asbestos mines of Canada (about darn time too!) Hopefully it will be more than a temporary stoppage. I must say that the fact that Canada is one of the world's biggest asbestos exporters is one of the few things that make me ashamed of my country. Here's to a world without asbestos!

9631. 25 Nov 2011 15:00


Here Here!

9632. 25 Nov 2011 15:02


Now here is an oddity, Baldur posted his missive du jour this morning and now it's gone.
Well I can't tell for certain if it ever got put up, beccause I did not check, but I did type out my entry of events of the day, and I believe that I clicked to post them.
How strange

9633. 25 Nov 2011 17:15


Heavens, Baldur had a 'senior' moment this morning, thankfully marius solved the mystery.
I posted my morning report on the other fantabulous radio station here on the ThinkdrawNet, namely Channel Goldie.
Here it is in a special encore edition:

'Shake 'em' up day...or Mother Nature strikes back:
Naples is devastated by a tsunami caused by an earthquake in the Tyrrhenian Sea (1343)
Shemakha in the Caucasus gets severely rattled by an earthquake, causing 80,000 fatalities (1667)
Beirut and Damascus get flattened by an earthquake, 30,000-40,000 perish (1759)
Sumatra gets rocked by a massive undersea earthquake (est. 8.7-9.2 Richter), and then flattened under the ensuing tsunami (1833)
Also today was a day of massive winstorms, tornadoes and cyclones:
The Southern part of England had wind gusts up to 120mph and an estimated 9000 fatalities (1703)
India gets slammed with a cyclone and a 40 foot storm surge at least 300,000 die (1839)
The deadliest tornado day ever for the Midwestern US. 27 major tornadoes are recorded. Of the 76 deaths, 51 are in Arkansas (1926)
Typhoon Nina whacks the Philippines with 165mph winds, 1036 deaths are reported (1987)
An ice strorm smacks the central US killing 26 while major windstorm with 90+mph gusts hits Florida (1996).

9634. 26 Nov 2011 02:42


Dracula rules Wallachia for the second time (1476)
Tutankhamun's tomb is opened (1922)
Wayland Flowers is born (1939)
Germany bombs a Woolworth in the UK (1944)
Cicciolina is born (1951)

9635. 26 Nov 2011 09:39


Baldur just spent the day raking part of the hillside at Boughbreak.
There is so much more that needs raking but I spent so much time raking other people's property that I fell behind here.
There are hundred of daffodils planted in clumps on the hill, it is most important that the leaves are cleared in the Aitumn because it intereferes with them coming up in the Spring.

9636. 26 Nov 2011 09:40


Aitumn - i + u = Autumn

9637. 26 Nov 2011 10:02


This is too cute not to share.

9638. 26 Nov 2011 10:06


I'm guessing that Boughbreak has not had a snowfall yet if Baldur is still able to rake. Do you rake up the daffodil leaves or do you have to trim them down? I recall having daffodils at one of the better dumps I lived in when I first moved to Red Deer. Being typical renters we did nothing at all with them all year, they always came back up in the springtime but there weren't very many of them. Perhaps if we'd done a little daffodil maintenance more would have popped up every year.

9639. 27 Nov 2011 02:54


They should have let the little boy do some lobster wrestling, after removing the rubber bands restraining the lobster claws.

9640. 27 Nov 2011 02:56


Dragon, by midsummer the daffodil leaves have withered away of their own accord. There is no trace of them left by now.