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961. 7 Jul 2009 12:55


-s +d =dirty
Perhaps Baldur picked up his infection there.
Robert is fond of the place because the patrons, who seem to always be the same, are quite friendly, eating there is a great way to learn local gossip.
Of course most of the people are not local for us living out here in Primrose.
The gossip remains interesting.
The owner of this establishment clearly isn't fond of me, he loves Robert though. He has slipped little pieces of bacon into my homefries, knowing I'm a vegetarian. He make what are perhaps the worst scrambled eggs I've encountered.
His homefries are quite good, as is the French Toast and English muffins, hence Baldur's breakfast is usually some combination of those.
I had his pancakes once and though they were delicious they were a boxed store-brand mix. When Baldur went to the market to read the ingredient panel (as Baldur is quite apt to do) I found that the leavening agent is aluminum based. I do my best to avoid aluminum in my diet as I find it to be a serious health threat, Baldur will no longer eat his pancakes.
The waitress is the owners adult daughter and she is very nice.

962. 7 Jul 2009 13:04


-is +are
-owners +owner's

They serve what is perhaps the nastiest coffee imaginable. They must boil a 50/50 mix of coffee grounds and water overnight and strain it through an old sock.
Baldur prefers his coffee black, so this is particularly hard to stomach.
Once I actually added a little maple syrup to the blackened mug. It helped only a little.
The waitress runs to us as soon as we enter the door, mugs of coffee in hand. I feel guilty telling her I don't want it, she is so prompt.
Baldur considers the coffee a penance for his many sins.
Refills are free, I can at least refuse those.
The mug arrives steaming hot with the spoon already in it.
Baldur removes the spoon immediately before it dissolves into the toxic brew.

963. 7 Jul 2009 13:09


Plus-fours are also called golf-knickers. The name refers to the amount of fabric that blouses below the knee. Plus-fours have 4 inches of excess fabric making them roomier for active sports where one needs to move a bit more.
For strolling through the British countryside Plus-Twos are appropriate, being more fitted.
Baldur has a couple pairs of each in his wardrobe. Being the local eccentric people no longer even take notice of them.
The kilt still raises eyebrows though.

964. 7 Jul 2009 14:08


Stop it... How do I turn off these mental images???

965. 7 Jul 2009 14:26


Baldur is still recovering from the splinters you received whilst pole-dancing matthew. At times I wake up screaming in the middle of the night:
" For the love of all things holy somewhere cover him up!"

966. 7 Jul 2009 14:28


Baldur's favourite Plus-Fours are in a mini houndstooth patterm of taupe and brown, I had a matching waistcoat made at the same time.

967. 7 Jul 2009 14:30


I was wearing plain brown hose with that at first but eventually I found argyle hose in the correct colors.
One must always wear a bowtie with this outfit.
In recent years Baldur taught himself how to correctly tie one on.

968. 7 Jul 2009 14:31


No doubt many of Baldur's listening audience already know how to tie on on.

969. 7 Jul 2009 15:12


Baldur, you never fail to entertain me!! If we didn't live on opposite coasts I would want to be your best friend!! lol
I am worried about your owie though, I know those spider bites are nothing to mess with. I hate to go to doctors but I think I would for a bite like that..

970. 7 Jul 2009 15:19


Iam likes to dress head to toe in Pringle knitwear.

971. 7 Jul 2009 15:33


Not Baldurs plus-fours but you get the idea:

972. 7 Jul 2009 17:56


I'll bet you make quite the dapper chap Baldur (and I do so love a nice hounds tooth fabric).
Oh and thank you to everyone for explaining Plus-fours to me (especially Login for the wonderful picture!) and I had no idea Plus-twos even existed! I live a very sheltered life here in my little corner of Alberta, I will say, however, that I regularly see men in kilts in town, so Baldur you might fit right in here

973. 7 Jul 2009 19:14


Medical update
The injury is definitely shrinking and feels less warm to the touch. That area which may be a bite doesn't look as bad but it is still surrounded by quite a nasty bruised area.
Baldur has changed the way he is wrapping it finding an elastic bandage over a 3" sterile gauze pad is the easiest to keep in position.
When I put my weight on my left foot the infected area stretches a bit and is painful, but that passes quickly.
When my leg is at rest there is no pain at all.
Nonetheless Baldur will walk a bit tomorrow to get the juices flowing.

The cat discovered the heating pad and I now find myself having to share it.

974. 7 Jul 2009 19:27


Do Tell Iam, is it possible to dress head to toe in Pringles knitwear?
Baldur has looked on eBay at their Argyle Golf 'jumpers' (AKA sweaters for us Yanks) but never knew they made a full range of clothing.

975. 7 Jul 2009 19:33


I would estimate that 75% of Baldur's hosiery is argyle, the remainder are an odd mix,
Strangely though I do not own any of the American standard white athletic socks. Those are almost a national uniform too, how unimaginative.

Baldur is also a 'boxers' man. None of those are solid colors either.
I enjoy the cartoonish facet of wearing them with festooned polka dots though some are of a plaid design.

976. 7 Jul 2009 19:40


Baldur believes that life should try to emulate (no points) classic television situation comedies. Certainly my life does just that
My dear old friend Frank and I were Hellions (+5 points) in our heyday.
We adored absurd but harmless humour.

Years ago (this would be that late 1970s) we noticed that it was very easy to find discarded umbrellas and so we started to collect them.
Between trash picking and finding them left lying around in public places we quickled amassed approximately 200.
One balmy summer evening we loaded them all in the back of my jeep and drove into town. There in a deserted plaza we carefully opened each one and scattered them around the ground. This was a pedestrian only area so no traffic was disrupted.
We went home and for the next couple days patiently monitored the local news and papers.
There was never any mention of it at all.
How sad.
It was beautiful.

977. 7 Jul 2009 19:59


That is sad but, I'm sure you both had so much fun, laughing about!! I have done the fun, silly innocent pranks, and have to say, the fun freedom of it all is the best. Wonderful memories, of fun and friendship!

978. 7 Jul 2009 21:11


200 umbrellas strewn hither and yon, and no good press on that prank? Tsk. Those who would appreciate the umbrellas would also appreciate the prank played on one of my neighbors--a gazillion (that would be a zillion billions) white plastic forks stuck in the ground in their front yard. Those forks miraculously showed up overnight--it was hilarious. And just as mysteriously, the forks went away the next night!

979. 7 Jul 2009 21:48


Maybe it was a alien picnic!!

980. 8 Jul 2009 03:33


Or perhaps the fairies had been digging ... many hands make light work.