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9581. 14 Nov 2011 03:25


Dragon, that dessert looks fantastic, I may need to make a test version this week for myself

9582. 14 Nov 2011 03:37


What happened today?
Nellie Bly starts on a trip around the world, inspired by the novel 'Around the World in 80 Days', she's makes it in only 72 days.
Claude Monet is born (1840), Happy Birthday Claude!

9583. 14 Nov 2011 13:13


It's official, Baldur will be making the Layered Pumpkin Pie Toffee Cheesecake. The other contenders appear to be Boston Cream Pie, Sugar free Chocolate Mousse Pie, Nilla Wafer Banana Pudding and Thin Ginger Cookies.

9584. 14 Nov 2011 13:25


Today I bought the graham crackers, the pumpkin and the toffee chips. We are on our way.

Has anyone noticed that fresh limes are ridiculously cheap right now?
Baldur mainly shops at GhettoMart, one of those no-frills groceries that has fewer brands, no fancy displays, lots of ethnic food and encourages you to gather empty boxes in their aisles to 'bag' up your order after you've paid.
This weeks limes are 8/$1 there, and they are big heavy picture-perfect limes.
I checked, even the regular pricey market has them for 4/$3. a considerable savings from the normal price.

Baldur goes through a lot of limes. I need never worry about scurvy here at Boughbreak.

9585. 14 Nov 2011 13:29


Canned pumpkin has been a problem this year.
I buy it in 15oz cans. Last year I paid $1.19 per can, which I thought was too high.
Generally for the holiday season here 99c has been the standard price since, well since the early 1990s.
Now this year the best price at the supermarkets has been $1.69 per can, and 2 cans for $5 is not uncommon.
Luckily my local Dollar Store has started carrying it.
Baldur has bought quite a few cans at $1 each, they should get me through the Winter anyway.

9586. 14 Nov 2011 13:32


Let's not even get me going about canned beans, it's crazy out there.
Recently there was a good sale at one of the deluxe markets.
2 cans of beans for $1.
Just 2 years ago that would have been a ridiculously high price, this year it's a bargain.
Baldur keeps lots of them on hand.

9587. 14 Nov 2011 13:34


We don't buy a lot of meat here.
Robert is not a vegetarian so I usually have to prepare a small portion for him of some animal product.
Easiest are the days when I prepare something that we both can eat.

9588. 15 Nov 2011 04:29


A succinct history of the day:
Atlanta burns (1864), C.W. McCall was born (1926), Himmler orders that the Romane be put 'on the same level' as the Jews and placed in concentration camps (1943)

9589. 16 Nov 2011 03:13


LSD is invented in Switzerland (1938)
Icelandic Language Day is celebrated
W.C. Handy is born (1873)

9590. 16 Nov 2011 08:50


Hope the Layered Pumkin Cheesecake etc goes over well. If so you can send the thanks to Robindcr8dl, she's the one who put me on to that recipes blog. I'm hoping to try that recipe myself. While I like pumpkin pie I always get overwhelmed by it before I finish my slice so I like the idea of cutting it with cheesecake (and really, how can you go wrong with toffee cheesecake?)

9591. 17 Nov 2011 03:59


Cool. I just shared a volley of emails with Robin this week over an event she hosted. I'll thank her.

Having just found out that strawberries are one of our guests absolutely favoritest things (he claims to like strawberries even more than chocolate), the seond dessert has become a strawberry trifle.
Baldur will be arranging ladyfingers, vanilla custard, whipped cream, strawberries in syrup, and framboise liqueur in a trifle bowl, topped with a crown of fresh strawberries.

9592. 17 Nov 2011 04:00


seond + c = second

9593. 17 Nov 2011 04:21


Elizabeth makes it to the throne (1558) and 5 years later to the day Sir Walter Raleigh goes on trial for treason.
The Anglo-Swedish War begins (1810)
NBC cuts off the final moments of an exciting Raiders-Jets football game (1968) on the east coast of the US to begin its broadcast of 'Heidi'. The backlash prompts sweeping changes to sports broadcasting

9594. 18 Nov 2011 03:10


William tell shoots the apple (1307), Steamboat Willie steams into theatres (1928), Jim Jones passes around the cyanide-laced Kool-Aid(1978)

9595. 19 Nov 2011 03:37


Pope Urban II calls the Clermont Council (1095) which authorizes the First Crusade. 900+ years of strife (to date) is its legacy.
The man in the iron mask dies (1703).
Dan Haggerty is born (1941).
Milli Vanilli is stripped of its Grammy (1990).

9596. 19 Nov 2011 03:46


Thanks for reminding us, Baldur. Crusade has become a dirty word, even when used in a different context. If only we could undo the wrongs ... of all nations, including our own.

9597. 19 Nov 2011 10:29


I also vote to undo the wrongs of Milli Vanilli while we're at it.

9598. 19 Nov 2011 11:20


Well, as it's well and truly winter here (27 below today- that's -16F for my American friends) I thought I'd give you a little offering that always cracks me up. It's also more evidence of how Canadians can poke fun at themselves and at our stupid weather too.

9599. 20 Nov 2011 03:56


Heavens, I'd expect the same in Rhode Island.

9600. 20 Nov 2011 04:06


Dick Smothers is born (1939)
Connie Talbot is born (2000)