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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

9541. 31 Oct 2011 05:26


9542. 31 Oct 2011 07:56


That's an amazing gallery, Mcdrawn. I will visit it again. Very interesting.

9543. 31 Oct 2011 13:07


Thanks for the introduction to TD matthew, somehow I think I'll find myself right at home here in no time.

We had quite a trip, it rained like crazy for the first 3 days we were there but cleared up just in time for the wedding. We had to give up on the beach wedding because we had to buy permits ahead of time to use the beach and we just didn't know if the rain was going to stop by then. Didn't want to shell out $150 if we weren't going to be able to use it. So we arranged to use the resort's theater but happily it was nice enough on the day of to use a garden they had. I actually think I like the garden better than the beach anyway, it was a little more private and was really beautiful. The day was meltingly hot with about 100% humidity and our poor guests were melting but there was no rain.
Ceremony was lovely, though I forgot my vows in the hotel room and had to wing it. We also got great pictures throughout the resort and some fun ones on the beach.
We stayed at quite a small resort and so we were like celebrities the whole week long.
After our wedding week the rest of the family went home and we moved to a different resort which was enormous in comparison, it was a beautiful place but we preferred our small resort where you were never more than 5 minutes walk from anywhere else on the property. Funny thing was, we teased our family saying we'd send them daily weather reports and then when we found out about the hurricane we were practically sending them hourly reports.
Fortunately the hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm before it made landfall at our resort which meant we could spend the night in our room. If it had remained a hurricane we would have had to go into the hotel's hurricane shelter (which was their conferance center) they had evacuated 2.5 more hotels to our resort so it would have been quite a squeeze.

9544. 1 Nov 2011 05:28


Happy Birthday to Stephen Crane, Lyle Lovett and Bo Bice.

9545. 1 Nov 2011 05:33


You draconian wedding sounds like it was lovely Dragon, I agree with your preference for small venues.

9546. 1 Nov 2011 19:00


Welcome back Baldur and Dragon. Sounds like you both had good trips. Well, the almost-hurricane didn't sound so wonderful, but you've got to expect wild weather when you're a dragon. Yes?

And, a short Missouri Moment ... we still have bats. Saw about 30 of them on Halloween night!

Now, here's a little celebration of flowers. Dreaming of springtime ...

9547. 1 Nov 2011 19:51


That was wonderful marius, definitely made me feel springlike, though I did notice one Christmas cactus bloom in there. We have 2 big Christmas cactus plants at work and both of them are just full of buds about to open up. We should have quite an amazing batch in the next week or two.

9548. 2 Nov 2011 04:30


Happy Birthday to Marie Antoinette, J.D. Souther and k.d. Lang.

9549. 2 Nov 2011 14:21


Here's a little musical moment.

Has nothing to do with anything really but I was thinking of it today and thought some on Channel Baldur might enjoy it.

9550. 3 Nov 2011 05:25


Happy Birthday to Charles Bronson, Lulu and Adam Ant.

9551. 4 Nov 2011 05:51


What video silliness that was! Very enjoyable

9552. 4 Nov 2011 06:07


Happy Birthday to Robert Mapplethorpe, Jeff Probst and Sean 'Diddy' Combs.

9553. 4 Nov 2011 08:13


Well, we knew it was coming but I was still unprepared for it. Snow. And darnit, I moved all my footwear (including winter boots) to the new house already. Had to wear Crocs to work this morning, they aren't very effective at keeping the snow out. Oh well, we'll be moving more stuff over tonight, I can get my boots then.

9554. 4 Nov 2011 09:16


I guess Crocs don't offer much warmth, but at least they're waterproof.
Hope you are soon ensconced in the warm boots.
Your wedding sounds great and I'm betting the wing-ed vows are every bit as valid as any written version.
What could work better than "from the heart?"

9555. 4 Nov 2011 14:57


Fortunately I did remember a good portion of them. One of the lines I chose for my vows, my hubby also chose for his, so that was cool.

Found this website and it made me laugh.
According to my death clock I've got until Dec 21/2078, it did include a link to a site teaching me how to reduce my cholesterole in case 101 years just isn't enough for me.

9556. 5 Nov 2011 04:24


Happy Birthday to Natalie Schafer!!!, Johnny Damon and Art Garfunkel.

9557. 6 Nov 2011 03:16


Happy Birthday to Suleiman the Magnificent, John Philip Sousa and Sally Field.

9558. 6 Nov 2011 07:29


Congratulations to all October Top 5 winners!! There are so many good pictures! I often think that there should be more than 5 best in each category. Some really good pictures don't even get honourable mention. I wonder if there is a way to include them. Any ideas?

9559. 6 Nov 2011 11:19


Well, there could possibly be a link that says 'Other Great October Pictures' or something. Just an idea

9560. 6 Nov 2011 19:58


Well, it's been a while so ... another Missouri Moment. (And, thanks to our gracious host for allowing these breaks in regular programming!) Here is the story:

This morning started off strangely because for reasons unknown, I decided to read the Sunday paper. That is most curious as I *never* bother with the paper. Anyway, a few pages into the front section there was an article with a certain headline and when I saw it, I started saying, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God." (Yes, I'm very eloquent.)

Spouse was rather alarmed and I was too shocked to be able to articulate more than, "Oh my God." Turns out there was far more to Satyrday night's peculiar events than I knew. Here is what happened.

Around 11 p.m. I was writing on the computer in our "Florida Room" when all of the sudden my chair began to wobble. At that same moment, my new space heater fan came on and I was so into the zone of writing that I rather unconsciously tried to ignore the wobbling. However, it persisted and I got the idea that perhaps something had gotten stuck under one of the chair legs and I simply had not noticed it earlier.

A check under all chair legs revealed nothing so back into the chair and ... wobble, wobble. Then it occurred to me that perhaps the new space heater was somehow vibrating the floor! If it was, I'd need to return it because the chair felt like someone very strong had gotten hold of one of the legs and was shaking it.

The next thing I did was get out of the chair to see if the space heater was making the floor vibrate, which was in turn making the chair wobble. The floor felt fine so I got back into the chair and ... wobble, wobble.

What was going on? I began to wonder if I had developed a sudden case of tremors! However, about that time the wobbling stopped so I went back to writing, forgetting all about the interruptions until I read the Sunday morning paper.

Turns out there was a 5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma last night, felt as far north as Illinois, and into several other states including Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Texas! Well for goodness sakes, that was the last thing I expected. Hope not to feel any such thing, ever again, but nice to know I have not developed a case of the tremors. : )