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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

9501. 23 Oct 2011 05:37


It's another day & other well known people share this day as their birthday... I'm sure you know who they are so I wont go into that...

and now a word from our sponsors...

9502. 23 Oct 2011 05:42


Do you ever have those "brain fart" moments??? Forget where you are going??? forget what you were saying??? Forget what you were doing???

Then you need to order our product "Fart~B~Gone"... This will change your life (by making you $20 poorer, but we are hoping you will forget where you ordered this from)...

Thats right... remember to order now... 1-800-555-WHAT

9503. 23 Oct 2011 18:04


Matthew, Matthew...
Actually, you have a natural flair for the Disembodied Voice Medium.
Who else is on our list of sponsers? We might need to hear from them or expire from lack of funding!;)

9504. 24 Oct 2011 03:56


Another day, more people born... (like my granddaughter Alice Rose @ 12:24 this morning)....

And now to our sponsor...

9505. 24 Oct 2011 04:08


Ever have that not so fresh feeling??? Wonder if the people arround you notice??? Well we do... but I can change all that!!!

With this revolutionary new product called soap, you can now WASH YO STANKY @$$!!! Thats right, wash the stank right off with just a flick of the wrist.

How much would you pay for a product like this that could change your life??? (no really... let me know how much you think I can milk people for)...

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE: Order in the next 60 seconds and we will throw in a Sham You... Just like a Sham~Wow only better (if you think a wash cloth is better than a sham~wow) I'll make it TWO bars of stank removal soap and TWO sham~you's for THREE EASY PAYMENTS OF (do you think $29.99 is too much? yes?) $19.99 it is. Order today 1-800-stank Ho

9506. 24 Oct 2011 09:32


I'm going to take away matthew's coffee and energy drinks! But he is doing a good job in our host's absence.

9507. 24 Oct 2011 15:16


Lets not go crazy Sheftali... Matthew likes his caffine...

9508. 24 Oct 2011 17:15


congratulations matthew on the arrival of Alice Rose!

9509. 24 Oct 2011 17:29


Thank you ... 345_n.jpg

9510. 24 Oct 2011 17:30


hmmmm... that didn't work... anyway, pics on my FB account... f=notif&notif_t=like#!/profile.php?id=100000275795918

9511. 24 Oct 2011 20:15



9512. 25 Oct 2011 06:13


9513. 25 Oct 2011 06:15


And congratulations Matthew! She's precious.

9514. 25 Oct 2011 08:53


...more babies, more days... tick tick tick... time passes... yea, yea, yea...

now more crud for sale...

9515. 25 Oct 2011 09:04


Congratulations on the arrival of Alice Rose, Matthew it's always a pleasure to hear about a newborn baby, this is truly wonderful news.

9516. 25 Oct 2011 09:17


9517. 25 Oct 2011 13:56


ummm... thanks for that introduction...

NOTHING, I have NOTHING for sale... absolutely NOTHING...

ever wish you could get away from it all??? live a care free life??? well today is your lucky day!!!

thats right folks... for the low, low cost of everything you own, you can have NOTHING rushed to you today...

think of the freedom... no more home repairs, no more car maintanance, no more heavy burdens of unsightly jewelry... No more wondering if you have a balance on those pesky credit cards... TRUE FREEDOM is yours today with a simple call... 1-800-RU2-DUMB

9518. 26 Oct 2011 09:49


Congratulations, Matthew, on the new grand-daughter! I could not view her picture, but I'm sure she is as adorable as everyone says. There is always something so exciting about a new family member. Our most recent one is nearing her first birthday.
That most recently touted product, 'True Freedom'...I am pretty sure that will be a winner. We can all use less STUFF in our lives.

9519. 26 Oct 2011 10:22


Congratulations Matthew, what a beautiful grand-daughter! Also good show... stay on the coffee. ;]

9520. 26 Oct 2011 15:16


Heaven forbid that I miss a day... I MUST inform you that... you guessed it... other people were born on this day in history as well...

Now, we must stay in business, so listen to this...