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9421. 5 Oct 2011 18:49


Sheftali has not seen any bats at her bat house yet. And am envious that Marius has located a good deal on a bat detector. Will be looking for one myself. Now if only Baldur had a yellowjacket detector before getting into that mess. Yikes.

9422. 6 Oct 2011 08:31


Happy Birthday to Melinda Doolittle!!!!!, Tony Dungy, Britt Ekland, Bruno Sammartino, Thor Heyerdahl, Carole Lombard, Le Corbusier, George Westinghouse and Jenny Lind.

9423. 7 Oct 2011 03:21


Now Robin, I would love to have a "batcam" but bats have been known to leave homes to which changes are made after occupancy. There are three other problems with "batcam" dreams. So far I've not found a camera that easily accommodates the tiny bat house spaces (although have not spent much time looking for one). Then there is the problem of visibility: bat houses are dark inside. Lastly, there is the cost factor. However, if I ever get a batcam set up, will be sure to let folks know. : )

As for bat house size? Our houses are 26" long, 24" wide with 5 inches of depth. That five inches has two dividers, thus creating three chambers. The chambers are 21 inches long, 23 inches wide and 1 to 1&1/2 inches deep. Believe it or not, our bat houses could accommodate 150 bats. Now, they might be a bit crowded, but they could fit in there.

Here's a link that shows our bat houses. No guarantee that it will work because I barely understand how to use photobucket and have forgotten how I got the pics in there. : ) And the slideshow is backwards. Should be: 1st bat house, getting ready to hang 2nd bat house, still getting ready to hang second bat house, hanging 2nd bat house, photo of both houses, photo to show closeness of tree to second bat house. Not sure yet but think the tree is too close and because of that, bats may not use it.

9424. 7 Oct 2011 03:23


What a miracle ... seems the link works. And, Sheftali, as I understand it, worst case scenario is that bats can take as long as five years before 'deciding' to move into a new bat house. Who knows why. Everything I've read said habitat and placement are the most important things when trying to attract bats. We have great habitat but our 'people house' is such that the only good bat house location is on a south/southwest facing side. (By good, I mean a location that has enough hours of sunlight, is high enough off the ground, and is relatively safe from predators.)

The location of our bat houses is less than desirable because bats like morning sun and out bat houses don't get a lick of that. Our bats get afternoon sun and that's one reason they leave in the heat of summer. However, we are hoping to hang a third house on our north/east facing chimney. The chimney barely gets the required hours of sunshine, but hopes are that when it gets very hot, the bats will move from the southwest-facing bat houses into the cooler chimney one. (I would if I were them.)

Now, it's a whole other world to read about something versus having hands-on experiences. When I get experience with the bat detector, promise to share more. Meanwhile, here's one of my favorite bat videos. It shows the University of Florida, Gainsville, bat house. I'd LOVE a bat house like that but not sure the neighbors would. Tee hee. : )

9425. 7 Oct 2011 03:27


Dragon, will be thinking about you on the 17th. Can't wait to hear all about the wedding! : )

9426. 7 Oct 2011 04:49


Stay tuned for more exciting Batventures from marius, here on Radio Baldur, same bat-time, same bat-channel....

9427. 7 Oct 2011 05:07


Happy Birthday to Bree Olson, Taylor Hicks, Toni Braxton, Simon Cowell, Jayne Torvil, Michael W. Smith, Yo Yo Ma, Vladimir Putin, John Mellencamp, Oliver North, Joy Behar, Desmond Tutu, Al Martino, June Allyson, Vaughn Monroe and Uncle Dave Macon.

9428. 7 Oct 2011 05:08


To everyone from the staff here at Radio Baldur I would like to wish everyone a peaceful Yom Kippur.

9429. 7 Oct 2011 08:12


And a happy Thanksgiving weekend for all us Canadians listeners.

9430. 7 Oct 2011 18:42


Congratulations to the new Mrs. Dragon!! Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving weekend!! Will we be seeing a new profile pic of Dragon in her wedding gown??

9431. 8 Oct 2011 03:52


Happy Birthday to Bruno Mars, Matt Damon, Julia Ann, C-Jay Ramone, CeCe Winans, Robert Kool Bell, Sigourney Weaver, Johnny Ramone, Sarah Purcell, R. L. Stine, Chevy Chase, Jesse Jackson, Rona Barrett, Frank Herbert and Juan Peron.

9432. 8 Oct 2011 05:36


Hello, Auntie B here. Speaking of weddings, today are the nuptials of 80 year old (+) Uncle Jonah and Albina.
We are headed up to Worcester in a few moments.
Baldur's outfit is not his finest effort.. he is wearing a taupe and black houndstooth check jacket, with taupe trousers, a rust shirt (though with matching pocket square) and a paisley necktie in shades of taupe, rust, pumpkin, espresso and black.
I checked his socks, they are rust coloured also.

My outfit is a very flatter sheath completely covered in tiny fishscale sequins in a lovely rose-gold color. the sequins are repeated on my pillbox hat.

Off we go....

9433. 8 Oct 2011 05:37



ta ta

9434. 8 Oct 2011 06:11


oh AuntieB.. please, please enlighten some of us less well brung up people ..

what, oh what, is a 'flatter sheath' ? .. is it like an extended corset, or more like a trompe l'oeil bit of fancy paint work ?

9435. 8 Oct 2011 09:18


Hope you have a marvelous time and tell us all about it when you get back!
It's our Canadian Thanksgiving and I am smelling the wonderful aroma of pumpkin pie.

9436. 8 Oct 2011 10:58


I believe Auntie B meant to write 'flattering sheath'. I do hope she or Baldur fill us in on the details of the wedding and that Uncle Jonah and Albina have a wonderful day filled with well wishes from the family.

I will attempt a profile pic with my dress after the Mexican ceremony (Hubby hasn't seen the true dress yet and he's not getting any clues until I'm walking down that aisle )

9437. 8 Oct 2011 13:18


Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadian TD'ers! My pumpkin pie just went into the oven and an apple pie will go in after.

9438. 8 Oct 2011 16:29


And I add my best Thanksgiving wishes to Indigo's. Enjoy good company, eat a little too much, and....keep your stick on the ice?;)

9439. 8 Oct 2011 18:59


I did of course mean to say 'flattering sheath'.
Let me just stop a moment and slip off these dancing shoes...

9440. 8 Oct 2011 19:00


Happy Thanksgiving Oh Canada, not Canadia as my nephew is fond of calling you.