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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

941. 5 Dec 2011 05:27


I Hope that despite all that has happened to you this past year Hazer, you can have a Happy Christmas with family and friends. I wish you and kin a wonderful New Year.

I will extend these wishes to everyone on Think Draw from all walks of life and parts of the world whether you celebrate Christmas...or not! Have a very wonderful New Year. X

Stevedover1965 (Stephen Martin)

942. 5 Dec 2011 18:44


Your comments are all very much appreciated! I just had my 6 week appointment today and made a tentative appointment to have my left knee done some time in January.
I'm happy to report that I am in much better spirits then the last time I posted on this thread. My friends that live close by have rallied together and made sure that I got out of the house almost every day in the past two weeks which has been a tremendous boost to my morale.
I am privileged to have made wonderful friends on Think Draw as well and wish you all the very best as we prepare to close out another year.

943. 6 Dec 2011 04:05


Just found this prayer request side here and have read the last entries. I can feel with Hazer, seeing a strong woman. Congratulations to your progress! And Im with Normal, .. "slow and steady wins the race". Its so important to be "in a good spirit", just in times, where success isnt visible at once.
I found another prayer request here, from Angela, and may be its not understandable, but I know, that her request was heared, before it has been posted.

944. 6 Dec 2011 08:01


Hello everyone=) i have a request to add for my family. I feel like we are under constant attack in many ways. We are now being scrutinized by a certain agency from which I don't feel I have anything to hide.
My son was bullied a few months back by his cousin who left considerable bruises on his back and his arm. This happened when he stayed over the weekend with him. It was a few days after this happened before I even noticed these bruises, he had been hiding them from me so that he could protect his cousin from getting into trouble. His teacher noticed the bruises on his arm and contacted Child Welfare Services ( I would have done the same thing in her position). Luckily, they spoke with all three of my boys at school and found out what had happened before they even contacted me(a surprise visit at my door). I was somewhat worried...this kind of thing doesn't reflect very well on me as a parent and one might jump to conclusions before knowing what the situation is.

945. 6 Dec 2011 08:08


I knew that there was nothing to hide, so I let them in no problem. My husband and I signed an agreement that my son would get counseling services to help him with his feelings about what had happened. I was relieved because he could get help with it at no cost.
We then were visited by a family advocate sent by CWS, to see if there were any other services which would be helpful.

946. 6 Dec 2011 08:19


We volunteered to take the parenting course...we have 4 children 3 boys and a girl--(ages ranging13yrs-3yrs)and felt we might be able to gain some skills in the area of parenting. Our family advocate has been wonderful--we are about half way through the parenting course and I have learned a lot from her=).
Meanwhile, the 3 boys who are in school have been receiving counseling services.

947. 6 Dec 2011 09:02


I am concerned for my children.
My older boys are really struggling in school, and my kindergartener has had a relapse in potty-training of all things(hasn't been an issue at all for over a year).
I feel like I'm in a tug-of-war in regards to keeping my family together.
I know all these things will turn out for the best, but it is just difficult to see how from where I'm at now.
Please pray for us, that we will make it through this together and that somehow we may bring glory to God in the process.
Please also pray that we will receive guidance in the choices we make that effect our children and our family as a whole.
My husband and I have been together for 14 yrs...we have made it through some rocky times and I hope we make it through all of this together as well.
Thanks for reading this and thanks to those who are praying for us.

948. 7 Dec 2011 15:20


On second thought, surely there are more pressing issues to pray about. I tend to over react to embarrassing.

949. 7 Dec 2011 15:34


Hi Polly....I will be praying for you and your family. This must be so stressful for you. Your faith is strong and your family will emerge from this stronger then ever. Just take one day at a time and know that the difficulties you face today will pass and you will have grown and learned from this experience. Keep us posted my dear. We may not be able to help you physically, but we can certainly listen and support you emotionally. Take care.

950. 7 Dec 2011 16:51


Thank you so much Hazer.

951. 7 Dec 2011 19:05


Dear Polly, I am sending you all my good wishes hopes and thoughts.

952. 8 Dec 2011 03:16


Hi pollyester, please know, that I am with you in all these times, in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure, as you can feel too, all will turn out for the best, This is, what really counts. On such a way there often are times, where you are not really able to see the next step. Ive made a similar experience, on an issue, keeping things together. These times between, are part of the way, and please be patient and confident, and know, that even if you cannot see where you are for just the moment, you still are guided by your spiritual light and the grace of God. It then turned out, that you didnt miss the way or a decision, because they are "going to reach you". (I hope, it is understandable, what I want to say).
You are in my prayers and thoughts and I send you the confidence from my heart to trust in this process. Please stay in contact.

953. 9 Dec 2011 05:35


Thank you for the warm comforting words, I appreciate it more than you know=)

954. 17 Dec 2011 08:29


Thank you for praying for my family, and I have to praise God for all of the good things that have come from the situation. My husband and I have learned a lot about parenting, whereas before we would kind of be "winging it" now we are finding peace and cooperation by being more intentional. The children are much happier as they realize that we are listening to them more (not that we wouldn't listen before, but we assumed they knew that we heard them when maybe they didn't) I'm learning to be less closed off. I didn't realize how much I was missing by not letting people in and not reaching out to others. It is still hard for me to do, but little by little will make a change in that.
I know this all may seem like it should go without saying, but please endure my duh moment LOL. And my request seems such a small thing in comparison to others who have bigger needs...I am a "crybaby" and I know my Heavenly Father understands, after all I am the youngest sibling in my family.
I hope that all of you know that He is interested in you and your needs and desires, no matter how small or big they may be.
You have multiplied, O LORD my God,
your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us;
none can compare with you!
I will proclaim and tell of them,
yet they are more than can be told. from psalm 40
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. from Jeremiah 29

955. 17 Dec 2011 12:41


Dear pollyesther,
Be sure that the Lord God will never forsake his people. We are born to his image and likeness, We are the fruit of His creation so how Can he ever forsake us both in the good times and in the bad.
Consequently, dear pollyesther it was very wise of you to seek His intevention in time of need. He is always there ready to listen to you and here you. Let your heart be His Son's manger inthis time of year. Merry Christmas filled with everlasting peace, joy and hapiness in the Lord.

956. 18 Dec 2011 10:58


Dear pollyesther,
It is the intention, which "makes the difference". And if the intention (corresponding to your thoughts) is embedded in the thoughts of God, then you recieve the result you have been praying for. It is the intention, how to do in the family- you have found out. And it is the intention in every minute of life. If you are aware of God, being alll the time with you, you are aware of your intention and in the power of "finding the right intention" corresponding to your needs and within your free will.
The prayers you noted above are saying it.

Then I ve found an entry here on the prayers request site, you made on 28.Dec.2009, giving an detailed answer to somebody who has lost a friend. And you used Genesis, the story of Adam and Eve. You then gave the best interpretation of it, I ever heart, especially I like, what you said on the "master plan" and its goal.
But I dont want to remind you of your own writing because of the content. You have written this with a strong and powerful position of knowing, feeling and awareness, and it has this kind of sound and vibrancy upon it. Read it once again, I guess you then will come into this energy again, at least easier again. You are in my thoughts, and Im praying for you.

957. 30 Jan 2012 07:48


Hi to all my TD friends! I just want to give you a little update...I am now three months past my right knee replacement surgery and doing well. I still have a fair bit of swelling from my knee to ankle, which I'm told can be remedied by doing more walking, (and less sitting at the computer)!
My left knee surgery is on Feb 1st, so I am busy making preparations to be "out of commission" for a month or so. I'm trying to not think about the pain and instead focus on how well I should be doing by Easter time.
My oldest daughter and baby will come and stay with me for a couple of weeks to help me with meals and exercises, etc. She will be busy between me and her 8 month old, but we are both really looking forward to spending some time together. My younger daughter and her family will come on the weekend of the 12th. The girls plan on bringing the "Anne of Green Gables" DVD series I got them for Christmas, to watch with Grandma. Now to find something equally enjoyable to do with the little 5 year old grandson.
It will be a busy household for a couple of weeks!

958. 30 Jan 2012 10:57


Hi Hazer, so glad you are doing well. It sounds like you've got things in order for your surgery, and lots of love and support from family. I pray you recover quickly and that you enjoy your family during the visits=)

959. 30 Jan 2012 11:08


Dear Hazer,
Thank you, for giving an update. All best wishes for your surgery, and let us know how you are doing, Thinking on Easter time is quite a good idea. Glad to hear, that your family is with you.

960. 1 Feb 2012 17:02


Here's hoping that you will soon become an honorary Rockette.
Baldur's prayers are going out to you Hazer.