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941. 5 Jul 2009 19:25


Baldur is not sure if the fireworks were actually in Manchester or over the line in Bolton, but the incredible part was that it was privately staged.
This was not a town sponsored event.
It is put on every year by a retired selectman (AKA councilor or representative) out of his own pocket. This is indeed quite a gift to the townspeople as it rivaled any other fireworks display Baldur has seen.
Our host said it is believed to cost $35,000 (USD).

942. 5 Jul 2009 19:33


Today, on the drive home Robert and I stopped in the town of Danielson to visit Logee's greenhouses.
How Baldur loves that place.
They run a large mail order/internet business selling tropical and indoor plants. Their greenhouses are amazing. They really should issue machetes to anyone entering them. In places one finds themselves pushing their way through luxuriant foliage.

I needed to get a new staghorn fern for Chez Baldur.
A horticultural rival gave me bad advice regarding their cultivation and Baldur has nearly killed his specimen. While there is still hope for recovery, such a route will be long and arduous (+10 points).
So ailing staghorn fern#1 gets put aside into the infirmary for tender ministrations whilst staghorn fern #2 gets put up overhead in the foyer.

943. 5 Jul 2009 19:37


Then I stopped at the bookstore and finally got a copy of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith.
This proved rather difficult to find (Baldur hates asking for assistance), but eventually I located it in the 'young adult' section.
Such classics should really be filed under 'Literature'.

944. 5 Jul 2009 19:42


Baldur really wants to start that book next, but shall behave himself and dive into the copy of 'Beowulf' that is gathering dust on his sideboard instead.
Of course tomorrow is horse manure day again, so filling and then emptying my pickup truck will occupy part of my morning.
It all seems so worthwhile when one sees the bank of daylilies blooming across the road.
Yesterday the prickly pears started blooming quite dramatically, that is always quite a vision.

945. 6 Jul 2009 14:46


It's nearly midnight in UK ... TD is silent and still. It's an eerie feeling.

946. 6 Jul 2009 15:00


I can't stand the silence ... goodnight all.

947. 6 Jul 2009 17:22


'EWWH GROSS STORY AHEAD', be forewarned.........

Baldur's not doing well today, fighting an infection in my leg that caught me by surprise. To quote Ms Gaynor: 'I will survive'.
Hopefully anyway.

It started with what looked like an insect bite on my calf, just below the knee. A rather nasty looking bite with a generous swollen area around it.
It was not a tic, we looked it over quite well, Baldur attempted the squeeze the heck out of whatever was in there. Self surgery being a hobby of mine.
I also made a small incision with a sterilized implement just through the upper layers of skin
Just because it's so dramatic a prognosis Baldur has decided he was bitten by a brown recluse spider. I have not seen any such critter but it has wonder literary possibilities.

Well stuff came out when squeezed (squoze?) but I made a huge painful bruise in the process. What started as a nasty little pimple is now a deep red bruise the size of my paw.
Aint life fun?

Baldur has washed and disinfected the area repeatedly and just spent a good deal of time with a heating pad trying to 'sweat' it out.
If there is no improvement by breakfast I shall go to the emergency clinic.
Baldur promises!

948. 6 Jul 2009 17:25



The medical community seems reluctant to prescribe anti-biotics any more. Baldur thinks that the drugs would be an excellent choice in this instance.
Maybe they'll bleed me with leeches instead.

949. 6 Jul 2009 18:14


Not to frighten you Baldur but keep an eye on that...if you see a red
line going up your leg get to a doctor pronto...indigo has had at least
two infections that sent her to the emerg. with blood poisoning.
Be careful...

950. 6 Jul 2009 18:33


Brown recluse are bad in our area. You do want to be very careful, if that is what bit you. Should go to emergengy room, as there is more than a antibiotic that is used for brown recluse bites.

My friend was bitten by one about six weeks ago, but didn't go to the doctor for about three weeks after the bite. She was really sick!! You can also make a drawing salve for tonight, with baking soda.

Otherwise, you will have to retire you red shoes for the summer!! Go!

951. 6 Jul 2009 19:23


Thank you for the best wishes and words of caution, we are closely monitoring the condition.
I needed to wrap it for bed, and wondered what to do to keep the gauze in place when I thought of the tall wool hose that go with my plus-fours. They worked perfectly to keep the dressing in place.

952. 6 Jul 2009 20:17


Good! Also, good night!!

953. 7 Jul 2009 04:11


How is the wound this morning, Baldur?

954. 7 Jul 2009 08:05


Your nurses are here!! How is it?

955. 7 Jul 2009 09:24


Yes...hope you 're doing OK.

956. 7 Jul 2009 09:37


I suggest soakin with epsom salts. They seem to do a wonderful job of drawing out nasty stuff. I've used them for both infections and itchy sweelings due to allergic rx. Always had success.
Also I must ask, what are plus-fours? I've heard them referred to (always by brits before) and I'm quite sure they're some sort of clothing, I've always wanted to ask.

957. 7 Jul 2009 09:38


-e +l swellings

958. 7 Jul 2009 11:39


They are a style of trousers, worn by golfers. Not often seen these days. I'll draw you some (later).

959. 7 Jul 2009 12:43


Baldur lives!
So far anyway, it does look much better today.
I suspect my body is battling the infection because I got quite tired just going out to breakfast. By the time I returned home Baldur was quite ready for a nap.
I sat there in bed with a heating pad against the nasty area for about 30 minutes first though.

960. 7 Jul 2009 12:46


For whatever reason it seems a tradition that Robert take me out to breakfast every Tuesday.
We go to a place I refer to as "Le Spoon Greasee'".
This is a little diner type place in nearby Woonsocket that is very sirty and atmospheric. Baldur at times has been tempted to volunteer to wash the floor for them.