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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

9341. 13 Sep 2011 09:22


Congrats on new grandbaby on the way! I can't remember, is this Baldur's first grandchild or are there some already? Regardless, hope all goes well and that little Kanye Wolfgang is healthy and hale.

9342. 13 Sep 2011 09:40


Seems grandchi eSBIdW1vdXIgSHVtb3IaCPxwsA63udAwKAFSEwiPiJLb4ZqrAhWmAkAKHawzbDo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wisege is-dry-humor.htmldren are the hot ticket lately! Keep us informed, Baldur!
Here is a link quite unrelated~

9343. 13 Sep 2011 09:43


That came out a little garbled but the link works. Why does my computer do that?

9344. 13 Sep 2011 18:31


Happy Birthday Kanye Wolfgang!

9345. 13 Sep 2011 18:35


Our joy at his birth is tempered with concern.
Kanye was born with a serious birth defect. His esophagus is not fully formed and as such his mouth is not connected to his stomach. The doctors say that though it is a rare birth defect it has been corrected without complications often enough.
He is being airlifted to a larger hospital in the morning.
Kanye is otherwise a very robust and loudly vocal baby.

9346. 13 Sep 2011 19:12


Congratulations Grandpa Baldur!! Trust and pray that all will turn out well for baby Kanye.

9347. 13 Sep 2011 20:01


Yes--congrats to Grandpa Baldur--with hopes the baby fares well in spite of some challenges.

9348. 13 Sep 2011 23:35


Congratulations Baldur. I hope little Kanye Wolfgang is doing well.

9349. 14 Sep 2011 04:39


Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts.

9350. 14 Sep 2011 05:03


Happy Birthday to Wendy Thomas, John Berry, Sam Neill, Jon 'Bowzer' Bauman, Joey Heatherton, Nicol Williamson!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!, Walter Koenig, Clayton Moore, Margaret Sanger and Charles Dana Gibson.

9351. 14 Sep 2011 05:48


Greetings baby Kanye Wolfgang ! and my best hopes that all will be sorted out before you realise that there was ever a problem.

I always loved the name Wolfgang and so I hope he grows up to be smart, bright eyed, enduring and easy going

Oh.. and bestest congratulations to you, Baldur bear buddy

9352. 14 Sep 2011 06:03


Congratulations Baldur and Kanye Wolfgang's proud parents! Adding my best wishes that all goes well too. With a good strong name like that, he's sure to do well

9353. 14 Sep 2011 06:15


Congratulations Baldur and family! I hope and pray little Kanye Wolfgang gets
better and stronger.

9354. 14 Sep 2011 09:42


Had to post this article to show how bad our winter was last year. 194415380.html

(Edmonton is about an hour and a half north of my home in Red Deer).

9355. 14 Sep 2011 09:46


Hope all is well with the new grandbaby, it's amazing what can be done in newborns medically. My nephew was born with the arteries of his heart reversed and was in heart surgery at 2 or 3 days old, now he's 4 years old and you'd never know he had such a scary start, there's just no stopping him. I'm sure little Kanye Wolfgang's surgery will come along well and he'll be good to go in no time.

9356. 14 Sep 2011 22:50


Congrats Baldur! Our church family had a little girl born with that birth defect! She is now in her second year of COLLEGE! May your grandson be completely restored.

9357. 15 Sep 2011 05:11


Baldur has done a bit of reading on this subject. The condition is called esopageal atresia and 1 in every 4000 babies has some form of it. With those odds it's surprising that it isn't more well known.

Testing was done yesterday and there appears to be enough esophagus there to make a simplest of the available options doable.
In any case he will spend at least the next 3 weeks in the hospital.

Kanye's surgery is 7:30 AM Pacific Time.

9358. 15 Sep 2011 05:29


Happy Birthday to Nylecoj, indigo, Fay Wray and Agatha Christie.

9359. 15 Sep 2011 05:45


Congratulations Baldur and best wishes for little Kanye's successful surgery.

9360. 15 Sep 2011 14:19


Here's a little clip that may bring a smile.