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9301. 1 Sep 2011 20:35


And ... got to wondering about the birthday greetings ... yes, Baldur has passed the year mark. Last year for the Sept 1 Bdays he posted:
"Happy Birthday to Gloria Estefan, Dr Phil McGraw, Barry Gibb, Seiji Ozawa, Lily Tomlin, Conway Twitty, Rocky Marciano, Edgar Rice Burroughs and the lovely Yvonne DeCarlo"

... wait, Edgar Rice Burroughs? How did I miss that one?

9302. 1 Sep 2011 20:51


And now for a Missouri Moment:

Marius recently met a fellow from Samoa. He came to the US about thirty years ago because there was no work in his native country. Anyway, Marius was telling about our bats and bat houses, and this fellow got tickled pink remembering something from when he was seven years old.

He said a big treat for his family was eating bat. (The bats they have in Samoa are fruit bats I think. He said they are MUCH larger than the bats here.) So, one night his family was getting ready to eat bats for dinner and a friend showed up "with a white guy." His family had never seen white people. They'd seen them on TV but for this fellow, white people weren't real. So they were all staring at this white guy, shocked that there really was such a thing. The new visitor was promptly invited for dinner but when they served him bat, everyone could tell he wasn't comfortable. So the white guy was taking the tiniest bits of bat meat he could and finally he said, "Ohhh, this IS really good." That made everybody laugh. From what my Samoan friend said, the wings and the fat on the bats were his favorite!

It never occurred to me that anyone would eat bats, but ... hey, why not! And it was heart-warming to watch this man chuckling over a fond memory. I'm glad he shared it.

Isn't the world a glorious place!

9303. 2 Sep 2011 04:12


YES it is! And I loved your story marius!

9304. 2 Sep 2011 11:42


I wouldn't have thought the wings would be all that edible but I wonder if it's kind of like the skin on a turkey. I think I may have hesitated for a moment but would have given the bat a real try. I'd be very interested to try snake out too, I've heard it's very tasty.
My sweetie once went to a special dinner put on by the province's Fish and Wildlife dept and they had a great number of odd animals prepared for dinner. These were all animals which had been killed on the roadways and such so they weren't hunted for the meat or trapped or anything like that. There were things like bear and porcupine and wolf and cougar etc etc. I've got a fairly open mind for trying new things but I don't think I could eat cougar or wolf. I just don't think I could get past thinking of them as cats and dogs.

9305. 2 Sep 2011 11:45


Oh, and Yaaay to the 106th anniversary of Alberta & Sask. joining confederation!

9306. 3 Sep 2011 04:42


Thank you everyone for keeping Radio Baldur on the air in my absence.
Electricity was restored to Boughbreak at about 8pm last night after 5.5 days of blessed television-free quiet.

9307. 3 Sep 2011 05:02


Happy Birthday to Amber Lynn, Valerie Perrine, Irene Papas, Mort Walker, Memphis Slim, Kitty Carlisle!!!, Ferdinand Porsche, Louis Sullivan!!! and Emperor Go-Sanjo.

9308. 3 Sep 2011 10:05


Good to hear that power has been restored at Boughbreak, though perhaps Baldur preferred it when it was off. A bit like Earth Hour but for the most part of a week. How did it effect the cooking efforts? Was there a lot of bar-b-cueing going on this week?

9309. 3 Sep 2011 18:25


For tonight's musical moment here is a clip of Isaac Hayes, back in his Hayesday performing 'Walk On By'.
I think many people forget what he was capable of.

9310. 3 Sep 2011 18:26


Hello Dragon, we did indeed Barbecue.
The stove was functional but the exhaust fan was not.
Baldur confesses to keeping the oven shut off for an entire week.

9311. 3 Sep 2011 18:34


The main issues since last Sunday was the lack of refrigeration and water pressure.
Boughbreak was more fortunate than many other hom,es in that we do have a gasoline powered generator for backup. We ran it for several hours each day which maintained the freezer and refrigerator temperatures somewhat.... That is as long as we refrained from opening the door and letting the cold air out.
We use well water which also requires electricity for the pump. We kept refilling pots with water for the down times.

9312. 3 Sep 2011 18:36


Our newer telephones were useless. However Baldur's purchase of an older pre-digital model because of it's vintage look saved us.
It still functioned perfectly.

9313. 3 Sep 2011 18:41


We also had a houseguest for 5 nights. Our neighbor, the widder, was quite frightened by the pitch-black night. Even the streelamps were down.

She does not own a cellphone, and as her phoneline was down I lent her mine. She now vows to get one of her own. This past week was rather traumatic for her, not having phone service would have made it much worse.

9314. 3 Sep 2011 18:44


There are 13 houses on our street here in Primrose. Amazingly none were damaged.
Trees came crashing down everywhere, in some instances missing a roof by inches.
There is a surplus of firewood for the taking.

9315. 4 Sep 2011 03:40


Happy Birthday to Damon Wayans, Dr. Drew, Mitzi Gaynor, Dick York and Paul Harvey.

9316. 4 Sep 2011 05:24


I found this funny website. Check it out!

9317. 5 Sep 2011 03:04


Harold certainly has a busy life for a piece of origami.
That was rather interesting.

9318. 5 Sep 2011 03:45


Happy Birthday to AnnMarie, Shane Sewell, Dweezil Zappa, Michael Keaton, Cathy Guisewite, Loudon Wainwright III, Freddie Mercury, Al Stewart, Raquel Welch!!!, Andrian Nikolayev, Bob Newhart, Darryl F. Zanuck, Cornelius Vanderbilt III, Jesse James, Louis XIV of France and Louis VIII of France.

9319. 6 Sep 2011 05:04


Happy Birthday to Raven Riley, Pippa Middleton, Jillian Hall, Brandon Silvestry, CeCe Peniston, Macy Gray, Mark Chestnutt, Jeff Foxworthy, Jane Curtin, Swoosie Kurtz, Roger Waters, Carol Wayne, David Allan Coe, Jo Anne Worley!!!!!, Jimmy Reed and Tsar Ivan V.

9320. 7 Sep 2011 05:38


Happy Birthday to Rudy Galindo, Chrissie Hynde, Julie Kavner, Gloria Gaynor, Buddy Holly, Sonny Rollins!!!, Laura Ashley, Peter Lawford, Arthur Ferrante, Elia Kazan, Grandma Moses, Queen Elizabeth I and Emperor Saga of Japan.