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901. 2 Jul 2009 18:36


Which is not to say that he founded the Church on PBS, though were the technology in place way back then he certainly might have.

There were lots of archival sepia photos of men with bushy Biblical beards, Baldur indeed felt at home with the look.
Baldur frequently gets accused of appearing Biblical, in response I now refrain from loincloths and the 'Robe & sandals' look.
People stare at me even more oddly when I'm dressed in that manner.

902. 2 Jul 2009 18:44


Oh Frabjous Day! Baldur just got an email that his favourite Blogspot 'The Steampunk Home' has been updated. It's been 5 weeks since Sara has last added something, and you people think the gaps in the Dr Bear saga are long.
This particular blog references the kitchen designed for the movie 'Practical Magic'. It's a glorious set, I'm glad it's getting revisited on that particular blog.
Sara is an interesting soul, we've corresponded briefly after I sent her information to address. I do so like her commitment to style.
She did reference some images I sent her of floodlamps marketed by 'Restoration Hardware'.
As of yet I've seen no mention of the Phillippe Starck designed lemon juicer (Juicy Salif). Good things come to those who wait.

903. 2 Jul 2009 18:52


With no chance of working on the garden over the past few days (monsoon weather continues) Baldur has been digging through the closets.
My hope is to find things to give away.
Always a daunting procedure, never a very effective one.
Almost anything I give away is gratefully accepted by a dear old friend, Matteo of Shrewsbury.
I will refer to him as Matteo here to keep him distinct from matthew, who of course is not matteo.
Matteo currently earns his living by selling at flea markets. Periodically I will fill the back of my pick-up truck with obscure saleable objects and deliver them to his door.
Being the kind person that I am Baldur always cleans every last trace of horse manure out of the truck bed before doing this.

904. 2 Jul 2009 18:58


That being said it is once again manure season in Primrose.

Russ, a neighbor has 2 horses, Chattanooga and Jesse James who are quite efficient at processing food. They create mountains of fertilizer for Chez Baldur.
Baldur however only gets the 'product' during the month of July. For the rest of the year it goes to the small farm down route 104. It seems for that 1 month when the crops are in full swing the farm doesn't have time to come get it.
Rather than let it pile up higher than the house I have been deemed the lucky recipient for that short period.
It is indeed more than enough for my purposes. By the time August rolls along Baldur is quite tired of shoveling it.

905. 2 Jul 2009 19:06


Baldur has just learned of a book he nmeeds to read.

As most of my listeners may have guessed, Baldur indeed reads quite a bit, and across a huge range of topics. This book is rather different even for my esoteric library.
It's called 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'
Author Jane Austin's work has been expanded by Seth Grahame-Smith to include the flesh eating undead and ninja swordplay. How can Baldur resist?
Indeed I am not making this up.

906. 2 Jul 2009 19:07


-m =needs

Summer reading should always be entertaining.

907. 2 Jul 2009 19:22


That does certainly sound entertaining. I've just picked up a book called Mortal Coils by Eric Nylund. From the synopsis (10 points for Dragon) on the back it's about 2 orphans who find out they're the children of a goddess from heaven and satan and now they're caught in the middle of a rather epic custody battle between heaven and hell. Haven't read it yet but it sounded so intriguing I had to give it a try. (Plus they were having a sale - buy 3 get the 4th free and I can't resist a good book sale)

908. 2 Jul 2009 19:34


Sounds rather like something Neil Gaiman would write Dragon.
I've not read anything by Eric Nylund.
Currently Baldur is reading E.L. Docrorow's 'Billy Bathgate' and learning all about early 20th century gangster life.

909. 3 Jul 2009 18:01


Welcome back everyone to Radio Baldur where everyone is happy and loves one another.
(Excuse Baldur for a moment while he recovers from this sudden coughing jag)

910. 3 Jul 2009 18:19


Our getaway cottage!! Home away from home!

911. 3 Jul 2009 18:23


I need comfort food Baldur, but try not to cough all over it!

912. 3 Jul 2009 18:25


There are lots of guest bedrooms, and the surroundings are idyllic.
Everyone here uses aliases, so that charming person in the kitchen making french toast whilst Baldur is out picking blueberries may actually be IamAnonymous, it might be Dan Quayle, it might be the guy who played Carlton the doorman on 'Rhoda', it might be Debbie Boone. One never knows.

913. 3 Jul 2009 18:27


I think lilalee and I are joined at the hip, like siamese twins that would be better apart, but just can't make the transition.

914. 3 Jul 2009 18:27


it's alright Iam, Baldur baked double chocolate chip walnut cookies today.
I also made some nutless too.
There's a pot of tea under the cozy and a big frosty glass jug of milk in the icebox.

915. 3 Jul 2009 18:28


Care to borrow my chainsaw?

916. 3 Jul 2009 18:28


Separate rooms please.

917. 3 Jul 2009 18:32


If you prove adept with the chainsaw my neighbor Ned has a few fallen trees that could be cut up, he'd appreciate the help.

You can have the south bedroom which doubles as the library. There are 12 early 20thC Maxfield Parrish prints in there, matted and framed. They are the series he did to illustrate '1001 Arabian Night'.
The room is very quiet and done in shades of dry pine needle brown.

918. 3 Jul 2009 18:33



Baldur was in the right place at the right time in the 1980s when he found those. I marvel at them daily.

919. 3 Jul 2009 18:36


I prefer a hyperbaric chamber.

920. 3 Jul 2009 18:37


Baldur is leaving for Hartford in the morning but feel free to stay on in my absence.
If you'd like, just a few miles away in Chepachet is the 'Ancients & Horribles' Parade. This will be the first time in a decade that Baldur has missed it.
The floats are rather homegrown concoctions often with strong political or social messages.