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8601. 11 Feb 2011 09:58


That was really interesting. Looks like by the end you need the person with the longest arms to doing the finishing touches. How awful would it be to get almost finished then look down and realise you're standing in your art! I think this would work well with acryllic paint if it were thin enough to pour steadily. I wonder if it would work small scale, if you could make one that would fit on a coffee table it might be feasible to do it at home.

8602. 11 Feb 2011 11:00


Really cool to watch! They had to use smaller and smaller amounts so that each color did not obliterate the previous one - probably why the cups were lined up and the helpers moved them close to hand for each pour.

Thanks, Baldur.

8603. 11 Feb 2011 20:21


Considering the events in Tahrir Square in Cairo and the news today, it was strangely apposite to get to view "Springtime for Hitler" (playing only two nights) at our Normal Theater. It is a renovated Art Deco gem of almost exactly my own venerable age. Don't think I'd ever seen that film before, only excerpts. It speaks to the human condition. And Chaplin's "German" is hilarious. Jack Oakie did a wonderful portrayal of a Mussolini-style dictator.

8604. 12 Feb 2011 03:35


Happy Birthday to Lolly Badcock, Carlton Brewster, Matt Mauck, Silvia Saint, Fonzworth Bentley, Christopher McCandless, Josh Brolin, George Gray, Arsenio Hall, Joanna Kerns, Michael McDonald, Moe Bandy, Judy Bloom, Arlen Specter, Forrest Tucker, Lorne Greene, Tex Beneke!, August Neo, Ted Mack, Anna Pavlova, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin (Lincoln and Darwin were born on the same day in the same year)and Cotton Mather.

8605. 12 Feb 2011 14:34


I forgot all about Ted Mack and the Amature Hour!! Before Idol and all the other talent shows.

8606. 13 Feb 2011 01:40


Normal's Theater~
very cool!

8607. 13 Feb 2011 02:37


Now Baldur wants a theatre of his own too.
I do have a whale watching ship though.

8608. 13 Feb 2011 02:39


...and my own Font

8609. 13 Feb 2011 02:40

Baldur several variations

8610. 13 Feb 2011 02:41


....and someone named a vert cool magazine rack after me

8611. 13 Feb 2011 02:43


...and is the subject of an odd and creepy book

8612. 13 Feb 2011 02:43


#8612 vert - t + y = very

8613. 13 Feb 2011 02:48


And finally there's that mildly successful computer game, involving my gate that I've never played.
However, not a single theatre.

8614. 13 Feb 2011 03:05


Happy Birthday to Randy Moss, Fonzworth Bentley, Robbie Williams, Stephen G. Bowen, Princess Alia bint Al Hussein of Jordan, Peter Gabriel, Richard Blumenthal, King Floyd, Jerry Springer, Stockard Channing, Elaine Pagels, Donald E. Williams, Peter Tork, Carol Lynley, Oliver Reed, George Segal, Emanuel Ungaro, Kim Novak, Dorothy McGuire, Chuck Yeager, Eileen Farrell, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Grant Wood, Bess Truman, Joseph Banks and Pope Alexander VII.

8615. 13 Feb 2011 08:07


I couldn't help but notice that the sign on the marquee at Normal's theater said 'Goodbye Dragon'

8616. 13 Feb 2011 08:10


I have a set of cutlery named after me at my favorite store, Ikea

Perhaps it's not surprising that this is the cutlery in the drawers here at Chez Dragon. My only problem with it is that the teaspoons are so tiny. I have very small hands and I find them too little, they practically dissappear in my fiance's hands. So much as I would love to have all matching cutlery we had to keep a batch of mismatched spoons.

8617. 13 Feb 2011 08:19


Didn't know my cinema was posted online - thanks Lynn! Nice that it features Dragon's film. I like the Dragon tableware, but I fear they expected you would only stir coffe with that spoon. Guess you have to eat with the big one. I love small spoons for eating my boiled egg out of the shell, though.

8618. 13 Feb 2011 08:47


Baldur has seen the Dragon cutlery at his local IKEA (local meaning a 65 minute drive away) and came quite close to selecting it for daily use at Boughbreak.
What eventually happened was that Robert got impatient of my driving all over tarnation looking at flatware, and surprised me with service for 200 that Christmas.
The pattern he chose is nice, but it was not in the running if one referenced my flatware survey at the time.

8619. 13 Feb 2011 08:51


Dragon, there is no reason whatsoever to tolerate inadequately sized spoons. I suspect you have on your hands either the 4" coffee spoon (often consided a demitasse spoon) or perhaps the 5" teaspoon. There also exists a Dragon 6" dessert spoon which could easily be used for hot beverages and still be differentiated from the 7" (table)spoon.

8620. 13 Feb 2011 09:04


'All Baldur, All the Time'

Here would be a great time to insert a story about my occasionally mentioned sister Prunella.

Prunella is somewhat a princess but is not blessed with the domestic staff that she truly needs to live in the proper fashion. Because of this sad state of affairs her household was in the habit of running out of flatware.
Especially teaspoons.

Way back in the days when Baldur occasionally dropped in at Prunellatopia teatime became a matter of some stress.
A shouting match always ensued between the would-be-Princess and her Sainted husband as to why not a single member of the household was capable of pressing the 'start' button on the automatic dishwasher.
Eventually when the tussle subsided the dishwasher would be activated and some time later 3 hot teaspoons would emerge. Plastic disposable spoons would appear for those not favored as honorable guests.
It appears that many teaspoons had been misplaced through the years and were not replaced.

Baldur had noticed a remarkably similar flatware line at the local restaurant supply store and purchased 48 teaspoons for Prunella as a Christmas gift.
The end result is on my next visit there were 51 unwashed teaspoons sitting in the dishwasher.