Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

8481. 31 Jan 2011 17:06


Sorry to be off topic, but wanted to share some intriguing drawings that appear to be made of light. JomaSipe#

If that doesn't connect you, the info is there for you to search!

8482. 31 Jan 2011 19:04


Thank you Normal for posting the site.
His works are so tempting.
I posted the site at the 'circles' challenge since he has so many circles!

(sheftali52 and Dragon, sorry about the interruption. I don't have the knowledge about what you two are talking about so no comment but am learning a lot from the conversation about the interesting topic. Thanks. )

8483. 31 Jan 2011 19:58


No problem, hanging and Normal. Channel Baldur is free-flowing, which is part of its charm. Dragon, territories have certain rights under the US Constitution, but they don't have elected Representatives and Senators like the states do. And to be honest, I'm quite ignorant of matters such as taxation with regard to the territories. I will have to do more reading on this subject--thanks for prodding me to increase my knowledge.

8484. 1 Feb 2011 03:14


Baldur apologizes for being late this morning. In a fit of zealotry (+4 points though it is certainly not a word) I had to report every drawing of a certain artist who is celebrating their birthday today because of their impropriety (+4 points).

8485. 1 Feb 2011 03:16


It is snowing once again at Boughbreak, we expect it will change over to sleet and continue for the next 2 days.

Has anyone else noticed that polenta is missing?
She might be enjoying her warm Summer weather and staying off her computer.

8486. 1 Feb 2011 03:38


Happy Birthday to Big Boi, Jill Kelly, Michael C. Hall, Joshua Redman, Lisa Marie Presley, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Daniel Tani, Exene Cervenka!, Bill Mumy, Rick James, Jessica Savitch, Terry Jones, Bibi Besch, Joe Sample, Sherman Helmsley, Garrett Morris, Don Everly, Bob Shane, Boris Yeltsin, Stuart Whitman, Renata Tebaldi, Muriel Spark, Hildegarde!, Langston Hughes, Clark Gable, Frank Buckles, Leila Denmark, John Ford, Victor Herbert and William Davenport.

8487. 1 Feb 2011 05:52


Baldur, let's hope polenta is enjoying her weather. I noticed she posted one of her marvelous designs today, so I presume all is well:

8488. 1 Feb 2011 06:00


Baldur, I'm at your service!!! LOL Maybe a little less active but I've drawn many times lately. As my late mother would have said:

"Where is it written I have to draw two pics a day?" LOL LOL LOL

8489. 1 Feb 2011 08:28


I had reported the user to feedback, hoping they will remove person from site!

8490. 1 Feb 2011 08:29


Seems to have worked! As they have disappeared!

8491. 1 Feb 2011 08:51


Appearantly I missed out on that, but perhaps that's a good thing.

8492. 1 Feb 2011 08:56


Well we in Alberta have sure been having an interesting couple of weeks for weather. Last week at this time it was about +8C (46F) here in Red Deer, which is practically balmy for January. Yesterday our high temp got all the up to -28C (-18F) and tomorrow we are supposed to be sitting at +3C (37F). Believe it or not this is a fairly typical range of temps in Alberta during the winter. We really do subscribe to the notion that if you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes.

8493. 1 Feb 2011 09:04


You may be interested to know about a facinating animal here in Canada that is usually only seen during very cold weather. It's known as the Snow Snake. Snow Snake's can range anywhere from 4ft to 26ft long and are usually orange in colour though in recent years there's been an upswing in the number of blue ones. Their habitat is usually city streets but they have been seen in the country too.

For those of you not from an area that gets very cold in winter, I should mention that these are actually etension cords. It's not uncommon in the winter months to forget to unplug your car before you pull out of your driveway, sometimes the extension cord comes along for a ride dangling off the front of your car and whipping around the road behind you until something happens that causes it to pull free and be left in the middle of the road. I think most people realize it's there before getting out into traffic but every now again you see a "Snow Snake" lying there in the street and know that someone's gonna feel stupid when they get home.

8494. 1 Feb 2011 09:07


Indeed lynnspotter, the miscreant seems to have vanished. Hopefully Baldur's intervention was the straw that broke the camel's back.
For those who missed out on viewing this person's work, their Thinkdraw name was a compound word made of 3 different names for male genitalia.
Each of the pictures in their gallery was again of male genitalia.
When I went to their profile, the information there stated she was an 8 year old girl. If she was, she was rather well schooled in anatomy.
The pictures were meant to be provocative and disturbing.
Baldur would have flagged each drawing as they were posted had he seen them.

8495. 1 Feb 2011 09:11


Sadly we don't have snow snakes here in Primrose.
The coldest temperature recorded here this winter was -10F. That was overnight, it quickly warmed up to -3F at sunrise.

8496. 1 Feb 2011 09:12


It's good to hear from you again polenta. I thought perhaps you had rented a beach house and gone away on holiday.

8497. 1 Feb 2011 09:18


Yesterday was a stressful day driving my mother around on her errands,
Baldur realizes now that no matter how careful we are at Baldur in regards to having as small a carbon footprint as possible we cannot even come close to offsetting what my mother does in terms of being wasteful.
For years I have spent as little time as possible with her, when around her my stress levels skyrocket.
These past 2 months since the death of my father have been difficult.
I would like to think she finds my presence comforting, perhaps she does.
But her presence is not comforting to me, there is little that she does that is not aggravating or insensitive.
She is not of unsound mind, nor can she be instructed to change her ways.
She is stubborn and feels entitled.
I cannot but wonder how much more of this I will stomach before I say 'NO MORE!'.

8498. 1 Feb 2011 09:20


#8599 - Baldur + Boughbreak

8499. 1 Feb 2011 09:26


On the average she has me run out for groceries 3 times a week.
Each time we go she buys a loaf of bread.
We return to her home and she throws away the bread she had bought on our previous trip because it is now stale. There are never more than 3 slices consumed, occasionally the loaf has not even been opened.
This is not a new habit of hers, but Baldur has not had to witness it firsthand until now.
I would gladly take the loaf home and we would eat it here, but she won't here of us eating 'stale' bread and insists that it goes out in the trash.

8500. 1 Feb 2011 09:32


Dragon, that is hysterically funny! LOL the Snow Snake, it's length, colors and habitat! Thanks for the smile.

At present moment, Missouri is being blessed with a blizzard. There are supposed to be white-out conditions but they have not arrived, at least not at our house. Spouse shoveled the driveway and in the 45 minutes it took him to do it, one more inch of snow had accumulated. This is all fine by marius because she has movies and plenty to do. Also, the Amaryllis is in bloom - stunningly gorgeous pink flowers!

The birds have been at the feeders en masse and completely emptied the house-style feeder, so it's been filled again. As any nature lover knows, when the weather gets like this, birds have only one focus, food! Well, it tickles me every single time how quickly that focus will change priorities: suddenly the cardinals do not care if they are squeezed "at the trough" next to a woodpecker or a goldfinch. Indeed, *none* of the birds care about who is eating next to them. This is so unlike their behavior towards each other on normal days. Make me think of that saying about how a crisis can bring people together. Seems to have a similar effect on our feathered friends. : )