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8141. 6 Dec 2010 04:55


Happy Birthday to Pablo Nicolas Urdangarin y de Borbon, Alicia Machado, Randy Rhoads, Bobby Van, Wally Cox, Dave Brubeck, Baby Face Nelson, Agnes Moorehead, Alfred Eisenstadt, Ira Gershwin, Dion Fortune, Joseph Lamb, Joyce Kilmer, Evelyn Underhill, King William II of the Netherlands, Johan Christoph Bach, King Henry VI of England and King Ferdinand IV of Castile.

8142. 6 Dec 2010 06:45


Hehehe, love that steampunk gnome. Also enjoyed the poetry.

Here's a little offering about cold weather, and beauty.

If link doesn't work ... google "Laponsko" and look for "Laponsko Ppt presentation." Now, the musical selection for this seems curious ... somehow "country" and the artic don't mix in this mind but the photos are glorious. And, marius did not know that people rode on reindeer! : )

8143. 6 Dec 2010 07:47


-artic +arctic : )

8144. 6 Dec 2010 07:52


Enjoyed the poetic offering - but suspect it was not Terence's poetry, but the pewter cups from which the lads drank their ale that was causing early death. Absolutely adore Q's steampunk gnome.
Normal is trying to get into the holiday mood via local musical offerings, both universities and our symphony chamber group this past weekend. All three excellent!

8145. 6 Dec 2010 14:58


Love love loved the Steampunk Gnome. If I ever have gnomes in my garden they will now have to be Steampunk ones.

8146. 6 Dec 2010 15:06


Dragon is particularly fond of the blues style Christmas songs. This is my favorite Christmas song

This one is the Eagles version and sadly has no video attached. My absolute favorite version of this song is done by Colin James, but I couldn't find that one on YouTube.

8147. 6 Dec 2010 15:09


Here's another blues offering. It's not a Christmas song at all but you just can't go wrong with BB King.

8148. 7 Dec 2010 00:38


Ah ... thanks, Dragon. Love blues, Christmas songs too. : )

8149. 7 Dec 2010 03:43


I love both of those artists and have seen B.B. King perform in concert several times.

Here is something seasonal by Mr King:

8150. 7 Dec 2010 03:53


Happy Birthday to Princess Catharina-Amalia of the Netherlands, Aaron Carter, Carmen Campuzano, Rick Rude, Larry Bird, Ton Waits, Johnny Bench, Ellen Burstyn, Ted Knight, Tatamkulu Afrika, Eli Wallach, Louis Prima, Gerard Kuiper, Willa Cather, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Abn Al-Rahman Al Sufi and Saint Columba.

8151. 7 Dec 2010 04:27


Dragon, B.B.King use to come to Toledo every year, and I would go to hear all those blues artist that traveled with him. He would sing that song, and wow!! I do miss those concerts!! There use to be a guy, called One String Sam who traveled with the group that was a riot. One board, and one string, and he made it work!!

8152. 7 Dec 2010 08:07


One String Sam

8153. 7 Dec 2010 16:34


Our company toured about 4 summers with B.B. King several years ago. My husband went out with a few times. Said he was nice to work with (there are many that are real prima donnas!).

8154. 8 Dec 2010 03:06


Happy Birthday to Sinead O'Connor, Chigusa Nagayo, Teri Hatcher, Toshiaki Kawada, Gadowar Singh Sahota, Sam Kinison, Kim Bassinger, Gregg Allman, Jim Morrison, Sir James Galway, David Carradine, Flip Wilson, Maximillian Schell, Vladimir Shatalov, Sammy Davis Jr., Richard Fleischer, Ernest Lehman, James Thurber, E.C. Segar, Diego Rivera, Jean Sibelius, Eli Whitney, Francis I Holy Roman Emperor, Queen Christina of Sweden, Mary Queen of Scots and Horace.

8155. 8 Dec 2010 08:24


Here's a little bit of ridiculousness from Alberta Politics. You don't really need to know any of the issues, it's just funny the way this politician tries to duck the questions being thrown at him. He has since been fired from his post and is now known as the Alberta Cookie Monster

8156. 8 Dec 2010 09:44


I love it Dragon. Baldur finds the press rather annoying in their demand that people talk to them and this was actually quite fun to watch.
One of our local news networks runs a commercial which to my mind only serves to make themselves look ridiculous.
They are following a gentleman around with a camera so close it's practically up his nose.
He obviously has no intention to answer any of their questions, but like the scenario in the video you have presented here the press does not back away.
Finally the gentleman reaches out and pushes the camera away from his face. In Baldur's opinion, if it can be pushed by the person without him having to stretch his arm, the camera is obviously too close. This is what happens here.
The reporter then exclaims:'Don't touch the camera Sir! and it is obvious from his voice that he is quite upset.
The scene then cuts away and the narrator then proceeds to tout the network's investigative reporting.

At some point the media has come to believe that rudeness is acceptable

8157. 8 Dec 2010 09:46


In your video it was quite hysterical that he persisted in using the cookie as an excuse. It would have served him better just to say
'I am not speaking to the press right now, stop following me.'

8158. 8 Dec 2010 12:27


matthew if you like One String Sam you should also listen to Seasick Steve.

8159. 8 Dec 2010 12:32


Well it's official, Boughbreak now has four cats in residence.
Heidi, of course has been around forever.
Shakira and two of her babies, namely Chloe and Kylie, are here to stay.
Tomorrow the three of them are going to the local clinic to get 'fixed'.
'Fixed' is an odd term, it is not as if the cats are broken.
They will also get an array of vaccinations..
I imagine that Shakira has bad memories of being put in a cat carrier when she was brought for a ride and dumped ungraciously here in the woods, just as she was about to have her litter.
Poor Shakira has had a rough life as a single mother, but now she has a permanent home.

8160. 8 Dec 2010 13:34


and a happy home!!