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8101. 26 Nov 2010 08:22


SOOO sorry about the jellied cranberry stuff! Normal uses a friend's family recipe for cranberry chutney, adjusted to 2/3 of her sugar amount. Son-in-law inquires whether everybody got some and says, "Just put the bowl here by my plate!" If we still have that recipe thread, I guess I should put it in.
(Used to do a cranberry-orange relish with NO sugar when we had a diabetic family member. Will not touch fake sugar, which I am convinced is poison.)

8102. 26 Nov 2010 12:47


This news is all over in Uruguay today.
We'll have a female president for two or three days for the first time in history.
She's the unsophisticated LUCIA TOPOLANSKY.< /a>

8103. 26 Nov 2010 12:54


Sorry, the link doesn't seem to be working. Well, at least there is a photo of Lucia Topolansky taken some months ago. I hope it works.

8104. 26 Nov 2010 13:15


Baldur's Spanish is pretty horrible but I understood from the first line of that article that she is the spouse of your next President and third in line for something (my language skills burnt out at that point).
How does she get to be the actual President for a couple days?
Did it say that she was a guerilla?
Help polenta!help!

8105. 26 Nov 2010 15:22


Same here Baldur! We can see the article, but our Spanish is sorely lacking! Just give us the short version Polenta!

8106. 26 Nov 2010 16:10


If the president leaves the country, the vice president takes over. If neither the president nor the vice president are in the country, the first senator of the most voted list becomes the president. She is this senator and the president left for Spain I think and the vice president is with a business delegation in South Korea at the moment and will return next Sunday.
So Lucia Topolansky has become the president for two days and there has been big fuss because she's the first woman ever.
We are very parochial and provincial.... but it's OK or the news program found out it's big news and they all speak about it. LOL

8107. 26 Nov 2010 16:21


Thank you P. for giving us the low-down on the story! It's nice to have fun news sometimes!

8108. 27 Nov 2010 03:00


Thank you polenta. Actually it's quite reassuring that I got as far into that article as I did.
Baldur should try reading Spanish a bit more than he does.
It is the verbs that particularly give me trouble, and the reflexiveness of many of the words.

8109. 27 Nov 2010 03:07


Happy Birthday to Shy Love, Robin Givens, Caroline Kennedy, Bill Nye, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Rabbitt, Bruce Lee, Gail Sheehy, Buffalo Bob Smith, Chick Hearn, L. Sprague de Camp, Vito Genovese and Cornelius Vanderbilt II.

8110. 27 Nov 2010 06:06


If I can be of any help Baldur. I'm at your service.

8111. 27 Nov 2010 08:07


Normal, what you said about fake sugar being poison is true, the sweetner Xylatol (I've probably spelled that wrong) which is used in most sugar-free gum is actually toxic to dogs and cats. I think they use it in some of the packaged sweetners as well. So that's one more reason not to give your pets human foods (though I'm not sure why anyone would give thier dog gum, that just seems like a recipe for disaster).

8112. 27 Nov 2010 08:14


Polenta, that was interesting to hear about the first time a woman will be president in your country, even if it's only while the President and VP are out of the country it sounds like it's stirring up discussion down there.
Canada has had one female Prime Minister, Kim Campbell back in 1993. She lasted for 132 days, apperantly she was just too honest for the position. She made a few political flubs by saying what she thought about the deficit and whatnot and speaking what she saw as the honest truth to reporters. Her popularity declined quite a bit quite quickly. I guess if you want to be in office that high up you've got to spin everything to sound like a positive. Aaaah politics!

8113. 27 Nov 2010 13:42


Little by little, we had Michelle Bachelet in Chile until a few months ago, we're having Cristina Kirchner (recent widow) in Argentina now and Dilma Rousseff is going to take office in Brazil soon..... and Brazil is in itself a continent. So at least Uruguay is having a woman even if it's for two days. I can't foresee any female president in Uruguay in the near future. But since we still have to wait four more years.... there is a long way to the next election.
By the way, I've heard Sarah Palin is becoming a candidate with great chances to become next US president. Little by little..... females are coming to the fair 50% we should deserve.

8114. 28 Nov 2010 03:35


Thank you for your offer of help polenta. There are several languages that Baldur understands at least a little bit of when presented with a written page of text

Sarah Palin is definitely in contention for the next presidential electionn in the US. She has a large group of supporters here, but just as many people who cannot tolerate her for one reason or another.
Much will depend on who her opponents are.

8115. 28 Nov 2010 03:51


Happy Birthday to Trey Songz, Chamillionaire, Lexington Steele, Anna Nicole Smith, Jon Stewart, Judd Nelson, Ed Harris, Paul Shaffer, Alexander Godunov, Randy Newman, Manolo Blahnik, Gary Hart, Prince Hitachi, Hope Lange, Berry Gordy Jr, Gloria Grahame, King Alfonso XII of Spain, William Blake and Margaret Tudor.

8116. 29 Nov 2010 02:39


Happy Birthday to Andrew McCarthy, Howie Mandel, Chuck Mangione, Jacques Chrirac, Paul Simon, Dagmar, Madeleine L'Engle, C.S.Lewis, Busby Berkeley, Louisa May Alcott and Christian Doppler.

8117. 29 Nov 2010 16:15


It's classic horror night on Radio Baldur, here is an old short made for TV film that I have always loved.
What made me think of it just now?
Our local PBS show is having a fundraiser and showing a special on 1960s folk music.
How is this related?
They showed a clip of the New Christy Minstrels, which Baldur decided to look up on Wikipedia.
He noticed that Kenny Rogers, Kim Carnes and Karen Black were all members of the group at one time.
Karen Black? I know of her as an actress, not a singer.
So I researched Karen Black and found she was in a horror short called 'Amelia', ah what memories.....
The film was indeed on YouTube and is now here for your viewing pleasure, that is until YouTube removes it from their site.
This is not for the timid.

8118. 29 Nov 2010 16:16


There is a wee bit of overlap from one part to the next and the remanants of the original network's identification included.

8119. 30 Nov 2010 03:27


Happy Birthday to Mindy McCready, Prince Akashino, Ben Stiller, Bo Jackson, Iz the Wiz, Billy Idol, June Pointer, Mandy Patinkin, Christan Bernard, Ridley Scott, Abbie Hoffman, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Clark, Robert Guillaume, Richard Crenna, Elliott Blackstone, Allan Sherman, Shirley Chisolm, Virginia Mayo, Efrem Zimbalist Jr, Sir Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Carl Loewe, Jonathan Swift, Andrea Palladio and Andrea Doria.

8120. 1 Dec 2010 04:24


Happy Birthday to Jared Fogle, Matthew Shepherd, Charlene Tilton, Treat Williams, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Bette Midler, Richard Pryor, Lee Trevino, Woody Allen, Lou Rawls, Rex Stout, Marie Tussaud and Louis VI of France.