Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Nicknames!

81. 18 Jun 2010 17:31


and I am a spelling dork - most of all cause I don't type well and I look at the keyboard when I type and then I don't proof read my entry very well.

82. 23 Jun 2010 09:22


Your birthday is 3 days away from mine!

83. 24 Jun 2010 16:54


My name comes from my high school friends, (of many years ago.) My maiden name was Kick and thus the Kicker came to be. I have long since moved away from my home town, but even now 37 years later, when I return there and I see someone that I knew, they still call me this.
This was a great idea brigsis, I love getting to know my TD friends.

84. 24 Jun 2010 18:15


I may get rid of my TV. I have been so entertained since I joined this site - by the amazing artwork, reading all the threads (this one is very interesting), and reading the thinkwrite entries. My nickname doesn't mean anything. It is just a variation of one of my e-mail addresses and I too wish that I could change it. My Indian name could also be "trips over cats." Made me laugh. I have three that I serve. I will think on a new nickname, for now I am Debbie.

85. 26 Jul 2010 07:18


wel, i was signing up 4 club penguin wen it all started! I wanted 2 be called babypenguin, but tht was taken, so i thought 4 about 15 mins, then i thought, hmm, babyangel sounds good! but that was taken 2! but the suggestions said babyangel2000! so, i took that 1! and it been my name on everything eva since!!!!! awesome thread! x

86. 30 Jul 2010 13:47


My mother's plan to name me after my 2 grandmothers was derailed by a neighbour naming her daughter Elizabeth before I was even in the oven. My mother didn't want to seem to be imitating this neighbour so stuck me with a pair of names that I have always disliked. On TD I can lose those and be Lizzi or just Lizz.

87. 30 Jul 2010 13:49


mdawrcn- I anagrammed it to Mc Drawn...easier to pronounce!

88. 30 Jul 2010 13:51


If I could have a Native Canadian name, it would have to be Dances With Cats.

89. 30 Jul 2010 16:22


I am so glad you bought this up. I meant to tell you that I like your name for me so much better. Too funny!

There seem to be a lot of cat lovers here. How many do you have?

90. 15 Oct 2010 10:08


my nickname is cathyallheart because cathyallheart100 was my buildabear nick name, so i stick as close as i can (i don't like the 100) but sometimes i mess up and just do cathyheart, and it sounds cute.

91. 24 Oct 2010 06:30


dudette because I am called that alot by my mates at school and I am a cool dude so I am a girl so dudette

92. 26 Oct 2010 17:58



93. 26 Oct 2010 17:58



94. 26 Oct 2010 17:59



95. 26 Oct 2010 17:59



96. 26 Oct 2010 18:00


sorry just trying to make the smilly wink