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81. 7 Jul 2010 18:04


Be careful Dragon ... puzzler's down there ... we don't want her barbecued.

82. 7 Jul 2010 19:42


Puzzler deftly avoids a scorching batch of margarita induced flames by ducking around the corner of the gopher hole then happily climbs the tail of a very chagrined (and slightly tipsy) Dragon's tail which she has lowered down the hole.
Dragon vows to use her flames only for bacon and perhaps a few burgers for the rest of the garden party.

83. 7 Jul 2010 20:01


Sheftali pops back in to the party to light the outdoor fire pit and gather the two dozen or more partiers around for roasting marshmallows. (She passes around a bottle of fine brandy for those old enough to imbibe)(Oh, and for the younger ones, some hot chocolate is available). The partial moon casts a pleasant glow, while a light breeze keeps the party comfy.
Fragrant moonflowers waft through the area, intoxicating all with their aroma. The night is magical, and good will abounds.

84. 8 Jul 2010 02:13


As more TDers wander into the garden party, the atmosphere livens. Qsilv rises to her feet and leads us in a jovial, dancing line around the pit fire. The rising heat takes the fragrant moonflowers spiralling upwards.
It is a magical night, indeed.

85. 8 Jul 2010 05:33


Md is excited to be returning from her other party with loads of pilfered goodies. She produces a bottomless vat of frozen strawberry daquiris (virgin also for the youngsters), a fine selection of ice cold imported beers, and snacks galore. The thought of dancing into the night is most appealing and she enthusiastically joins right in the dancing line. She has also brought some leftover fireworks for later if anyone is interested.

86. 8 Jul 2010 14:15


Dragon was demonstrating the power of flight to Steve, her powerful wings lifted Steve easily into the air, and the pair surveyed the garden party far below.

"Dragon this is just like that film Eragon."

"Saphira was a dear friend Steve, but that was long ago, I like hanging around TD World these days"

"I Know what you mean, whoa"

Dragon landed quite heavily next to some bushes, the alcohol having taken it's toll and deposited Steve amongst the branches.

"I've got some bacon to fry, see you soon"

Steve watched dragon walk toward the grill area, smoke was already leaking from her nostrils as she prepared to cook the large pig carcass that was spitted and ready, Steve turned his attention away from Dragon for a couple of minutes to free himself from the bush and took a stroll around the garden himself. Earlier he had invited debray to the party and he was hoping she would turn up.

87. 8 Jul 2010 14:30


Steve took a picture of the sunset at the garden party earlier

88. 11 Jul 2010 13:25


Puzzler hoped that steve's camera wasn't turned in her direction, as she slid into the cleansing waters of the stream that babbled through the garden and washed off the earth from the gopher hole, together with the slightly charred smell which eminated from her.

Enjoying the cooling waters, Puzzler was startled with a call from login:
'Whatever are you doing in the champagne fountain?!!'
Puzzler jumped up with a look of horror on her face.
'Well at least you're fully dressed!' laughed login. 'Let's go and find the fire pit!'
'Promise not to tell anyone,' pleaded Puzzler, embarrassed.

89. 11 Jul 2010 13:38


Suddenly the night sky is split as Nylecoj sets off a flurry of fireworks!

90. 11 Jul 2010 13:49


I promise, puzzler. Let's go and watch the fireworks.

91. 13 Jul 2010 04:16

mdawrcn ureId=110705

Dragon was summoned for the use of her flame to light a continuous stream of beautiful fireworks. The earth shook with loud booms as the sky lit up and all the partiers gathered 'round and soft ooohs and aaahs rippled through out the crowd.

92. 13 Jul 2010 04:18


Darn, tried to put them side by side. Borrowed (or rather stolen) fireworks.

93. 13 Jul 2010 05:04


md is wondering why qsilv has become so quiet. After all she started this garden party. md hopes she is ok!

94. 13 Jul 2010 15:05


Mmm ... worrying. Perhaps she's dashed home for another box of those delicious truffles ... well, I can dream.

95. 13 Jul 2010 18:39


Wow I didn't make anybodies list.....

96. 14 Jul 2010 08:51


Q comes sliding in, scattering mebu's glass straws all over the place (lord I hope those things are stronger than they look -- they catch ALL the colors of the rainbow and hint of pure magic!)

...and with an elaborately slowww wink at the folks still lounging around, starts delicately nibbling her way thru the leftovers....

They notice she hasn't removed her driving gloves or cape though....

97. 14 Jul 2010 09:11


Noticing that there are still people about Nylecoj pulls out a violin and begins playing a lively jig!

98. 14 Jul 2010 10:17


There are no lists at the this Open Garden Party, mebu ... free, unrestricted entry. Come and join us ... Nylecoj is playing a lively jig on the violin (is that my feet whirling or my head)?

99. 14 Jul 2010 16:11


I shall accompany and play the spoons!

100. 14 Jul 2010 20:39


I can dance a light jig a slip jig a single jig and a hard jig. Wich one is she playing?