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81. 28 Jan 2010 15:51


(smiles) ladyhwin, ostensibly is used more in a way of suggesting that it's not really true, but only an appearance. Kind of like "supposedly".

82. 28 Jan 2010 16:20


Ah Qsilv, that's a great explanation of Ostensibly. I was trying to figure out a way to explain what it means (my dictionary was useless in its explanation) but simply couldn't work out a way to put it into words. It's one of those words that I know how use in speech and writing and I know when I see it if its been used right or wrong but can't explain.

83. 28 Jan 2010 17:08


Ahh, thanks for the explanation, Q. Think I get it now. : )

84. 28 Jan 2010 18:17


Q’s quick’n’dirty definitions WITH EXAMPLES of 6 killer words from Midnightpoet’s list—

Kiosk – a small booth or pillar. These days you find them in malls and airports. “That kiosk over there has an ATM on one side and a FedEx pickup slot on the other.”
Wikipedia has a cool article about the origin of this, with pictures.

Malice -- meanness very specifically directed… wishing harm.
“Her eyes carried a look of pure malice toward him even though her lips smiled sweetly.”

Synchronized – coordinated in a way that makes things work together; special timing…
“They synchronized their watches so they could each start at exactly one minute and thirty seconds after 5 o’clock, even though they couldn’t see each other.”

Apathy – lack of feeling or caring. This is NOT the same as oblivion, which is more an unawareness.
“She and her horse were so intently focused on their timing that they were oblivious to the cheers of the crowd.”
“She tried to sound upbeat even when his apathy toward their picnic was obvious to everyone.”

Culminate – wind up at a high point after some fancy build up.
“All those hours of practice, plus making diagrams of the ring and measuring every fence, is bound to culminate in a championship -- even if the judges aren’t bribed!”

Ostensibly -- ostensibly is used more in a way of suggesting that it's not really true, but only an appearance. Kind of like "supposedly".
“He waved his cape in a grand sweeping motion, ostensibly a proud and powerful lord, though she saw the sadness in his eyes.”

85. 28 Jan 2010 20:42


LOVING J.D. SALINGER 123 w/o title

He was standing in the drizzling rain by the kiosk at 3rd and Broadway. He couldn't hide the fact that he was cold even though he was dressed rather extravagently in an expensive overcoat.

His brownish beard was like a velvety garland framing his perfect face. I think our thoughts were synchronized when we caught each other's glance. He was intrigued with me - as I was with him. There was no malice as most men feel with each other upon first meeting. I hadn't even met him, but I felt an immediate attraction.

I apathetically wondered if this encounter would culminate in the strange muse that draws two men together. If we speak, will that end up with one feeling strangled? Or would we ostensibly look toward a future together?

I hope neither.

86. 28 Jan 2010 21:11


Bad last paragraph. Replace: 37 wds.

I wondered if this encounter would culminate in the strange muse that draws two men together. If we ostentiously attempt conversation, would one of us feel like our muse was being strangled? Or could we survive it?

I want neither.

87. 28 Jan 2010 21:33


Ostentatiously apathtic should fit in there somewhere. Later.

88. 28 Jan 2010 21:38


If we ostentationally attempt apathetic conversation, could it culminate in the strange muse...... Sorry. I should have edited first.

89. 28 Jan 2010 21:47


Back to the first draft. Forget my corrections.

90. 28 Jan 2010 23:50


giraffe: I don't know but I find that sentence delicious. As an example of its possibility I would point to a cigar hazed room of stuffed-shirts in the posh Duquesne Club with a lot of jaw flapping over ostentatious nothing, but culminating into the powers sating themselves into believing their power. Maybe that's about as complicated as your sentence, but the brown cow chews its cud the same as the white one does. Ok, Q, you can step in anytime.

Or maybe another thought....poetic lisence...which i subscribe too with a passion. Some of the most artistic sentences or thoughts brought together by us and the "paid" literary world make just as much sense(perfect).

Hats off to you and that line!

91. 28 Jan 2010 23:55


too -o =to
I don't know "about the others, " but...
I'm sure there's more, but whats the point. lol.

92. 29 Jan 2010 04:40


actually.... post #88 just brightened my morning considerably.......... ;>

93. 29 Jan 2010 06:03


Un-break my Heart (123 words excluding title)

Her shriek filled the air with anguish, as though the knife that rent his heart had instead pierced hers, slicing through flesh, reason, and sanity with one swift long-mused stroke, filled with malice, driven by hate.
The hand that held the knife was synchronized to the mind of the man who's ostensible love masked his extravagant hate, he had kept all offenses clouded in apathy till they built up, filling his mind like a freshly stocked newspaper kiosk, culminating in vengeance.
The dying man looked down, blood dripped from the knife's hilt, splashing onto the garland of roses lying at his feet, his life's blood seeping out, and yet, no urge to strangle his murderer entered him. He smiled, and then he died.

94. 29 Jan 2010 06:27


playing catch up again.....
marius: thought the rewrite with the 321 word count was great. 123 leaves limited time to focus on more than one idea and get the depth and feel you want especially with the story you were grasping to tell.

Nylcoj: Un-break my paced...good word twists or "tangles" as I would call them (or was that Q) and I just loved that smile at the end. I could actually imagine and had a picture in my head as I read that. Good job!

95. 29 Jan 2010 06:31


I don't understand what draws me to these types of stories. Maybe giraffe or midnight would understand. This one evolved over the last two days after I found that magic 321 word count. I knew that I could expand the jumping jacks in my brain and look what came out...321 not including title...

The Punishers

The punishers are before us judging our apathetic lives with enough malice to fill a gymnasium of damnation. Sit alone in a room in your favorite chair. Shhhhhh… Quiet as the proverbial mouse. Clear your head and relax; eyes still open but focused on nothing.
Out of the corner of your eye, you will see them. They come in various shades of grays and sparkles like whispers…. you strain for a glimpse.

Be assured, they are there.

Not quite seen, but ostensibly rigid shells blocking our putrid thoughts or waiting for those muses to explode with a hissssssssss. It is not actions they deem worthy of attention. A fleeting flicker of ambivalence towards the “order”. A frail broken daydream of unspeakable horror leaves an imprint they can frenetically read like a comic strip.

But, do we change?

We continue to think extravagant thoughts centered on our own true nature trying desperately to lock out the physicality of those thoughts.

You need PROOF!?

A lonely long legged lady stands poised near a mall kiosk…hundreds pass by. She has chosen ONE. The perfect victim who soon will sport a homemade noose around their neck instead of a feathery costume boa interwoven with colorful garland. Said victim will hang from a light pole until the strangulation is complete. The lady thinks she is alone in her thoughts…but they are there.

Her time has come! The punishers rush in and in a synchronized swarm invade her body and cause pustules of puss to run through her veins. On the outside, she may seem fine, but it is on the inside and in the mind that the punishers infiltrate. Years have been deducted from her fragile mind that will sooner rather than later become senile and thoughtless staring out at an unseen, unheard force. Yes, the punishers….

Believe me or not. It makes not matter to me. I have seen them.

I am them….

96. 29 Jan 2010 06:34


-makes +does = It does not matter to me.

97. 29 Jan 2010 10:40


Nylecoj - like Un-break my heart. Agree with Doug - last sentence is great.

Doug - I like your story! [And that's cool because usually the kind of writing you used in the story just floats right over (or beyond) my head.] Maybe TW is "broadening the old horizons." ; )

98. 29 Jan 2010 13:15


Doug. You outdid yourself. I can't imagine writing something as digging as 'The Punisher'. I'll try though. This one really impressed me. More.

99. 29 Jan 2010 13:37


Jocelyn. You did well at squeezing 10 difficult words into a short space. I didn't sense anything about your personal perspective. Try the 321 word limit.

100. 29 Jan 2010 16:01


Oh giraffe, loved your JD Salinger story. I adore his writing ... except for Catcher in the Rye. Well, writing was fine, just didn't care for the story.

Um, is Salinger gay? Have not read about his personal life. And, do you care to share how your story came about? (I'm nosy AND curious.)