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81. 2 May 2009 08:54


.. enjoy, Dragon..!

.. but Qsilv.. when I mentioned 'big, horrible thing with the claws and gnashy teeth that lived in the lake..', it was only so that we could do representations of the just and proper punishment for Ron AND include the pic in the showcase..

[err.. sorry.. you wouldn't have any of those gold-wrapped chocolates left, would you.. the Smirnoff flavour ones would be nice..?]

82. 2 May 2009 08:56


Ok, I'm out. I also started one in candy as well. (Actually I was out a while ago but my connection is Super Slow right now)

83. 2 May 2009 10:16


Think I'll go in and check things out. Not sure I'll contribute, though.

84. 2 May 2009 10:19


I'm out. The fruit one is really looking good! That animals one is, well, very different. I didn't add anything, but I did save all!

85. 2 May 2009 10:26


OK.. can't resist.. I'm just going in to have a look and SAVE !

86. 2 May 2009 10:30


I'm out.. see what you mean, Robin !

.. there's also a nascent one in candy that looks like it could go places (sorry, didn't have the time to add anything) and I didn't take any screen shots - but all is well (and saved again) as of now !

87. 2 May 2009 11:21


I'm out. Fun ... played with fruit and animals.

88. 2 May 2009 13:15


Question: Why add something if someone is going to come on and cover it up?

89. 2 May 2009 13:30


Sometimes what you add might inspire someone to add something they might not have before. So even if you're stuff gets covered it still infuences the piece altogether.
By the way I have to go check it out, I'm logging on.

90. 2 May 2009 13:33


Ok, I'm back out. Couldn't see anything in flowers, and the Candy one hasn't changed since I started it, but the Animals one has really changed into something bizarre and interesting.

91. 2 May 2009 14:12


going into peek...

92. 2 May 2009 14:33


i am out...

animal pic can be submitted whenever... not sure what it has become... lol

fruit pic is looking good & can be submitted soon too...

candy pic has just begun & other mediums are awaiting their birth mother...

93. 2 May 2009 14:50


I have managed to squeeze in only 1 drawing in the last couple weeks & am so behind in commenting on pics I shall never catch up. I really like this group thing because; as wierd as it sounds; it feels like I have friends helping me through this rough time.
Thanks to all who are playing.

94. 2 May 2009 15:47


I'm glad this make you feel that way Matthew.

95. 2 May 2009 16:09


pfff.... matthew thank YOU!

(and note... I'm going in for a few minutes now)

96. 2 May 2009 16:37


I'm out. Screenies, SaveDraft.

I've broken a "rule" by adding a few more bits to the Animals palette beastie... (smiles)

And I'd like to suggest (but I'm easy-going) that we push this one a while longer before submitting it. In my experience, this is the sort that will become richer and richer, even if some bits get layered over.

Another thing to consider too, is RE-layering what you know was under there, back up to the top again!

97. 2 May 2009 17:38


I am going in ... gonna start gothic...

98. 2 May 2009 17:49


I am out...

99. 2 May 2009 19:51


Question, if I go in just to look do I need to save draft each theme or only the ones I look at?

Also, If I'm going in just to look do I need to "Sign in & out"?

100. 2 May 2009 20:11


going in