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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite II - The sequel

81. 30 Apr 2009 07:37


Knowing you Ron, that jibe in your direction might actually help my chances.

82. 30 Apr 2009 14:25


In that case, RONS A BIG FAT LOOSER!!!!

Just kidding Ron. Trying to keep things on and even keel.

83. 30 Apr 2009 14:27


I love you Ron.

Try to top that Dragon!

84. 30 Apr 2009 14:49


The Absolute Truth (except for the part about the evil dwarf and the magical cure)!

I suppose I could just write a better story but quite frankly my brain hurts.

I haven't slept for months, really. I have untreated sleep apnea and for fear of suffocating in my sleep I can't take anything to help me sleep or for my pain which is generally worse at night. Adverse reactions don't ya' know.

Plus the whole not sleeping thing messes with your emotions so I’m having profound melancholy and bouts of anger over such simple things a floral pattern were there should be a triangle one. I cry all the time. I can’t be away from my dog for more that a couple hours or I just loose it.

My Doctors are excellent but seem completely stymied by my continued ill health. They’ve prescribed painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, migraine abortion drugs, and meds for ADD and OCD. They can’t give me an anti-depressant because I could go into a seizure and die from a drug interaction.

I’ve tried lighting beeswax candles and essential oils and vitamins and herbs and considered seeing this evil dwarf I’ve heard about for a magical cure but I don’t believe in magic so that won’t work, I give up! I’m done now.

85. 30 Apr 2009 16:52


Solosater, the fact that your computer is excrutiatingly slow is probably adding to your frustration and anger, and therefore, to your medical problems. There is nothing worse than a retarded computer for driving up the blood pressure and lowering the morale.

86. 30 Apr 2009 18:40


This is a true story...

It started years ago...

I was driving in downtown Frederick, MD with my sister and her kids. She was actually driving.

We cam to this odd intersection and there was a man, holding a bicycle directing traffic.

He "almost" caused our deaths by directing us and another car into the same place at the same time (Puali's exclusion principle, you see?)

So I got out of the car and confronted him

Turns it he was barely sane. Or barely even sentient.

He just kept screaming "I'm dust doin my dob!"

Now - my family has a wicked and sharp sense of humor.

I have no mean or cruel feelings to anyone who is emotionally or physically challenged.

But this whole experience struck my sister, me, my niece and, especially, my little nephew - as freakin funny.

So - to this day - we say "dust doin my dob!" to each other and have a laugh about it.

Today - because of obscure drum laws in Frederick, MD (I'm not even kidding) I had to pick up my nephew from school.

We started a rap song on the way home.

Of course, we're both going to burn in hell... But...

I'm a-tarded
I'm A-tarted
Don't get me started
I'm a-tarded

Some say boy you're slow
I just say no
seee I'm a-tarded
I'm atarded...

We went on for hours.

My nephew is11 and he just wanted to incorporate "pizza" into the thing.

But - I - being the responsible adult - kept the song on-point... No pizza - just "tards".

How many of you have I now offended?

87. 30 Apr 2009 19:36


I'll only be offended if that was directed at me, and Ron, while I told my true story, I stuck to the list!

This should be a lesson to you, except on very rare occasions white boys shouldn't rap as they end up sounding ...tarded and when you make up the rules you have to follow them or you end up being...well you know.

88. 30 Apr 2009 20:15


'tarded? Nice!

89. 30 Apr 2009 20:16


But solo (can I call you Hans?)

I AM the moderator. I have absolute power (Thank you Spielberg) so you may not reveal the existence of E.T.

90. 1 May 2009 04:55


uh-oh. Ron's on a power trip...everybody hide!

Solo, that last piece was very well done, i think, but it really makes me want to give you a hug.

91. 1 May 2009 05:27


hey, midnight.. d'you know these people that write in to the local paper all the time .. and I mean ALL the time ??

I feel like I'm missing some really good stuff on the forum, because it's basically being swamped by too many 'ME ME' gingerbread men..

..but, wow, some of this writing is fantastic !

92. 1 May 2009 05:38


I don't know about people writing to the local paper, because I refuse to read newspapers, they just depress me...

...but am I one of those "'ME ME' gingerbread men" you're referring to?? If so, I'm very sorry.

93. 1 May 2009 05:52


...So Marg, we should hold off our comments till YOU get a chance to see the previous comment or story?

...Should we take numbers to keep the swamp down?

...Me Me indeed...

FYI: I am saying this in jest Marg... WINK

94. 1 May 2009 06:35


sorry, midnightpoet.. I was just halfway through doing a pic and I suddenly thought..

'I just left a comment in the forum that was only half of what I wanted to say'.. so..

I saved my draft (fingers crossed) and came back to find your dad had jumped in, and that you might have misunderstood what I said.

Now , matthew rarely gets what I'm saying, but the bit I left out was that I compose letters to the local newspaper in my head all the time - have you ever read 'Good Omens' by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman ? - and I was having a dig at Ron for having started so many threads, after Baldur (? I think) said he always checked the forum out first, because the gallery was too full of 'same, same' gingerbread men.

That probably still isn't very clear .. but it was definitely Ron I was responding to (check out his latest threads) .. and you, Dragon, solosater, etc., were definitely the people I was referring to when I said 'some of this writing is fantastic'.

95. 1 May 2009 08:08


Alas... I add "FYI: I am saying this in jest" & even added a wink & a smiley... and it still doen't come across as joking with you Marg...

...What else can I do???

96. 1 May 2009 08:58


.. how about having a nice glass of milk and a biscuit ?

97. 1 May 2009 09:17


Hey!!! now we are on the same page!!!

98. 1 May 2009 22:49



If this were Survivor I huess I'd be getting voted out this week.

Marg - I got it. I get it. I know.

But is midnightpoet matthew's daughter? Aren't his kids young?

midnight: I'f you're a kid I am bowing in your general direction (well - doing that anyways but I mean - really doing it, ya know?)

99. 1 May 2009 22:51


And hey - "Me, Me" is me.

So you see, I had to write this ;-)

100. 2 May 2009 05:11


Ron, yes I am Matthew's daughter, and I'm 23