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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

7981. 11 Nov 2010 18:58


Baldur, Sorry my friend... Truely

7982. 11 Nov 2010 19:17


Baldur, condolences for your loss. I lost both my parents in the last few years. You are in my prayers.

7983. 12 Nov 2010 02:51


Blessings to you Baldur, I hope your children are able to join you at some point for a visit at this time.

Happy Birthday today to:Juana Ines do La Cruz(Primero Sueno), Carlos IV, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Baha'u'llah(founder Baha'i faith), Auguste Rodin(sculptor- 'Thinker')Sun Yat-sen, Joseph Coors(yep~beer!), Jo Stafford, Grace Kelly, Charles Manson ,Brian Hyland(Itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini), Jimmy "Bro" Hayes, Neil Young, Valerie Leon, Nick Stellino, Enzo Francescoli, Nadi Comaneci(first 10 olympic!), Naomi Wolf, Wallace Shawn, Al Michaels, Michael Moorer, Sammy Soso, Tanya Harding, Ryan Gosling, Anne Hathaway, Omarion, Evan Yo.

7984. 12 Nov 2010 03:16


lynnspotter gets 100 points (because I've not seen points given in a while) and also because of her contributions to the birthday lists: frowny face by someone's name, yellow polka dot bikini ... made me smile.

Baldur, am hoping you're getting a bit of rest now, that the kitties are giving you some joy, that you and family are finding some comforts in memories and each other. : )

7985. 13 Nov 2010 03:29


Happy Birthday to Gerard Butler, Jimmy Kimmel, Vinny Testaverde, Whoopi Goldberg, Mary Lou Metzger, Garry Marshall, Peter Arnett, Robert Sterling, Eva Ziesel, Hermione Baddeley, Robert Louis Stevenson, Johann Eck, and Saint Augustine of Hippo.

7986. 13 Nov 2010 03:31


Baldur gives lynnspotter an extra 10 points for including extra information on the identity of some of the birthdayites. Baldur is much too lazy to do that himself.

7987. 13 Nov 2010 03:38


Thank you again to every who has sent their condolences over the past week.
It has been very trying, very exhausting and there is no end in sight.
I spend part of every single day with my family, which is not normal behaviour for me. I would love a week of solitude. This is not going to happen.
My sisters have devised a schedule so that our mother is not alone for a single moment. I do not think this is the wisest course of action, but have been given my shifts for the immediate future.
She will need help, mainly because she does not drive. Other things such as assistance around the house and garden are minor issues.
My mother is not an elderly, frail woman. She is in her early 70s, is energetic and looks good for her age.
I do hope we can ease off a bit.

7988. 13 Nov 2010 03:40


every + one = everyone

7989. 13 Nov 2010 10:02


Dragon give Baldur 10 points for the word 'birthdayites'.

I hope your mother is able to get into a self-sufficient mode for herself. The way you've described her in the past she seems like a formidable lady (not always a good thing, but might mean she has the strength she'll need). Did she ever drive in the past? If so, perhaps she might be able to take that up again and be able to get around town without having to rely on others. If not, I wonder if the public transit system where she lives is a good one. My grandma is in her 80's and uses the bus regularly to get around. Like your mother, she's very energetic and young for her age. When my grandfather passed away several years ago she was fairly quick to be able sustain herself despite not driving though she did move out of the house in a small town and into an apartment in a seniors building in the city. Of course, my grandfather had not been well for some time so his passing was not as shocking as your father's. Still, she sounds like the kind of lady who will be able to take the reins of her life back up again once she's had time to deal with the shock of it all. My best wishes to you and your family in helping her and each other with everything.

7990. 13 Nov 2010 10:33


Welcome back Baldur! Was going to be ready to broadcast birthdays from Memphis today, but am glad it is done! I travelled to Memphis to retrieve my son, & bring back to NC. Tomorrow will be travel home day.

7991. 13 Nov 2010 11:22


I also think the "birthdayite" neologism is great.
How about "thinkdrawite"?
Welcome back to your radio station Baldur!

7992. 13 Nov 2010 11:50


Hey, I just had a thought...

how odd is that...

7993. 14 Nov 2010 02:10


I like thinkdrawite, +10 points for polenta.

7994. 14 Nov 2010 02:28


Happy Birthday to Lawyer Milloy, Curt Schilling, Yanni, Condoleeza Rice, Stephen Bishop, Charles Prince of Wales, P.J. O'Rourke, Wendy Carlos, Big Daddy Shirley Crabtree, McLean Stevenson, Boutros Boutros-Gali, Brian Keith, Veronica Lake, Sherwood Schwartz, Martha Tilton, Barbara Hutton, Joseph McCarthy, Dick Powell, Aaron Copland, Mamie Eisenhower, Leo Hendrik Baekeland, Claude Monet, Robert Fulton, Johann van Beethoven (Ludwig's father), Leopold Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus' father) and King William III of England.

7995. 14 Nov 2010 12:25


With all due respect to Polenta, I prefer "ThinkDrawer."

And with the lovely ambiguity of English, isn't it great that we can put it into the "Drawer" for a bit to "Think" about it?

In my History of Western Music class, I learned that, at times, Shostkovitch wrote only "for the drawer," as some of his musical ideas were too dangerous to put out in public during the Stalin era.

7996. 15 Nov 2010 01:47


Happy Birthday to Kevin Eubanks, Randy Savage, Ani-Frid 'Frida' Lyngstad, Sam Waterston, Little Willie John, Clyde McPhatter, Petula Clark, Ed Asner. C.W. McCall, Mantovani, Aneurin Bevan, Georgia O'Keefe, Marianne Moore, William Herschel, Pope Nicholas V and John I of France.

7997. 15 Nov 2010 03:05


OH BALDUR! We just mustn't leave out a Happy Birthday to Judge Joseph Wapner, 91, That maybe pioneered all those dreadful 'court on TV' shows! Hehehe!

7998. 15 Nov 2010 03:05


just looked in, and Baldur, you are coming upon 8,000. which I'm sure your well aware of. sooooooo, another happy day!!

7999. 15 Nov 2010 03:08


We should also note that we are almost to post 8000 & on page 400 of this illustrious station, "CHANEL BALDUR"!!!!!!

8000. 15 Nov 2010 03:08


LOL!!!!! You type faster than I Lilalee!