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7941. 5 Nov 2010 12:04


In an effort to help keep up Radio Baldur's batch of interesting things while he is understandably busy with his family, here's an interesting story I came across today. rc=canadanews

7942. 5 Nov 2010 14:30


Baldur, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

7943. 5 Nov 2010 14:34


Live crabs? Well, give me two. LOL

7944. 5 Nov 2010 14:34


So sorry to hear about your father, and do hope and pray, he comes out of this.

7945. 5 Nov 2010 14:57


Adding my best wishes for your father's complete recovery Baldur. Modern medicine can be amazing.

7946. 5 Nov 2010 15:29


May I add my best wishes too.

7947. 5 Nov 2010 20:56


My best regards to Baldur and his family.
I see a gentle angel keeping watch by your father's bedside.

7948. 5 Nov 2010 23:50


My father passed away at 1AM, I have just gotten home(3:45AM) and need to get to bed.
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts.

7949. 6 Nov 2010 01:51


so sorry for this painful news Baldur. May God give you all the strength to overcome such a hard time, may his memory be of help for you and your family
through the years to come , instead of being so painful as it is now! My condolences to you all!!!

7950. 6 Nov 2010 02:58


My real condolences to you Baldur at such a difficult time in your life. May your father rest in peace.

7951. 6 Nov 2010 04:05


God bless you in this time of grieving and be with your mom especially in coming months.

7952. 6 Nov 2010 04:27


So sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family.

7953. 6 Nov 2010 05:38


May you be comforted by God, and knowing your friends here, are thinking and praying for you, and yours.

7954. 6 Nov 2010 05:58


Dear Baron of Boughbreak, very sorry to read this news. Wishing comfort and peace for you and family.

7955. 6 Nov 2010 09:12


Very sorry to hear this Baldur. Sincere condolences to you and your family.

7956. 6 Nov 2010 09:27


Baldur, you're loved. Hug your kids when you see them; you're a wonderful role model and the proverbial bastion of strength and good sense.

Take whatever time you need, keep us posted when you can -- we really do care, at least as much as Auntie! -- and we'll keep the home-fires burning for you here at Channel Baldur.

7957. 6 Nov 2010 10:09


Baldur, you are indeed loved by your many TD friends. Very sorry to hear of your loss--may you find comfort and warmth from family and friends in the days ahead.

7958. 6 Nov 2010 15:51


Oh Baldur, I'm so sorry to hear of your father's passing. Losing a parent closes a chapter in our lives...I have experienced the loss of both of my parents. I know you will be a pillar of strength for your Mom and family. God bless and keep you strong in the days ahead.

7959. 6 Nov 2010 16:15


Baldur, I'm sorry, too, to hear of your sudden loss. My very best wishes to you and your family.

7960. 6 Nov 2010 19:11


Baldur, I'd like to extend my condolences too. I hope you and your family can find comfort with each other and can help each other remember all the things you most loved about your father.