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781. 31 May 2011 16:38


thats great news Hazer!

782. 31 May 2011 16:52


How wonderful!! Congratulations Hazer. So glad to hear and hoping you the best for tomorrow.

783. 1 Jun 2011 03:48


Congratulations all round for the birth of a healthy grandchild, Hazer. What a tremendous relief for you all and what a joyous occasion. Best wishes to mother and child.

My thoughts are with you and your husband for 9th June and 'looking forward to good news for you both.

784. 1 Jun 2011 12:08


A beautiful new Hazer... I'm so happy for you and hope things now begin going better for all your family... Life goes on!!

785. 1 Jun 2011 20:00


Another update.......The CT and PET scan showed that hubby's lungs are completely clear of cancer! He will have to continue with chemo as there are two suspicious lymph nodes in the area that the tumor was removed. Again it is not definitive but worrisome to the oncologist.
We will continue to trust God to heal and restore him. My husband feels great and was so happy to hear that his lungs were clear, confirming what he already believed to be true. God is good!

786. 1 Jun 2011 20:02


Wonderful news Hazer!

787. 2 Jun 2011 03:23


Congratulations Hazer! I share your joy at the safe arrival of your precious new grandson - what happy news! And more good news about your husband... you must all be feeling wonderful!

I'll be thinking of you on the 9th. All the best!

788. 2 Jun 2011 04:39


Great news Hazer!

789. 2 Jun 2011 11:22


YEAH! I'm SO happy for you Hazer! Wonderful news about your hubby and congratulations on your new grandson!! I will be thinking of you on the 9th. Thoughts and prayers with you and yours

790. 2 Jun 2011 11:40


Hazer that is great news! I pray you will all have a clean bill of health soon so you can enjoy your grandson!

791. 2 Jun 2011 13:56


Add my congratulations and warmest best wishes, Hazer!
Don't you love it when GOOD stuff comes in waves, 'stead of just the worrisome stuff??

792. 2 Jun 2011 14:25


Thanks ladies! Yes it is wonderful Q ! We feel quite spoiled!
I got to see baby again while hubby was having his chemo. The cancer center and the main hospital are connected I had a good hour of grandma time to cuddle him. They were discharged this afternoon so I'm glad I had that opportunity.
Hubby is scheduled for an extensive 5 hour bone scan tomorrow morning. When his oncologist says he wants something checked out you don't have to wait months for an appointment. That's good!

793. 2 Jun 2011 15:12


:) Great news about your husband and your Grandchild Hazer

794. 3 Jun 2011 01:57


Congratulations Hazer for these great good news! May God bless you and your family!

795. 4 Jun 2011 05:32


I am so happy for you and your family. We can only thank the good Lord that things are becoming more positive for you all. Enjoy that wonderful new baby grandson and let us know what they decide to call him. Will be thinking and praying for you on the 9th. Lots of love and hugs.

796. 4 Jun 2011 08:12


I'm so happy to hear your good news! You deserve a break or six! Congratulations on the grandson! May you and your husband be able to enjoy him together. Be aware on the 9th of all the thoughts and prayers that will be surrounding you.

797. 4 Jun 2011 14:30


What nice news you've got in your difficult time. It's so wonderful for us to feel right now.

798. 4 Jun 2011 14:32


I meant wonderful for us to feel what you feel right now...

799. 4 Jun 2011 18:00


Thanks everyone....I hope you know how encouraging your comments are!!
Arty... baby's name is Benjamin Daniel. Daniel after his Grandpa.

800. 4 Jun 2011 23:23


What wonderful news about your husband and daughter, Hazer. Praying all goes well with you on the 9th and that those suspicious spots are a computer glitch. So happy your husband is doing better and that your daughter is blessed with a new baby. Praying all goes well with you on the 9th and that those suspicious spots are a computer glitch.