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7781. 18 Oct 2010 02:14


The coffin is coughing. LOL
Same pronunciation. Thanks Login.... well, yes when the ng is left outside. LOL

7782. 18 Oct 2010 04:51


Happy Birthday to Bristol Palin, Zac Efron, Lindsey Vonn, Ne-Yo, Wynton Marsalis, Erin Moran, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Pam Dawber, Terry McMillan, Dawn Wells, George C. Scott, Chuck Berry, Jesse Helms, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Anita O'Day, Lotte Lenya and Pope Pius II.

7783. 19 Oct 2010 05:22


Happy Birthday to Amy Carter, Ty Pennington, Evander Holyfield, Jennifer Holliday, Carlo Urbani, Phillip Pullman, Jeannie C. Riley, Peter Tosh, Peter Max, Robert Reed, John le Carre', Tor Johnson, Miguel Angel Asturias, Lewis Mumford, Auguste Lumiere and Cassius Clay (the other one).

7784. 20 Oct 2010 05:17


Happy Birthday to Snoop Dogg, Viggo Mortensen, Tom Petty, Lewis Grizzard, Robert Pinsky, Wanda Jackson, Michiko, Mickey Mantle, Joyce Brothers, Art Buchwald, Grandpa Jones, Arlene Francis, Elllery Queen, Margaret Dumont, Bela Lugosi, Arthur Rimbaud and Sir Christopher Wren.

7785. 20 Oct 2010 05:18


Fall is in the air here in Primrose, RI.
It appears our foliage is at the peak of it's autumnal color change.
Time to put a pumpkin out on the front steps and bake an apple pie.

7786. 20 Oct 2010 10:04


Does Baldur do much in the way of Jack-o-lanterns? I wonder if he gets many trick-or-treaters at Boughbreak. Dragon loves halloween and always does several pumpkins despite the fact that we never get any kids at our door.

7787. 20 Oct 2010 15:18


This is a video of a meeting of English teachers at the Hotel Argentino in Piriápolis, Uruguay.
After watching this video Pearson Publishers sent me, I regret not having been able to attend the meeting. LOL
Two lessons:
1 English teachers are 99% women( don't go there if you're looking for
a boy-friend.
2 Women don't wear skirts anymore. End of story.

7788. 20 Oct 2010 17:23


Baldur always puts a pumpkin on the front steps but I don't always carve it into a jack o'lantern. When making them the pumpkin gets carved in the afternoon, put on display for a few hours and then washed, cut-up and cooked the following morning.
Generally I do not use a candle inside the hollow shell either.
Instead we devised a better way using a battery powered dome light, the type many install in closets. Inserted in a ziploc bag it lights the pumpkin very efficiently, diesn't get slimy and is not a fire hazard.
You can insert a piece of colored tissue or celophane in the bag to get a different effect.

7789. 20 Oct 2010 17:38


polenta, the style of dancing in the English teacher video is somewhat similar to what is called 'line dancing' in the United States.
You see it frequently at weddings and other such social occasions.
90% of all males absolutely hate it with a passion and will go to great lengths to avoid participation. Of the 10% who participate most do so only to placate their wives and/or girlfriends.
Baldur may have found the reason why there are so few male English teachers in Uruguay. The line dancing at the meetings discourages more men from following that profession

As to why women do not wear skirts anymore remains a mystery.
Baldur is in favor of women wearing them, but can certainly understand the practicality of trousers.

7790. 20 Oct 2010 17:42


Baldur does not line dance, and never intends to start.
When at a function where line dancing occurs I will sit there and be horrified at the embarassing public display.
What is amusing is that the proponents of line dancing can never understand why someone would decline from joining in. Both sides of the argument believe fully that they are in the 'right'.

7791. 20 Oct 2010 17:44


My exwife was a linedancer, no doubt it doomed our relationship from the start.
She, incidentally, was not good at carving jack o'lanterns either.

7792. 20 Oct 2010 17:47


Shakira is a most unusual cat.
Today she surprised us by jumping up onto our garden birdbath to get a drink. She managed to land on the rim without getting her paws wet.
She stayed there for perhaps 5 minutes, getting her drink and admiring the view.

7793. 20 Oct 2010 18:56


Dragon is in full agreement with Baldur about linedancing. I think it's what the devil make people do in hell (right after they finish watching reruns of Full House). I don't know if this is true in the US but in Canada I believe it is still very popular in country music bars. Being that I can't stand most country music these are not place I hang out very often but I have been dragged to a few by well meaning friends who thought I needed to "find me a cowboy". Obviously this was before I met my sweetie. I recall sitting in the bar and several times during the evening a linedance song would come on prompting everyone in the bar (except me) to rush to the dance floor, line up and start dancing in sequence. It was a little creepy, like they were robots in tight Wranglers, cowboy boots and Garth Brooks style shirts. Kind of gave me the shivers. Still does now that I think of it.

7794. 21 Oct 2010 02:55


But going to a conference or seminar and ending up linedancing must be fun. I bet those teachers would have never dreamed of such a thing.
Yet, it's hard to be single... and a teacher. No men in the teaching business. Luckily I've got my husband from before. LOL
Another lesson from the video:

Uruguayan women all dress in dark colors. I bet Brazilian English teachers in a conference must be so COLORFUL!!!
What about American or Canadian women?

7795. 21 Oct 2010 03:44


Baldur would rather endure 8 hours of a boring seminar (even without coffee and donuts than 5 minutes of linedancing.

I see women wearing more dark than light colors here.
For years all black outfits were considered very chic.

7796. 21 Oct 2010 03:45


diesn't - i + 0 = doesn't


7797. 21 Oct 2010 03:54


Happy Birthday to Jade Jagger, Carrie Fisher, Patti Davis, Benjamin Netanyahu, Lux Interior, Elvin Bishop, Manfred Mann, Ursula K. Le Guin, Dizzy Gillepsie, Lillian Asplund, Alfred Nobel and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

7798. 21 Oct 2010 08:17


...Baldur needs to get a bit more obsessive and include the post # when he makes a correction 8 posts back!

...Q (who finally resorted to control-F/searching) needs to get a bit less obsessive, period.

Qsilv thanks Baldur warmly for a his cat-leap tale. Brought back smiling memories of one from years ago who'd had his little skull damaged by a rocking chair as a tiny kitten. He survived semi-normally for years. Mind you, he tended to fall over while walking in a straight line across a room...

BUT... he'd sit patiently in the kitchen, presumably gathering what wits he had left, and suddenly bound directly upward from the floor to the top of the refrigerator!

From there he'd sometimes sort of levitate to the TOP of a window, and balance there somehow on the half-inch wide molding... surveying us all with that look cats get.... absolute bliss... soul-deep satisfaction.


7799. 21 Oct 2010 10:59


I think cats have a special exemption from the laws of gravity and physics.

7800. 21 Oct 2010 13:22


LOL Dragon!