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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

7661. 27 Sep 2010 10:00


maybe peter Jacobson? amp;client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw= 1440&bih=737

7662. 27 Sep 2010 10:29


No, Arw I really appreciate the time you are dedicating to this. Maybe that's why I'm not a good portrait artist. I must see look-alikes where there is no such thing or maybe this movie actor is not so popular. I do remember seeing him in seveal films though. If someone else recognizes him, please let me know.

7663. 27 Sep 2010 11:22


Do you remember what any of the films were about, polenta? Perhaps if you can describe what some of the films were about, one of us might recognize one of the movies and the actors in it.

7664. 27 Sep 2010 11:50


NO, I don't remember. THANKS INKED

7665. 28 Sep 2010 01:26


Baldur, many thanks for the paraprosdokians! I laughed aloud at many of them! In fact, my husband came from the other end of the house to see what was so funny... and joined in when he started reading!

7666. 28 Sep 2010 04:12


I'm glad you enjoyed it mum23, it's amazing how much of this kind of stuff circulates out there.

7667. 28 Sep 2010 04:22


Happy Birthday to Frankie Jonas, Hillary Duff, Young Jeezy, Moon Unit Zappa, Mira Sorvino, Brigitte Bardot, Marcello Mastroianni, William Windom, Al Capp, Ed Sullivan, Thomas Crapper, Nicolas Flamel and Confucius.

7668. 28 Sep 2010 09:20


I enjoyed it too and I translated many of them ( some of them are only for English speakers) and sent it to some people. Thanks

7669. 28 Sep 2010 15:36


THANKS Baldur.'s a good thing!

7670. 29 Sep 2010 04:14


Good morning faithful listeners
My relative absence of the past couple of weeks has been the result of the quirks of the fauna in this area.
A couple of weeks ago a young pregnant cat (whom I promptly named 'Shakira') appeared at the kitchen door. She is quite beautiful though a bit confused.
Her colouring is what I would classify as 'calico', the background fur being white but with large random patches of orange tabby colouration and big black spots that have dark grey stripes visible in a certain light.
Speaking to humans is what seems to confuse her, hissing appears as part of her vocabulary at the oddest moments, even when she appears otherwise quite content.
Shakira however does manage to communicate precisely when she needs to be fed, which is at least 4 or 5 times a day.
Robert and I had assumed she was a neighbor's housecat, based on how clean her white feet were. They do not betray a life spent in the woods.
While we were feeding her and tending to her constant need for attention she steadfastly refused to enter our house, and developed an odd trend of running off into the woods as soon as she'd finished eating.
Robert began following her at a distance last week.
At first she would stroll up the driveway of a certain neighbor and vanish in back of the house. We interviewed the woman of the house and though she'd seen Shakira recently she did not know where the cat actually lived.
It has since been determined that by this point our promiscuous feline friend had already given birth to her litter by the time we'd first seen her.
We now suspect that she is not actually from our neighborhood but was abandoned here as she came close to term. The area is quite rural and pets have been 'set free' in the vicinity before. Humans can be quite cruel.
Two days ago Robert had his first glimpse of the kittens, three have been spotted among the brambles cavorting around their mother. The mother has moved them much closer to our home and her food supply. There may be more kittens but we have definitely seen three at this point.
What came as a surprise is that they are clearly no longer newborns. The kittens are of an age where they are darting about and wrestling with each other. We were obviously incorrect in our original impression of Shakira.
She was not pregnant when we first met but was already a new mother and ravenous due to the nursing.
My one concern at this moment is just how many of these cats does Robert have in mind to make permanent parts of the household.
Heidi and her departed sister were both abandoned in the neighborhood and found living in a woodpile a couple of years before I'd moved here myself. They were alone and quite feral. Robert eventually caught them, brought them to a veterinarian, had them vaccinated, spayed and adopted them.
None of which was to the liking of Kitteau Florence who was already the dominating force.
There was also a rather large dog named Nikki on the premises, but she actually thought she was a cat and was no threat. Nikki became Heidi and Seeky's surrogate mother.
I also fear letting Robert give names to any more housepets, I named Shakira before he had the opportunity.
In early years Mr Bear quickly took to calling 'Seeky' a more benign 'Seika' and quickly dropped the 'Kitteau' from Florence's name.
Heidi is elderly and not particularly friendly, it is to be assumed she will not welcome new tenants to the house. After 15+ years she barely tolerates me. Other cats would likely be perceived as threats.

7671. 29 Sep 2010 04:24


Happy Birthday to Bryant Gumbel, Lech Walesa, Jean-Luc Ponty, Madeline Kahn, Tommy Boyce, Jerry Lee Lewis, Anita Ekberg, Stan Berenstain, Stanley Kramer, Trevor Howard, Gene Autry, Greer Garson, Enrico Fermi, Admiral Horatio Nelson, Caravaggio, Miguel de Cervantes, Tintoretto and Pompey the Great.

7672. 29 Sep 2010 07:06


Polenta, I think your video guy looks more like a soccer star than any US actor - though with my miniscule TV & movie habit, I could easily be wrong.

I had two years of college German and went to N. Germany with Experiment in International Living. Learned about it late in the application season and all spots in France and Switzerland were taken! My "family" had no English speakers, except the son who appeared only on weekends.

Years later, I felt I needed to start at square one with German peculiarities, so went to the Goethe Institute in Montreal. Good course and lots of fun to hear German with all those French accents. All the years living in Deutschland, I was surrounded by English speakers, including most of the Germans. Got to practice mainly while out alone shopping or walking the dog. My favorite phrase in German asks, "You're not from here, then?" However, that doesn't necessarily tag you as a "Foreigner," since they may sound "different" in the next valley over!

7673. 29 Sep 2010 07:57


Normal, we share one thing at least. I went to the Goethe Institut ...but in Montevideo! And only two years... German grammar is really very difficult with the different akkusatif, datif, etc cases (sorry the spelling). Understanding isn't that difficult but getting a grammatical correct German must be super hard!!!

7674. 29 Sep 2010 10:49


Baldur is right about some humans being so cruel. I can't tell you the number of times I've heard of cats being dumped off in rural areas because they were unwanted at home. I think these people are trying to provide a balm for their conscience by thinking to themselves "Farmers want cats for rodent control, so I'll just find the closest thing to a farm that I can and ditch them there." The truth is most farmers, ranchers and people who live in the country in general could very easily find a cat or 2 if they needed them and don't appreciate having extras thrust upon them.

I must say that I've seen a lot of truly wonderful people also. Not too long ago a young fellow brought in a kitten he'd found in the ditch near his work. The poor little thing was still fiesty but had clearly been hit by a car or something of that nature. The young man could have very easily left the kitten with us and allowed City Animal Control to make any medical decisions and foot the bill but he told us he'd take responsibilty for it and cover the bills. The kitten's leg was horribly injured and needed to be amputated, which is a costly bill. City Animal Control would almost certainly have advised to euthanize (there's only so much money to go around and they have to make hard decisions sometimes) so this little kitty got a new lease on life because of this young fellow who just couldn't drive past an injured animal and look the other way.

7675. 29 Sep 2010 10:50


Polenta, I'm not sure, but the fellow you posted looks a bit like Matt Lauer. =g10&aql=&oq=matt+la&gs_rfai=

7676. 29 Sep 2010 11:07


Dragon, you are so sweet. The first thing was amazement. I was confused. Now I think it's not him. As you say this is a journalist but he really reminds me of this actor who must be very little known. From all the guesses it's the one that made me more confused and I have to admit that this Matt Lauer is anyway more good-looking. Thanks.

7677. 30 Sep 2010 03:54


Happy Birthday to Jenna Elfman, Eric Stoltz, Marty Stuart, Fran Drescher, Patrice Rushen, Barry Williams, Deborah Allen, Rula Lenska, Marilyn McCoo, Frankie Lymon, Johnnie Mathis, Cissy Houston, Angie Dickinson, Truman Capote, Deborah Kerr, Buddy Rich, Lester Maddox, Kenny Baker and Pope Nicholas IV.

7678. 30 Sep 2010 04:19


Also a big Yabba-Dabba-Anniversary to the Flintstones.
The first episode was broadcast on television 50 years ago today.

7679. 30 Sep 2010 04:31


7680. 30 Sep 2010 06:12


Happy Birthday pollyesther!