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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

761. 14 Mar 2011 19:28


Thanks for your comments and prayers for my husband. His Dr. is happy with his progress so far. We are half way through the second cycle of chemo. He will be having a PET scan on the 22nd. This will show if any cancer has survived. If it has he will continue with another 2 cycles and another PET scan. If, as the Dr. is hoping, no cancer shows up, he will still go through 2 cycles of chemo and then the Dr. will give him the summer off. Chemo would resume in fall. My husband, bless his heart, still feels that, with God's help, he will beat this cancer.

762. 15 Mar 2011 02:16


Hazer, belief is a powerful tool in fighting cancer ... and his optimism can only do him good. He's amazing.

763. 17 Mar 2011 06:38


Dear Hazer, May god bless your husband with good health, Every thing will be ok, have faith on him. and take care of your husband.
Thanks danila for your kind words.
Thanks Login.

764. 29 Mar 2011 11:12


A request from Dr. Masaru Emoto (of fame from studies of human effect upon water) for healing the waters in Japan. We are asked to repeat this at noon, each in our own time zone on Thurs 31 MAR:

"The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer.
Please forgive us. We thank you and we love you."

Believe me, he knows whereof he speaks and this is not an idle request. Thanks.

765. 29 Mar 2011 12:31


I've marked it down on my calendar Normal.

766. 29 Mar 2011 17:43



767. 29 Mar 2011 17:51


Same here.

768. 29 Mar 2011 17:55


A thought provoking video on prayer & its power

769. 29 Mar 2011 21:01


I'll pray for each of our TD'ers. I know Jesus will return soon. I want all of you to be ready. God loves the opportunity to provide for us. He's never late. He's always on time.

770. 1 Apr 2011 08:20


Thank you KJL, There is a great need for prayer and for salvation.
If anyone is interested in contributing or learning more on this subject of salvation, please post in the new thread labeled "The Good News, Salvation from Sin"

771. 10 Apr 2011 20:23


Been thinking about your comment KJL, and how gracious you are to pray for all the TDers. It really touched me to think that you are even praying for me. I will follow your lead and do the same. God is Awesome! God Bless you!

772. 11 Apr 2011 01:35


My daughter's

"Saved by Grace"

773. 11 Apr 2011 19:20


Wonderful news, Matthew! God does answer prayer doesn't He!

774. 11 Apr 2011 19:45


Another update.....My husbands chemo drugs were bumped up as the scan showed that one of the spots on his right lung has gotten bigger and the lining around his left lung is thicker. He has had one cycle of this stronger dose and is coping fairly well. He went with me today to see the orthopedic surgeon. I guess I'll be getting both knees replaced and according to the dr, I'll be running around like a spring chicken by this time next year!
Right now the stress of that news together with his own uncertain future have exhausted him and he has crashed on the couch.
Tomorrow is a new day and we will get through this. too.
Thanking you again for your prayers and well wishes!

775. 5 May 2011 17:41


I would like to send a prayer for all the people that have been devistated by the dredful tornado out break. And yall please pray for the people in TUSCALOOSA I have 4 friends that live there cause i used to live there too and i just want yall to pray for my friends.And for every one that was dvistaded. and every one pray for every one aroond the world, I havent been on here in a while and came to read the prares and I just wanted yall to keep praying. Also pray for my cousin sydney her frind was killed do to the tornados. You see the tornado picked up a car and threw it on top of her it crushed her. So pray for Sydney and her friends family. PLEASE PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!

776. 27 May 2011 18:49


Hi everyone....
My daughter that lost her baby last year in June is expecting another baby this June. Because she is considered high risk she will be having her baby at the Foothills Medical Center in Calgary. Her blood pressure has been creeping up and at today's appointment she was told that her doctor wants to start inducing her on Monday. She is to watch her blood pressure over the weekend and if it goes any higher she is to go straight to the hospital.
That may be a bit of a challenge for them since travel has been restricted in their area due to some flooded out roads between them and the hospital.
The forecast is for more rain over the weekend and it has already been raining all week.
I am relieved in a way that her doctor isn't taking any chances. Being induced and possibly having to have a C-section aren't ideal but we are all feeling much more confident about the outcome this time.

My husband has had 5 cycles of chemo now and had a PET scan on Tuesday.
We will get the results of that scan on June 1st. If, as my husband believes, the chemo has stopped the cancer, he will be given the summer off, and will have another scan in fall. If the cancer has returned, he will resume treatment, and if not , he'll have another couple of months without chemo.

Everyone says he is looking very well and they wouldn't know that he had been sick if it weren't for the weight loss. We trust that the weight will come back once he can cut back on the chemo.

I'm going to have my gallbladder out on the 9th of June. It's supposed to be day surgery if all goes well. It's on a day that my husband would be having another chemo treatment if his doctor doesn't like what he sees on the scan.

So, as you can see, we have a lot going on in the next few weeks.
To those of you who have prayed for my family in the past, let me just say how thankful we are for each one of you. God has been so good to us as we have faced one challenge after the other this past year.

777. 28 May 2011 07:43


Hazer, you and your family have been through so much! It must seem never-ending. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours as you go into this next round of treatments and procedures. You have been incredibly brave.

778. 29 May 2011 08:48


My best to you and your family. I hope to hear all good news from you in the coming weeks.

779. 29 May 2011 08:55


Of course the above was meant for Hazer.

780. 31 May 2011 15:41


Thanks Lizzi and mdawrcn.....I have very good news!
Our daughter gave birth to a healthy 6lb 9oz baby boy on the 30th at 9:10 PM MST. Mom and baby are both doing well. We went to see him this morning and of course he's just perfect in every way!

Tomorrow morning we get the scan results for my husband and we trust that we will have good news there as well.