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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

761. 24 Jun 2009 00:51


I admire your DIY skills. What's a guy like you doing among the unemployed?

762. 24 Jun 2009 06:18


The last job was a personality clash with an evil new supervisor, I took her guff for as long as I could but in the end it wasn't worth my salary to listen any longer.
I like jobs that allow me to move around, do physical things, whether it's move boxes, assemble stuff, bake, cook, paint etc etc

Whenever I start a new job the lightbulb in my supervisor's head goes off with the concept of: 'this guy is smart, he can do paperwork, he can be a manager', ....dear Lord,

763. 24 Jun 2009 06:28


Baldur did 22 years of foodservice management which was hell.
The very last thing I want to do is paperwork, filling reports and scheduling is akin to root canal work.
I entered foodservice to cook, but in general the business is geared that professionals cook very little. The better I got the less I did.
It was rather maddening, whenever I got forced into officework inevitably I'd start looking for a different job.
My boss would inevitably be horrified that I'd consider leaving and several friendships were destroyed by that simple act.
It's not like I kept my wishes to myself either. It got to the point where I would have to state 'THIS is what I want to do, THIS is why I'm in foodservice' it was to no avail.

Eventually it got to the point that I was overqualified for what I enjoyed doing. It's rather sad.
I left the business

764. 24 Jun 2009 07:18


I'm with you Baldur, being creative in the work place is more important! I've had two small business' in my life, and the paperwork killed the pleasure! The hair salon was fine and little paperwork. But the gift shop was time consuming in paper work, that stole my pleasure!

765. 24 Jun 2009 07:25


I can totally understand that lilalee.
There are people out there who love paperwork, they are welcome to it.

766. 24 Jun 2009 08:10


Have you ever considered being the 'boss' in your own business? It doesn't have to be big ... just big enough for you to delegate the jobs you don't like. When I became self-employed, 25 years ago, it opened up a whole new world to me (in more sense than one). I had the freedom of choice ... I decided what work I would accept and when I would do it. Childcare was no longer a problem because I worked from home. If I had something better to do in the day, I worked in the evening or not at all. My husband always worked abroad and later on, when our son was no longer a child, I was able to schedule the work so that I could join him wherever he was (occasionally taking work with me) and returning home to meet the deadlines. Fortunately he was in the travel industry, so my fares were minimal.

You are very articulate and obviously prefer to do creative things. My guess is that there would be many people just waiting for the services of someone who could turn his hand to most jobs. Mind you, I would hate Channel baldur to go off the air!

767. 24 Jun 2009 08:19


Baldur would be so good at a House of Antiqueties (sp/ you fix!) Rearranging displays, good conversation, and selling all the pretties!! I'm sure there would also be a great story for each wonderful piece!!

768. 24 Jun 2009 08:42


Nice idea, lilalee. I wonder how Baldur feels about two women trying to find a suitable occupation for him ... ha,ha,ha,ha!

769. 24 Jun 2009 08:46


He is so well read or maybe RED!!

770. 24 Jun 2009 15:45


Do you think he's gone into hiding?

771. 24 Jun 2009 15:56


I think he is polishing something pretty, and thinking foolish girls!!

772. 25 Jun 2009 04:29



'All Baldur, All the Time' even when Baldur isn't here.

Well yes it is a good suggestion that I work for myself, but I would need someone to do the paperwork from the very beginning. Baldur however thinks the money will not come rolling in to greet me, so paying anyone would be rather difficult. Anything of that natures requires a bit of a built up fund to get the whole business rolling.

Antiques are not the answer at the moment. No one is shopping at the junque shoppes. Whenever I've been to one lately it can be seen they are not a thriving business. They are ghosts towns and the shopkeepers are obviously struggling.
Flea markets are faring pretty badly too. In Baldur's younger days I did do that for a couple years. It was an unsteady income but it averaged out to be fairly decent.

773. 25 Jun 2009 04:30


-s =nature

774. 25 Jun 2009 04:38


I spent this Satyrday at a Santa Claus gathering and met some rather interesting people.

One was an artist/performance artist who was quite articulate. In season he appears at functions as Santa, but during the rest of the year he puts on puppet shows, and appears as pirates or as most anything there is a market for in children's enterainment.
He was rather convinced that I had what it takes to be on stage, which I found kind of funny. I don't see a stage 'presence' at all.
Baldur has never aspired to be an actor and I would find it frightening to depend upon it for a viable income.
Even back in the day when I had any dealings with the drama department it was as support crew, always behind the scenes.

775. 25 Jun 2009 07:31


Maybe in this economic climate, starting up on your own is not a brilliant idea. However, here in Uk, bookkeepers aren't highly paid, even though they are an important cog in the wheel. A good bookkeeper is worth paying for and saves hours of your precious time.
When the world economy recovers, capital need not be an enormous problem, depending on what sort of business you run. My concept of Baldur is that he wants to be 'hands on' so he would be the main labour force. He's versatile and could turn his hand to many practical jobs. OK, tools would be required but he may already have most of what he needs. Any incidental costs can be passed on to the customer. That all important bookkeeper could do credit control, to help keep the cash flowing in.

Anyway, I think you are wasting your talents.

As for stage presence, you probably underestimate yourself. How long have you kept Channel Baldur going?!

776. 25 Jun 2009 09:53


for a mere 776 comments.

777. 25 Jun 2009 09:55


But remember Login, I am writing this, not acting it out.

(Snicker) how funny would some of that be? matthew even did his pole dance on my show

778. 25 Jun 2009 10:40


(ahem)..... ever noticed that people are absolutely achingly DESPERATE for competent handymen?

(ps- yes, I'm familiar with SteamPunk --love it love it LOVE it!)

779. 25 Jun 2009 12:24


SteamPunk! What have I missed here? Have I missed a thread ... or dropped a stitch perhaps? I have a very vague idea of what it is ... i think.

780. 25 Jun 2009 13:08


Login, go back and read comments 754 and 755, that's where I mentioned Steampunk