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7581. 16 Sep 2010 12:39


and Arw65 I always thought Mortadela and Bologna tasted the same also. At least here in RI they are differentiated by the little white pieces of fat peppering the Mortadela, the slices appear mottled.
Maybe it's a regional thing though.

7582. 16 Sep 2010 15:30


Me neither Baldur but it's good to know religions say that God defeated the Devil. Thanks Hazer

7583. 16 Sep 2010 15:32


So mortadela and bologna are the same. Then I've tasted bologna many times. The poorest of the poorest can eat mortadela. Luckily there are now low-fat and salt-free varieties of cold meat, Cold meat is such a good solution for housewives! And you don't need to cook at all.

7584. 16 Sep 2010 18:26


While I don't subscribe to any of the Satan mythology, to each his own - same as the tongue and mortadella, I guess.

I can tell you how pig and cow became pork and beef. It's due to Normans and the "Frenchification" of plain old English. On the farm, they were pig and cow ( and calf), but in the upper class dining halls became "porc, boeuf, and veau." We eventually anglicized the French a bit, thus pork, beef and veal. And "mouton" became our mutton. Probably some others I've forgotten as well.

7585. 17 Sep 2010 03:49


Happy Birthday to Jimmie Johnson, Doug E. Fresh, Richie Ramone, John Ritter, Anne Bancroft, Roddy McDowall, Hank Williams, Warren Burger, William Carlos Williams, Pope Paul V, Wenceslas II of Bohemia and Poland and King Charles III of France.

7586. 17 Sep 2010 03:56


Baldur was at his Mother's house yesterday. While looking through a cookbook that my sister had left there Ifound a new recipe.
Having not prepared it yet I cannot tell you if it's any good at all.
It was however interesting as a concept and I thought I'd post it here for everyone's perusal.
I imagine the proportions can be reduced as a whole pound of Feta would be rather expensive.

Whipped Feta

in the bowl of a food processor place:
1 pound of crumbled feta cheese
1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil
the juice of 1/2 of a lemon
Puree everything together until smooth
season with ground black pepper and hot pepper flakes if desired.
Gently fold in 1/4 cup of finely chopped fresh parsley
serve immediately or cover tightly and promptly refrigerate.
serve as a dip

7587. 17 Sep 2010 05:03


Normal, thanks. I think your explanation about the different words for the animals and their meat is very enlightening.

Baldur's dip must be delicious although I haven't ever tasted feta cheese. I could use ricotta and add some cream or cream cheese.

7588. 17 Sep 2010 05:06


I was wondering how easily the human mind can go from bologna or a cheese dip to the devil, dualism or any trascendental topic.
Aren't we human being an interesting species?

7589. 17 Sep 2010 05:35


Agreement with Polenta, humans are endlessly fascinating. Have enjoyed all of this conversation about God, devil, meats and cheeses. : )

On another topic, here's a pic of Baldur's woodpecker, Northern Flicker. They come to our peanut feeder. We love how they are colored ... it's like Mother Nature went crazy and didn't know when to stop. Is Baldur aware that male flickers sport a "mustache?" : )

7590. 17 Sep 2010 06:19


Feta is a very dry strong cheese with a sharp taste, you would get a very different product using ricotta, though certainly it would taste good.
I do think adding cream cheese to the feta dip would improve the texture immensely.

7591. 17 Sep 2010 06:22


That is the Flicker, the one I saw was indeed a male

7592. 17 Sep 2010 08:05


The feta cheese dip sounds yummy. Meant to say that earlier. And with cream cheese added, yum! Might be good with curry too. Hmm.

Here's another backyard bird Baldur might have. Males and females look alike. We had a nest of titmice hatch not long ago and every time we'd take the cats out, the birds would fly along the fence and scold the cats. The scolding call sounds like wrens when they scold. LOUD!

Also ... forgot to say the video for the flicker is pretty funny. Video shows the flicker go into nest in a tree and then scans up the tree to show something surprising .... : )

7593. 17 Sep 2010 10:15


IF God is all-powerful, there could never be a rival with any hope of defeating God. There would never be a contest. Think about it. ALL-Powerful. Hpw silly would you have to be to challenge that?

7594. 17 Sep 2010 11:14


My point exactly. I suspect people like to scare themselves though.
All-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere present, and endlessly compassionate. Don't see how fear even begins to come into it.
But different strokes for differen folks, as the hippies used to say.

7595. 17 Sep 2010 13:42


Channel Baldur is supposed to be light-hearted (isn't it?) but I like these trascendental thoughts that come up every now and then very much.

7596. 17 Sep 2010 13:49


A stupid anecdote:
My niece Tamara told us she didn't wear a watch. I was stunned. She's always running to go here and there. How can she do it without a watch? Well, she told me she has a cellphone. I then realized her cell is never more than ten centimetres from her. She must take it with her even when she goes to the bathroom. Does this indicate youngsters don't need watches as my generation did? Getting your first watch was like being allowed to wear your first high-heels or having permission to use cosmetics to make up. Has life changed so much these last years?

7597. 17 Sep 2010 13:54


Another anecdote:
The first time my computer mouse was out of order and didn't obey my commands, my husband, who is older than me, told me he was going to HAVE IT REPAIRED. He was very surprised to hear nobody even knows how to repair these devices. He belongs to a generation when ( at least here) people took things to HAVE THEM REPAIRED!!!!!!

7598. 17 Sep 2010 14:25


Since the function of an organ can modify it to adapt to any changes, I predict that in the future THUMBS WILL BECOME TWICE AS BIG due to how much we are using them to send SMS messages.
Isn't that going to be beautiful?

7599. 17 Sep 2010 14:28


Since the function of an orgen depends on how it is used, I predict the thumb will be at least TWICE AS BIG as today due to the fact that we use it so much to send SMS messages.

7600. 17 Sep 2010 14:30


polenta there is a simple repair that you can actually try on your mouse.
Sometimes they get full of dust and hairs that they pick up on the desk.
You can clean them out.
If the mouse is an optical one, with a small light underneath for a sensor look into the cavity that the light bulb is recessed into. If you see any hair or other debris remove it safely with a blast from a can of compressed air.
You can also do it the Baldur way and dig around inside the area with a small pair of stainless steel tweezers and risk electrocution.
If your mouse is the type that has a small rubber ball embedded into it's base you clean that using a different method.
There will be a round donut shaped plate that fits flusg into the baseplate of the mouse, surrounding the ball, Give that a slight twist and it will come loose. The ball will pop right out.
Clean the cavity and the ball itself, then reassemble everything.