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7501. 2 Sep 2010 04:20


Happy Birthday to Christa McAuliffe, Terry Bradshaw, Keanu Reeves, Salma Hayek and Lennox Lewis

7502. 3 Sep 2010 05:24


To day we would like to extend Birthday greetings to Alan Ladd, Charlie Sheen, Valerie Perrine and the enchanting Kitty Carlisle Hart.

7503. 3 Sep 2010 05:30


matthew how are you doing with hurrican Earl?

To the faithful listeners of Radio Baldur. All week the forecasts have been pounding the airwaves that a major hurricane was headed up the East coast of the US. Hurricane Earl was predicted to possibly cause widespread destruction from the Carolinas straight up north through Maritime Canada.
It has since been severely downgraded so the damage inflicted will be obviously much less.
I'm hoping matthew, our correspondent in Columbia, South Carolina will report soon with a live update.

7504. 3 Sep 2010 06:23


We've been having rain for four consecutive days!!!! It's the Santa Rosa Storm. We are visited by Santa Rosa every year.... but this year, there is no stop and it's windy and colder than it should be for the time of the year.
Please RAIN..... STOP!!!!

7505. 3 Sep 2010 07:18


polenta, Baldur loves the rain but loves snow even more.
You can send it all up here.

7506. 3 Sep 2010 07:20


I just found this interesting quote on a social network site and thought it rather interesting:

'it is said that God invented soccer to avoid war, obviously not achieving the intended result'

7507. 3 Sep 2010 07:50


Ah, in Yorktown, Virginia, the remnants of Hurricane Earl are drizzling a bit--nothing more dramatic other than a few hefty gusts of wind. Barely a quarter inch of rain has registered in our rain gauge so far. One nice thing is that the wild morning glories close to our deck are still open, due to the cool, wet morning.

Interesting quote, Baldur...

And Sheftali has to fight the urge to scratch at the poison ivy (poison something) that attacked her arms and legs as she cleared weeds and brush last weekend. Do...not...scratch...or...the agony...spreads...

And yes, it's about time for matthew to weigh in...

7508. 3 Sep 2010 17:30


Well it is raining somewhat, finally.
All day it has been barely a sporadic drizzle here at Boughbreak. We are now being told to expect wind gusts of up to 30 mph, hardly unusual, certainly not what one expects from a hurricane.

7509. 4 Sep 2010 03:53


Happy Birthday to Damon Wayans, Beyonce' Knowles, Paul Harvey, Henry Ford II, and Mitzi Gaynor.

7510. 4 Sep 2010 16:45


This was supposed to be a miserable windy, rainy turbulent day.
Instead it was sunny, calm and temperatures peaked in the low 70s F.
I could not imagine a more perfect late summer Satyrday.

7511. 4 Sep 2010 16:49


We are having a small cookout here at Boughbreak tomorrow afternoon.
This will be our last social gathering of the Summer, and the guestlist will be small, we expect no more than a dozen for dinner.
We are keeping this simple:
Hot Dogs and cheeseburgers on the grill
A pot of homemade Boston Baked Beans
Corn on the cob
Potato Chips
lots of cold beverages
Tangerine double chocolate chip cookies
Almond-Rum-Raisin Oatmeal cookies

7512. 4 Sep 2010 16:50


Today I made the bakeed beans and the cookies, in the morning I will walk to the farmstand at the corner and buy the corn.

7513. 5 Sep 2010 04:53


Happy Birthday to Freddie Mercury, Dweezil Zappa, Cathy Guisewite, Loudon Wainwright III, Raquel Welch, Bob Newhart, Carol Lawrence and Jesse James

7514. 5 Sep 2010 04:59


Baldur is sorry the Cathy's comic strip is ending but admits to never really enjoying it. It was always aggravating to me that so many strips ended with her shouting in frustration... enough already give her some tranquilizers.
What I did find humorous is that the sames saleswoman worked in whatever store or business that Cathy visited. If a second salesperson was required for the storyline she would draw in a different one but it was always the same second salesperson.
Beyond that little odd twist it seemed to Baldur that it was the same couple of tired jokes over and over.

7515. 5 Sep 2010 05:03


The strip 'Blondie' seems to work well with a repetitive store of concepts.
I always find it strip very humorous

7516. 6 Sep 2010 04:21


Happy Birthday to Jeff Foxworthy, Jane Curtin, Swoosie Kurtz and the fabulous JoAnne Worley

7517. 6 Sep 2010 09:08


Dragon was always very fond of "The Far Side" comics. I like a cartoonist who assumes his audience is intelligent and will get the joke without explaining. I was sad when Gary Larson retired. I also enjoyed the "Calvin and Hobbes" comic too. I think Calvin reminded me of my brother when he was young (though I didn't really enjoy my brother at that age!).

7518. 7 Sep 2010 04:33


Happy Birthday to Gloria Gaynor, Julie Kavner, Elia Kazan, Buddy Holly, Grandma Moses and the eternally youthful Elizabeth I of England

7519. 7 Sep 2010 14:49


Calvin and the far side are two of my favorites too, Dragon. I also enjoyed Herman. I'm also in the same camp as Baldur when it comes to the Kathy comic strip. The Chickweed Lane strip didn't do much for me either.

7520. 7 Sep 2010 15:16


I remember when I was a kid they always had the comic strip Rex Morgan MD in our paper and I never really figured out if there was anyone who read it. It looked to me like a soap opera in comic strip form. To my way of thinking comics should be funny (preferably clever and funny).