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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

7461. 25 Aug 2010 13:01


Baldur is obsessed with birthdays!

7462. 25 Aug 2010 14:45


Now THIS is pole dancing...

7463. 25 Aug 2010 15:10


Now that I saw this, I'm feeling old and rusty...The second athlet looked a bit like Baldur....

7464. 25 Aug 2010 15:22


Haa haa... you've been found out my friend...

7465. 25 Aug 2010 23:11


Baldur is sleeping like a log because of his athletic exertion....:)

7466. 26 Aug 2010 03:24


Is pole dancing supposed to be a sexy dance or an athletic exhibition? These guys are very athletic but not very sexy.

7467. 26 Aug 2010 03:46


I an amazed that video finally made it online, I was barely 20 when it was made

7468. 26 Aug 2010 03:50


Today Radio Baldur would like to extend Birthday greetings to:
Mother Teresa, Macauley Culkin, Chris Pine, and Branford Marsalis

7469. 26 Aug 2010 04:53


Thanks matthew for that pole dancing clip....I had never seen
that before, very interesting and I liked the music too.

7470. 26 Aug 2010 08:42


Baldur.... you look fantastic, darling!! Fantastic!!

7471. 26 Aug 2010 09:33


So you're 25 now?

7472. 27 Aug 2010 05:36


I do look amazingly youthful for my age.

7473. 27 Aug 2010 05:38


Happy Birthday to Barbara Bach, Tuesday Weld, Daryl Dragon, Martha Raye, Lyndon B. Johnson and Pee Wee Herman

7474. 27 Aug 2010 08:02


Isn't L.Johnson dead?

7475. 27 Aug 2010 12:43


Aaah, Dragon is back from vacation and desperately trying to catch up on the forums I've missed while away. My sweetie and I went to the exciting locale of Hepburn, Saskatchewan. That's about 20-25 minutes north of Saskatoon and has a whopping population of around 500 people. Our friends who live there seem to like it quite a bit but I think I would go crazy in that small a town. I grew up in Calgary, so my current hometown of Red Deer with its population of around 90,000 feels like a small town to me. I also quite enjoy being able to simply run down to the store if you find you're out of milk or something, in Hepburn there was 1 store (a Co-op grocery store) which closed at 7 or 8 in the evenings and wasn't open at all on Sundays, they also didn't have much and what they did cost far more than the same thing bought in the city.
Don't get me wrong, we did have a good visit while we were there and enjoyed the time we spent with our friends. We also got off to quite a few historical sites and a small zoo as well. Being great fans of such things we were happy to find so many things close by. I am quite happy to be back where I can sit down and spend some time on the internet again though. Our friends didn't have an internet connection and we couldn't seem to find anywhere with Wi-Fi access so I was definitly feeling a distinct withdrawl from Think Draw while we were gone. I don't know how long it will take me to get caught up!

Thouroughly enjoyed matthew's indian pole athletes! I agree with polenta, can't call them particularily sexy but definitly entertaining.

7476. 27 Aug 2010 19:55


Dragon, glad you had a good trip and bet you *are* happy to be back where the world has internet! ; )

You're right Polenta, LBJ passed on but I think it's still okay to wish a happy birthday.

And ... there is one birthday Baldur missed: today is my Dad's 88th birthday! And that, dear friends, means that it's time for another Missouri Moment.

Yes, 88 is up there in years but Dad still goes to work five days a week, works out three times a week at the gym, and participates in some volunteer ventures too. Anyway there are three birthday parties for him this year. Ours was tonight and we took the "fixin's" for BLT sandwiches, which included tomatoes from our garden. Side dishes were deviled eggs, assorted pickles because Dad adores pickles, baked beans and of course a favorite dessert, my husband's famed chocolate carrot cake. My sister made home-made wheat bread for the sandwiches. It was all delicious.

And, Dad was like a five year old the whole night. We think it's because of the three parties. Also, he LOVES this kind of meal and after he had seconds, and went back for a couple of 'thirds' he said, "I'm starting my diet when the parties are over." We all laughed.

After dessert we sat on the porch and got Dad to talk about the days when he worked for the Pentagon, just after WWII. He was on a team that worked on rocket designs and it was a heady time. I found out that even though Dad left that job in 1953, he kept in touch with many of his co-workers. He said one of "the last from the gang" recently got Alzheimers but when Dad calls to talk, if he brings up the old days, his friend eventually remembers and they have a great chat.

Anyway, it was a wonderful evening and I think this is largely because I could not get over how Dad was moving around tonight. Something about the way he walked, the way he ate, the way he talked ... it reminded me exactly of a little kid skipping around a room with glee!

When we left Dad said, "As long as I'm having this much joy I want to stick around." That's a pretty wonderful way to feel at any age. ; )

7477. 28 Aug 2010 12:01


Happy Birthday marius Sr.!

7478. 28 Aug 2010 12:05


Today Radio Baldur would like to extend birthday greetings to LeAnn Rimes, Shania Twain, Jack Black, Ben Gazzara, Scott Hamilton, David Soul, Charles Boyer, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Leo Tolstoy.

7479. 28 Aug 2010 12:41


I only know Leo Tolstoy and Charles Boyer...educational gap....

7480. 28 Aug 2010 15:59


Baldur, you have a good memory!