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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

741. 12 Feb 2011 07:13


Awesome Emy... You have truely received his blessings...

742. 28 Feb 2011 14:56


Another quick husband has gone through the first two chemo treatments with only minor side effects for which we are so grateful. I try to take one day at a time. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by the doctors prognosis of what my husband calls his "expiry date" of one year. At this point in time he still feels well and believes he will live well beyond a year. I cling to that hope too. The statistics of surviving this kind of cancer are very very slim and I know that at some time in the future I will have to face the inevitable.
It breaks my heart to hear him plan his future and I pray that God will give him the time he needs to fulfill some of his dreams.
Thank you for your prayers. They are what keeps us strong.

743. 28 Feb 2011 15:53



744. 1 Mar 2011 16:21



745. 2 Mar 2011 10:44


Stay strong, Hazer. Our hopes and wishes are with you both ...

... and with Raydog, who is also undergoing Chemo treatment.

746. 2 Mar 2011 14:49


And my hopes and wishes to Hazer, Raydog and Emy.

747. 5 Mar 2011 14:35



748. 5 Mar 2011 14:36


My son & his wife are pregnant. She miscarried the last time arround. Pray for this child & her mother please.

749. 5 Mar 2011 18:24


Thanks for the hugs everyone! Matthew, I will be praying for a healthy and happy outcome for your son and his family! Our daughter whose baby died last year is expecting in mid-June. This time around the doctors are watching her very closely. The last ultrasound showed a healthy little one and a half pound baby boy happily sucking on his toes! My husband has even more reason to fight the cancer. He so badly wants to see his grandchildren grow up! Sorry to hear that Raydog and Emy are having to go through chemo but so grateful for the advances that have been made in the treatment of cancer. Holding you all up in prayer. God bless.

750. 5 Mar 2011 20:11


I pray for all of you, may God bless you all with courage and good health.

751. 5 Mar 2011 20:17


I also want to share my feeling with all my TD friends, that my daughter-in-law had a miscarriage in 19th wk of her pregnancy, we had arranged for the baby shower on 2nd march, which could not take place, we all are trying to come out of this unexpected event. But, as they say, Hope and Faith will help to heal.

752. 5 Mar 2011 20:46


A very difficult time, Geetha. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

753. 5 Mar 2011 22:41


Hi Geetha, I leaved you a comment before reading this. Deeply sorry for you and your family, a hug for all af you!

754. 7 Mar 2011 05:27


That's sad news, Geetha. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Emy, you have such a brave attitude ... you have my respect, hope and good wishes.

Hazer, like Emy, your caring and personal strength is the gift that gives your husband his strength of will to fight his illness. You're a treasure.

Danila, I hope Franca is safe and that life is returning to normality for you both.

Zum, I hope you and your family are safe. My thoughts and hopes are with you and with all those caught up in world strife and disasters during the past few months.

Matthew and Hazer, I'm wishing and hoping your respective children are soon the proud parents of healthy, happy babies.

755. 7 Mar 2011 19:31


Thank you very much Hazer, Clorophilla and Login for the soothing words.
Hazer I pray and hope your husband is getting better health.

Mathew and Hazer- I pray to God for the safe and healthy pregnancy for your respective children and wish you both to become a proud grandparents.

Hello Zum - I hope and wish you are safe with your family. God bless you.

Hi Danila - I pray to God for you and your family. Take care.

Hello Emy - You are very brave, Wish you good luck and pray to god to bless you with good health.

756. 12 Mar 2011 07:50


sorry for what's happened to you Geetha

757. 13 Mar 2011 06:26


Dear Hazer,
So sorry to read the news about youhusband,however make him hope in the one above.He is the one who knows the lenght of our stay hear.Courage do not loose heart.You are still in my prayers.xxxx

758. 13 Mar 2011 20:07


i feel sorry for all the people in japan
i always feel that Japanese r very courageous people ,after Hiroshima and Nagasaki they have developed from scratch
i hope thay should have the same courage even now
i pray for them

759. 13 Mar 2011 23:38


lalitha, thank you so much for your thoughtful comment.
I know they will with all the support from around the world.
Thank you all the countries who are helping Japan at this time.
And thank you all here at TD who are concerned about what's happening there.
Although it's not the number of casualties, but the tragic for each one of them.

760. 14 Mar 2011 04:04


Sorry to see that you Hazer and your Husband are still suffering. God be with you.
Thanks Login for your kind thoughts..Normality is not reached yet in Egypt, hopefully it will, Franca is fine, but i cannot see her yet, distance is not so much but not safe to reach her, she's in a more isolated area, no police is back yet, and lutes are still around.
Geeta, sorry to understand you and your family are suffering..Life many times is so hard. See the tremendous suffering in Japain is struggling our hearts...
May God be with you all, you are in may preayer...