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7381. 14 Aug 2010 06:38


I'm sure i've share this before, but --

my brother is the one who got bleeped at the end

7382. 14 Aug 2010 10:24


God that would've been scary. Scarier to find out that the animal was rabid! Funny how everyones first reaction was to get away from it and their second reaction was to stick around and take pictures but I can't say I would have done differently. I bet if I'd been there I would've wanted to see what it did and taken pictures myself. I have the advantage of having rabies vaccines done but I still wouldn't want to tangle with a rabid bobcat!

7383. 14 Aug 2010 10:44


Tee hee
Nice video

Your brothers okay, though, right?

7384. 14 Aug 2010 15:31


yes he's fine,

on a lighter note:

"If you must insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes first.- That way when you do insult them, they are a mile away and you have their shoes."

my hubby told me that yesterday- i thought it was worth a chuckle.

7385. 14 Aug 2010 15:41


I'd first heard that some years ago Arw65, it's been around a bit.

7386. 14 Aug 2010 17:59


I looked it up in the dictionary and a bobcat is an American lynx. In the video it looks like a cat. I thought it was perhaps a feral cat but if it was a lynx, it's a real BIG, WILD, FEROCIOUS animal. How could it have appeared out of the blue in a bar? And rabid?
Your brother was lucky to tell the story.
I hadn't seen this video before.

7387. 14 Aug 2010 20:31


Seems to me, when you spot a wild animal behaving peculiarly (bobcat strolling into bar, for example), RABIES should be the first thought that leaps to mind. Possibly our vet worker can clarify.

7388. 16 Aug 2010 04:23


Today is actress Julie Newmar's Birthday, she is 77 years old.
Lesley Ann Warren turns 64.
Madonna is now 52

7389. 16 Aug 2010 06:34


So the CatWoman is 77 yrs!

7390. 16 Aug 2010 06:42


Hehe, Dragon, I do not want to get rabies shots but do you have to have them for your work? We have a friend who was bitten by a raccoon and the shots cost $10,000.00! Not kidding! (Well, that is the cost if you don't have health insurance.) Another reason it might have cost so much is because our friend didn't seek medical attention until he went back to work a few days after the bite. That was when co-workers informed him that he could DIE if not treated soon enough. He didn't believe it but did a web search and today he's still alive ... and, making payments.

Login, love the 'ghost story' of you watching the Perseids in your white dressing gown. : )

Arw: I do recall hearing about your brother and the bobcat. That's an amazing video. You said your brother is not back to normal yet, immune system got wacky? Is this something that will eventually get fixed? Also, had not heard that version about walking a mile in someones shoes. VERY funny!

Baldur ... I had to google Julie Newmar. (Meeoowww - giggle) Here's a link to her web page. Seems like one very spunky woman. : )

7391. 16 Aug 2010 09:02


In answer to your question, marius, it's not mandatory for us to get rabies vaccines but for those working in the industry (vet clinics, groomers, SPCA etc...) it's very much recommended and provided free by the government. I didn't actually get mine until about a year and a half ago even though I've been working at the clinic for nearly 11 years. The health region only recently started pushing it because (I believe) there were a couple of rabies cases in domestic animals in the province. Generally it's quite rare to find it in non-wild animals. My shots were for prevention, not treatment so they were quite a bit less troublesome. I got a vaccine then went in a week late for the second then another two weeks later for the third and when ever I get my blood tested for my annual physical I ask them to check my Rabies titres (the level of antibodies in my blood) and they send it to the health region. I only actually have to have it tested every two years but it's just easier to have them do it when I have my thyroid levels checked and then I don't have to think "Hmm, did I do it last year or the year before?" If my levels of antibodies are too low they'll recommend a booster vaccine, they're supposed to last 2 years minimum but as I understand it most people don't lose their protection for 5 or 10 years, sometimes longer. Still as with any vaccine it's doesn't mean you absolutely can't get the disease, rather it makes you extremely unlikely to catch it, so I think I'll stay away from rabid animals just the same.

As for Normal's comment about wild animals acting strangely, I have to agree. Even if they don't have rabies a wild animal is unpredictable at the best of times, one acting strangely should definitly be given a wide berth and one acting fearlessly when confronted by humans (who they normally avoid) would definitly make me wonder about rabies.

7392. 16 Aug 2010 09:03


Oooo, and Happy Birthday Catwoman!

7393. 17 Aug 2010 08:26


Nere's an eclectic bunch for my listeners, Happy Birthday to Sean Penn, Robert DeNiro, Maureen O'Hara, Mae West and Davy Crockett

7394. 17 Aug 2010 08:50


Here's a little something for the horse lovers out there.

7395. 17 Aug 2010 09:28


Baldur, I'm taking up your radio station to show the traditional Uruguayan public school uniform. It reminds me of my first day of class some 55 years ago. It's for FUN TUESDAY.
Here's a photo and a picture from the gallery. Thanks.

7396. 17 Aug 2010 10:13


Haha! Dragon, just so you know, my horse does that sometimes too. Liked it a lot.

7397. 17 Aug 2010 10:41


That was great! Thanks Dragon!

7398. 17 Aug 2010 10:44


I hope this link works. Here you can see a group of school boys and girls. I hope you see the differences of male and female coat.

7399. 17 Aug 2010 18:26


Now I never imagined a horse would pay a ball any attention whatsoever.
That was quite interesting

7400. 17 Aug 2010 18:39


polenta, I went to schools run by Roman Catholic Sisters. Uniforms were required there.
Each school had a distinctive dark plaid fabric.
The girl's skirts and the boys neckties were made of this fabric. In my school it was a dark blue and black plaid with just a little red in it.

The girls skirts had to be long enough to cover their knees, they wore white blouses that could be either long or short sleeved with a simpler ribbon than what your pictures show at the neck.
They also wore knee socks in a dark color, in my school they needed to be dark blue. The shoes were a specific style called Mary Janes with a very low no-nonsense heel. If the weather were cool they were allowed to wear a dark blue cardigan sweater in the classsroom.
The boys wore dark blue trousers, dark blue socks and black oxford shoes.
Their shirts were white and also could be either long or short sleeved.
The necktie as mentioned above was the school plaid.
We could also wear a blazer (jacket) of dark blue.

One interesting thing to add here was that before the Vatican II Council the girls were not allowed in church without some sort of head covering.
We attended mass on all Holy Days so this was a serious matter.
If a dirl did not bring a headcovering with them one of the Sisters would clip a tissue to the girl's hair. This was apparently quite embarassing and resulted in the girl weeping through the entire ordeal.
Life was rather strange in Catholic School