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7301. 30 Jul 2010 12:44

Baldur also correct. It is just a bit more formal sounding.

7302. 30 Jul 2010 15:59


Baldur, I adore you. I want everybody to correct my writing. I can learn a lot. Please feel free to correct me anytime.
How long have you been dieting to lose 20 kg?
Don't you drink diet Cola or coffee, tea, etc with sweeteners or diet jelly, which has very few calories?
How many more kilos or pounds do you want to lose?
And what are your plans to keep your weight loss at your desired level?

7303. 31 Jul 2010 10:44


I have been dieting since my brirthday in February, with the goal to lose 100 pounds. Even after losing that amount I will mot be 'thin'.

When having tea or coffee I do not add any sweetener or milk, I have always taken those beverages 'black'. I do drink cold beverages that are artificially sweetened, but not as much as I once did. Lately I am more likely to have unsweetened ice tea or plain water.

My effort to keep from regaining this weight will be to continue with smaller portions.

7304. 31 Jul 2010 15:55


Then you've lost almost 20 kilos in 5 months.
Congratulations and I wonder if you don't drink any pills to reduce your appetite because temptation is terrible. Supermarkets are full of tempting empty calories.

7305. 31 Jul 2010 17:40


I'm not taking any appetite suppressants, and because of that I am always quite hungry

7306. 31 Jul 2010 17:55


Incredible!!! It's a supreme sacrifice especially if you have to cook for your partner or anyone else. I've heard that if the loss you want is so much, it's always good to get a professional support or a peer group.
So my real congratulations.

7307. 31 Jul 2010 18:03


I re-read your oatmeal diet and I realized you say you eat anything you like after a big salad that fills your stomach (good trick!) and you say it's mainly protein. What could it be? A steak, fish or chicken? And cooked in a normal way, with any kind of fats, oil, butter etc?
I can't believe you've lost so many pounds!!!!

7308. 31 Jul 2010 18:05


Sorry, I forgot something. What do you need yeast for? What nutrient does it have that you add yeast even though you say you don't really like it?

7309. 31 Jul 2010 18:25


I am a vegetarian, so my protein comes from beans with rice, soy, cheese or eggs. My dinner is built around that.

Brewer's yeast is a specific product made from the yeast leftover after the beermaking process. It is dried and ground up into a powder.
This contains a wide range of the B vitamins and is a good supplement.
It is slightly bitter and I find that a bit of spice helps fisguise the taste.

7310. 31 Jul 2010 18:26


Here is a great little inspirational video that a friend sent me.

7311. 31 Jul 2010 18:34


fisguise - f + d = disguise

7312. 31 Jul 2010 18:37


Tonight I sauteed an onion and some garlic in a small drizzle of olive oil.
Then I added a cut up zucchini, some cooked black beans, a Mideastern seasoning mix called Zatar (sumac berries, sesame seeds and thyme ground up together), some hot red pepper flakes and cumin.
I did not have any rice with it but that was ok.

7313. 1 Aug 2010 06:32


Friday night we had shish-kebobs, I think they would have fit into your plan though we did have chicken on them. I have a recipe for shrimp skewers I wanted to try out but shrimp alone does not a dinner make so I also skewered chiken, bell peppers, mushrooms (I don't like them but my sweetie does), cherry tomatoes, red onions and whole garlic cloves. The shrimp was marinaded in a spicy sauce of tomato sauce, red wine vinegar, fresh chopped basil, cayenne pepper and chopped garlic (of which I added a couple cloves more than the recipe called for-I usually do). I didn't have a specific marinade for the other skewers so I used a sauce recipe I had for potato wedges, it had whole grain dijon mustard, olive oil, red wine vinegar, chopped fresh rosemary, and (of course) chopped garlic. They turned out very nice and we enjoyed dinner a great deal, then had leftovers for dinner the next day too.
I can't remember if Baldur eats seafood or not, some vegetarians do and some don't. I lived with a girl in Vancouver once who was a vegetarian simply because she couldn't stand the smell of cooking meat so I think she was ok with seafood. I don't know how she could stand it with me there, Dragon is definitly a carnivore and I cooked meat regularly.

7314. 1 Aug 2010 07:26


This was just too cute not to share.

hopefully this works.

7315. 1 Aug 2010 10:24


It works Dragon and I've already sent it to a friend of mine who is a cat-lover and a cat-owner.

7316. 1 Aug 2010 10:27


Baldur, I had some idea that you were a vegetarian. I can't understand how you gained so much weight then because they say a vegetarian diet is a low-calorie one. Maybe you had a sweet tooth, too much flour, sugar and butter?
What is it that you cut down on? Lunch? Continuous snacks?
I envy you.

7317. 1 Aug 2010 13:52


Hey people, if you try this link you can speak to a robot in English. Just begin the conversation in the box.

7318. 1 Aug 2010 14:17


a while back i asked for some gardening tips.... im happy to report that when i got home from a short vacation this friday i picked 40 ripe tomatoes from 3 plants, several large-(probably beefsteak) and many small(cherry).! There are about 100 more green and 30-40 yellow-orange. needless to say i won't have to buy tomatoes for quite a while!

7319. 1 Aug 2010 14:55


Great tomatoARW!!!!

7320. 1 Aug 2010 17:31


Haha, Polenta ... that link is hysterically funny! Thanks!

Dragon ... that link is from one of our local TV stations. The world is certainly small! But, I didn't see that news segment whenever it aired here so thanks for sharing.

Baldur ... congrats on the weight-loss. I've started power-walking again so if I lose anything more than sweat, tee hee, will let you know.

Arw - what will you do with all your tomatoes?