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7241. 18 Jul 2010 11:33


I have an appointment with my Dr. on Monday to see if he'll switch me over to something else. It was a tough day yesterday...we took my 82 year old mother-in-law to a concert and I was the one who had to use a wheelchair. I've never had so much pain. I know it wasn't all because of the arthritis I have in my knees, because that pain is usually right in the joint. This was very intense leg muscle pain...probably exasperated by the exercises I started this week. I know, you're thinking "duh!", but I'm only doing what the physiotherapist told me as far as keeping my knees from stiffening up. Ten minutes on a stationary bike...low tension, every day.
I also got myself a total body vibration machine that I use as recommended...10 min. sessions 3 times a week.
I have done these exercises before without this kind of pain, which is why I suspect the the drug may be the main culprit.

7242. 18 Jul 2010 15:21


My girlfriend was on Lipitor and had terrible muscle pain and weakness,
she could hardly use her arms. Her doctor put her on Crestor and now
she's ok.

7243. 18 Jul 2010 15:49


That's what I'm on, indigo. If the side effects are that serious I wonder why it's still on the market.

7244. 18 Jul 2010 16:24


Gee...I don't know. I'm lucky so pills for me. But if I don't
lose weight I may end up on something sooner or later. I find it's so
hard to lose weight as you get older. The will power is not as strong....
of course being an emotional eater is hard, some people lose their
appetite when unhappy or stressed...that has NEVER happend to me!LOL!
Well, maybe I''m not laughing that loud....
Anyway Hazer I hope it turns out well for you, I'll be thinking of you
tomorrow. ;]

7245. 18 Jul 2010 16:56


Thanks indigo...You are a very fortunate lady to have good health! The women on my Moms side of the family all have high blood pressure, including me. My Dr. has had me on just about every medication available to treat it over the past 20 years, some with nasty side effects. It seemed to be a real trial and error process until we found a combination of meds that are somewhat successful in controlling it. I don't like the side effects but when you're faced with the choice of dieing prematurely from a stroke or living with the side effects of the do what you have to do.

As far as losing weight always seems to find me again!

7246. 18 Jul 2010 18:44


Hazer, as with indigo's friend, it was Lipitor that seemed to cause my husband's muscle weakness problems. He's now on Colestid and is doing well. My husband takes a LOT of other medications for various problems, and I try to pay close attention to interactions. I am not a pharmacist by any stretch of the imagination, but I research my hubby's drugs a lot and watch him closely. Good luck with your doctor, and I hope he finds something besides Lipitor that will work for you.

7247. 18 Jul 2010 20:27


Thanks sheftali. I'm really hoping that switching to something else will give me some strength back! I've just thought that I was having so much pain and weakness in my legs was from having osteoarthritis in my knees. And yet the x-rays show only mild to moderate joint damage, not really enough to warrant the severity of pain I've been having. But if the Lipitor causes weakness, that would make more sense. A couple of weeks ago we went to an anniversary party and had a 2 hour drive to get there. When I got out of the truck ( hubby's Ford crew-cab), I couldn't help but cry out in pain as I hit the ground ( the step down is a long one for me). It was a good thing hubby was on his way to help me out, and I should have waited for him,but was in too much of a hurry. Anyway, I fell back against the truck,and kept myself from falling to the ground, but it took several attempts before I could hold myself up with hubby's help. It gave him quite a scare, and now I guess I can't hide how much pain I'm in anymore. He's been telling me for a while already that I should get knee replacements...something I dread.
Once I'm up and walking around the pain isn't quite as bad but standing up after I've been sitting for a bit is getting to be a real challenge.
It would be wonderful if I got my strength back! The Dr. tells me they would do one knee replacement if I insisted, but if I can put off surgery for another 5 years so much the better as the replacements only last for 10 years. They can replace the joint twice, then they have to fuse the knee and you're in a wheelchair.

7248. 18 Jul 2010 21:15


Oh Hazer, you deserve some relief--hope you find it sooner rather than later. Thinking of you.

7249. 18 Jul 2010 21:31


Here's hoping....thanks sheftali.

7250. 20 Jul 2010 00:38


Hazer, your dilemma is so familiar to me. I had to make a similar choice when my painful arthritic hips started locking up. Like you, I was not old and I was given the same advice as you were ... but I was an invalid and hated it. I chose to have both hips replaced (three months apart) and I have never looked back. The sheer relief, once the healing process is over, is nothing short of wonderful.

I'm now nine years down the line and still feeling good. OK, I will probably need replacements one day, but I have relief from that constant pain ... a new lease of life. When the joints need replacing I will take the bull by the horns and go for it again, hopefully getting another ten years of mobility.

The choice is yours but the way I see it is ... ten or twenty years down the line of life, there could be greater advances made in joint replacements. In the meantime, your years are being blighted by pain and impaired mobility.

7251. 20 Jul 2010 06:01


Thanks for sharing that Login. My Dr. sent me for x-rays of my lower back yesterday. He thinks that because the pain in my legs is between my knees and hips it's most likely because I have arthritis there too. I asked if I should get going on having one knee replacement done, but he said the specialist would want to see whats going on in my lower back first anyway.

I guess part of my fear is from my last experience in the hospital. I woke up during surgery. Thankfully I was still numb, but it was still a traumatic experience...for me and the two surgeons that were operating. They had to quickly stitch me up and check my heart out as I immediately started having chest pain. I guess there's a high likelihood of dieing on the table when that happens. My Dr. reminded me of that again yesterday. They aren't too keen on doing surgery.

But this is no kind of life either. I can't take an anti inflammatory because of the medication I'm on for high blood pressure, and using Tylenol doesn't help when the pain is so severe. He said I could just stop taking the Lipitor for a week and see if it makes a difference, but he rather suspects that isn't the problem.

It would be great to have my mobility back. There's so much I'd like to do in life yet and this arthritis is really cramping my style! My Dr. promises that he'll keep me out of a wheelchair for a long time yet, so I'm going to hold him to it.

7252. 20 Jul 2010 07:16


My goodness, waking up during surgery! How frightening! I've heard of
that before and there was something on TV not long ago about people
who experienced that. I would certainly think twice. Awful this arthritis...
my knees get stiff if I stand too long, but I was told that my weight didn't
help either. Nothing like your pain though and I do hope you don't need
surgery. There has to be some help out there for you. I've read something
about certain foods that help with inflamation and physiotherapy. Anyway
Hazer I hope and pray you feel better you said a lot more living to do, this will NOT get in your way

7253. 20 Jul 2010 08:26


That must have been scary! In those circumstances, it's wise to be guided by the surgeon and doctor. I hope they find a way round the medication problem and that you get some relief soon. Best wishes to you, Hazer.

7254. 20 Jul 2010 10:23


Thanks indigo and Login...even if going off the Lipitor would give some pain relief I would be grateful.

7255. 20 Jul 2010 14:06


....'k, I'm gritting my teeth and biting my tongue here.... but winding up sticking my two cents in anyway, while trying hard not to sound all new age about it. One penny's worth is "knee replacements just are not as effective as hip (yet)" and the other penny comes down squarely on "Lipitor is often not the best med...................."

Fwiw (a ha-penny more), you have tons of sympathy, Hazer.

I've fallen off way too many horses, and at one point was sure my hip was going. It certainly owned all my attention! Turned out in my case, tho, to have nothing to do with the joint at all but instead to be sourced in the spinal nerves that feed that area. A version of sciatica.... but the stupid back didn't hurt, nor did my leg... just the hip... er... and the leg didn't exactly obey commands to move as I was ordering. Ibuprofen gives me back my life.

Pleeease look further into it.


7256. 20 Jul 2010 15:22


All two cents worth gratefully considered Q.

I am aware that hip replacements get better results. My brother-in-law just had one and couldn't be happier. I have talked to several people who are quite happy with their knee replacements too and some who are not.

I can't take Ibuprofen or any other anti inflammatory that is usually prescribed for arthritis because of the interactions they would have with my blood pressure meds.If I go through with knee replacement I fear not getting the results I'm hoping for and being worse off than I was before.
I have done the physio, haven't tried braces yet, but there is one other alternative I'm considering. It's expensive and not covered by my insurance.
I have the prescription for gel injections... they cost $400 per knee.
What concerns me though is the new type of pain I've been experiencing lately which has led the Dr. to believe there is arthritis in my lower back. We'll see what the x-rays show.

Regarding the Lipitor my pharmacist clued me in to all the nasty side effects it has so I'll defiantly be switching to something else.

7257. 20 Jul 2010 17:37


I feel fortunate that all my hip and knee pain comes down to having flat feet and a great many more pounds than I should. (Really must get back to excercising but it's so much more fun to chat with you guys ). Hoping for some relief for you Hazer.

7258. 20 Jul 2010 18:39


Another 2 or 3 cents on the health front. My best friend had both hips replaced while on the sunny side of 65 and bequeathed me a lovely folding cane when I had just one done. Other side still OK, but he made the repaired side a tad longer, so I tend to list to the left (or walk in circles). No longer need a cane, but walk less. On E. European trip last fall, I took it in order to be a tourist on my feet all day.

Walking for exercise is greatly diminished, but I faithfully work out at Curves 3x week. Finally tried their "weight management" and glad I did. The secret is NOT to stay on low calorie diet! ONE week of 1200, then three weeks of 1600, then up to 2200 or so, but checking your weight. Once up 3 lbs, THEN you do your 1200 again for a short period. The secret is getting the metabolism going. Lost 16 lbs since January & I'm now starting the low-cal part again in hopes of another dip this half of the year. Heaven knows it's far less dreary this way!

Good luck on finding your best solution for all those with the cholesterol and arthritis problems.

7259. 20 Jul 2010 19:37


Sheftali wishes good health to all. As I've gotten older, I've found that good health is most precious, along with family and friends. My hubby can't drive now, and I'm his care-giver--I do all the stuff around the house (not very well at times, and not always when they need doing), all the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, finances, getting vehicles serviced, etc. I don't mind doing all of that, but I get wistful at times, wishing hubby was healthier so we could travel and enjoy retirement. But, it's not that way, so we make the best of it. I'm learning about home repairs and such, so that's a plus. Hubby has all the tools and gizmos a person could need to do most anything around the house, so I really should take advantage of that. I think I might become a reasonably good painter and plumber, but I'll leave electrical work to the pros. It's prudent to know one's limits.

7260. 21 Jul 2010 08:06


You both have my sympathy, sheftali. It's not easy for your husband to have to depend on you for things he once found so easy ... and your workload has doubled, of course. You're wise to leave the electrics to the professionals but, as for the general DIY stuff, your intelligence and determination will see you through.