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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

7201. 20 Jun 2010 21:14


New theme idea: Where's Baldur?

7202. 21 Jun 2010 10:18


Congrats on the weight loss Baldur. 30 lbs is amazing. I've been making mediocre attempts at diet and excersize to try to shed about 40lbs myself but I'm finding it very hard to keep myself motivated. (It doesn't help that every slow day at the clinic suddenly requires a Tim Hortons run!)

7203. 22 Jun 2010 11:06


Hm, everytime I need to lose some weight I think of the number of heads that will turn just to see me when I'll get back to my normal weight. Works everytime. )

7204. 23 Jun 2010 10:00


congrats Baldur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7205. 24 Jun 2010 09:57


Well, Dragon has been very busy lately getting ready for the Farmer's Market. I had been dreadfully busy with family engagements and was having a hard go of finding the time to produce my cat toys. Fortunately I was able to knock together a good number of them to take on Sat. The market opened in May but I share with several other ladies and this is my first weeekend this year. It looks like it ought to be a lovely day on Sat and I'm hoping for a good turn out. A friend of mine asked me to make a coat for her Great Dane (shockingly they're hard to find, go figure) and if it turns out well and isn't too difficult to make perhaps I'll finally have something to sell for dogs. People are always saying "Why don't you have dog stuff?" I did sell dog biscuits there one time but they are very strict about selling food items. You must have a license from the Health Dept. even if it isn't for human consumption. I figured I'd best not push it.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to this weekend.

7206. 24 Jun 2010 10:06


That sounds like a lot of fun Dragon, I wish you a great weekend and
lots of sales! ;]

7207. 27 Jun 2010 10:39


It was one of my best weekends yet! Gorgeous weather and lots of cat lovers at the market. What more can I ask for?

7208. 28 Jun 2010 19:04


Hey Dragon--glad you enjoyed your weekend! I take it you must have sold a lot of cat toys--good deal.

I've been watering my garden daily, as the temperature has hovered above 90 degrees (over 30 C?) lately. Today, it was over 100 degrees! A tad hotter than normal, and we're all sweltering. So far, I've eaten green beans, peas, cucumbers, and a couple of tomatoes from the garden. I have some egg gourds taking over the garden, too. This is the first time I've grown this type of gourd--it supposedly produces somewhat-larger-than-hen's-egg gourds that are fun to paint for Easter. Haven't had any gourds actually form yet, so I'm anxiously waiting.

7209. 29 Jun 2010 19:22


This is a wonderful article about a cat that got double prosthetics after losing it's back legs in a combine accident.

Go medical science!

7210. 29 Jun 2010 21:40


...fascinating! Especially the skin cells growing into it, a la antlers... must lessen problems with infection wonderfully, wouldn't you think? The flexible jointing system's a major bonus too.

7211. 1 Jul 2010 10:30


I've met several cats missing a leg but never one missing 2, and definitly never one with prosthetics. I always say cats and dogs are born with 3 legs and a spare and they usually adapt beautifully to being 3-legged, much better than we adapt to losing a limb.
Funny story, we have a family with 2 cats named Stir-Fry and Chicken-Ball (names that always make me laugh), Chicken-Ball ended up having an accident and lost a leg, so now it really looks like he escaped the Chinese kitchen!

7212. 1 Jul 2010 11:09


hey, Dragon (et al) ...I just watched the most intriguing thing happening in my kitchen...

A cat I've had for several years (inherited full grown) came yowling at me so I obediently got her a nice fresh bowl of water. She really preferred catching drops on her tongue from the leaky antique tub faucet (even when it was scalding hot --I've watched THAT in astonishment for many minutes at a time), but I recently repaired that, to her annoyance, and we've compromised with a scrupulously clean bowl and refreshed contents more-or-less on demand.

BUT... this time I caught a strange motion out of the corner of my eye and turned around in time to see her pawing the surface of the water, twisting her paw sideways, and licking the water from between her pads. She repeated this half a dozen times... I swear it looked just like a raccoon.

Have any of you ever seen this behaviour??

7213. 1 Jul 2010 13:44


Q, My son's cat never drinks any other way... but that is nothing compared to the cat in this video...

7214. 1 Jul 2010 15:38


My one cat Oscar often tries to pull the bowl towards him instead of moving to it himself. It's always messy. I've had several clients tell me their cats like to drink from the tap (though they don't douse themselves like the cat in matthews vid as far as I know). I even had one woman tell me that she always leaves the bathroom tap dripping a little for her cat, which seemed to me like a huge waste of water and a lot of spoiling for the cat.

7215. 2 Jul 2010 06:54


Dragon, when I had cats, one of the rascals would only drink from the tap. They liked broccoli, too.

7216. 2 Jul 2010 07:03


We had a cat who drank like that...with his paw. Our cat Cassie likes pizza and cheese, any kind of cheese, even blue and the stronger, smellier the better....he truly is our cat.

7217. 2 Jul 2010 09:32


I have one who likes the oats out of oatmeal cookies and granola bars. He'll actually do a trick to get them, he sits up and waves. Teaching him this was quite a feat, he's not terribly bright I'm afraid.

7218. 2 Jul 2010 09:33


He also drinks from the toilet, I've had many cats do that but this is the first that doesn't get up on the toilet first. He just stands on the floor and stretches to get to the water.

7219. 2 Jul 2010 23:58


Sorry to interrupt folks ... there's a garden party going on in Community Forum ... lots of lovely food ... come and join us. Will someone give Balder a yell ...

7220. 2 Jul 2010 23:59
